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Everything posted by Blueandgold

  1. Let’s not forget that Edmonton was 5-2 with Matt Nichols and still benched him for James Franklin.
  2. Everyone’s too busy roasting Nichols to remember that Jeff Hecht was who we thought he was tonight.
  3. Two touchdowns more than makes up for it.
  4. Can’t wait to buy a ticket dirt cheap the day before the game.
  5. Nichols and the two other star players it’ll take make up for the salary difference? No thanks.
  6. Kenny Lawler may have played his way off the roster with his performance today.
  7. Yeah Woli could be a Jason Clermont type of guy at slot, but that’s also a lot of wasted money on Matthews or Adams If one of them is at the wide side receiver.
  8. Well that’s only due to the Darvin Adams injury. Keeping Matthews at WR and putting Adams at SB may be better when Adams is healthy.
  9. Nichols sucked and our returners sucked but it was one game. We’re on pace to be 15-3, the sky isn’t falling.
  10. People here are acting like La Rocha is a mafia restaurant. I’ve never been there till 2 am, but I used to go there after work quite abit last summer and always enjoyed the atmosphere and never got a feeling that it was filled with “gangsters”.
  11. I hope the Riders loss to Ottawa ultimately ends up costing them a playoff spot.
  12. Even if we're assuming this is true, i'm not sure I instantly cut a guy for getting into a fight without knowing the full story. IF he full out assaulted someone sure, but if he was just defending himself absolutely not.
  13. I can’t imagine we’d be sitting Matthews if he’s ready to play. Slow start to the season or not, we’ll need a productive Matthews for our O to play to its full potential.
  14. I mean i did remember it correctly actually .. and it was the most heartbreaking Bomber season for sure. Hard to say it was the greatest season when a team that good doesn’t win the Cup.
  15. What was our record to start 2001? Didn’t we start something like 2-2 then pulled off 12 straight wins or am I imagining that?
  16. Arbuckle played way way better than Masoli. The Stamps were let down by Eric Rogers (and others) drops and the two fumbles.
  17. I’m surprised we didn’t give Gray a go at tackle. I don’t think he really could’ve been worse than Speller.
  18. Well honestly, considering the lacklustre import receivers we’ve scouted, that’s something we should be doing when guys get hurt. I would rather have Peterman in the lineup than most of our backup Americans. I mean four might be excessive, but it makes sense to give a guy like Simonise a shot. Simonise just quite literally dropped the ball.
  19. I thought the reports here were saying that he tore his ACL? I guess it just ended up being a minor injury?
  20. Another idea that's never come to fruition/gone by the wayside that would help the teenage demographic is a CFL video game. I absolutely love what they're doing in Edmonton though, I think that's a fantastic idea.
  21. I don't need to read any thread on riderfans to hope that will happen... I hope the Riders get stomped and go 0-18 every year.
  22. Guys should not be allowed to fake the slide like Reilly just did, how in the world do you defend that if you're a linebacker?
  23. That OPI on Holley was horrendous, yes it went in our favour but I can’t stand when the Refs overturn calls like that. I thought they weren’t going to do that this year unless it was obvious in real time?
  24. Typical CFL overreaction.. punters are players who throw on pads and take the risk too.
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