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Everything posted by Blueandgold

  1. guys with that much experience and some physical skills get cut and not picked up when there's a new team coming in and suddenly the marginal NIs have so much increased value just based on the increase in new jobs? No I don't think so. yup. either as a starter or as an ST/backup.. he's nowhere near as piss poor as, people are making him out to be.. If players like Max Hall and Cauchy Muamba were half as decent as you make them out to be our team would be 10-2 instead of 2-10. I'm in favor of Cauchy staying on as a backup, but he has no business being a regular starter.
  2. who says the next person isn't just as likely to do something crazy to try and make his temp job a fulltime gig next year. Esp when the person comming in can basically do what they want with no of the consequences reflecting on them. Marcel is angling for the job in Ottawa, he isn't going to do anything to compromise that.
  3. Did he actually say that? He knows we can cut anyone we want in the offseason, right? That statement makes no sense. It makes quite a bit of sense actually, so I'm glad Walters/Mack put the team in this situation. Use the leftover $$$ on guys like Etienne, Alex Hall, etc and give them bonus dollars to count against 2013 cap. Free up as much 2014 cash as possible for a guy like Collaros or some OL Fair point, assuming those guys are willing to sign before the new CBA. All the more reason, then, to play guys like Pencer to develop them now. If we aren't spending for today, let's at least develop for tomorrow. Speaking of the CBA, some modified form of RFA would be welcomed, IMO. Too hard to develop through the draft when a guy can just leave after two years. I would like to see Brody McKinght play the rest of the year. Lets see what the kid can do. McKnight sucks but then again I haven't been impressed with Sandra either.
  4. I would keep Cauchy as a backup assuming he takes a pay cut.
  5. Why not just go 5 import OL and play all Canadian receiving corp? Watson, Foster, Etienne, Kohlert and Poblah wouldn't be THAT bad of a group. I would much rather play Jovon Johnson at safety and go with an all import secondary rather than start three imports on the line.
  6. Simpson is way better than Ford, but I wouldn't necessarily be opposed to it.
  7. Yeah, they only threw 9 or 10 IIRC. As bad as we are, I'm sure we'll surpass that horrific number.
  8. I would still take Ray over Collaros at this point in time, but oh boy Collaros is making a believer out of me. The only guy I'd rather have is Bo Levi Mitchell. After missing out on Mike Reilly, we NEED to get Collaros in the off season and not settle for a Drew Tate or a Drew Willy type of player.
  9. If(when) Henoc walks, I've decided i'm going to look at it with the glass half full and think about how much better we're gonna be without Cauchy...
  10. I can't believe Washington took the blame seeing as how hes been far and away the best guy in our secondary all season.
  11. What kind of logic do you use? Creehan never would've gotten hired if Burke wasn't the HC.
  12. That was the guy beside me. Gave our whole section a good laugh thats for sure. Why was Boltus number two if Goltz was the guy they put in? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of it? What an absolute gongshow. Burke should be fired tomorrow morning.
  13. Boatmen should be cut first thing tomorrow morning.
  14. Yeah but are you going to hire a new head coach based on an ultimatum that he keeps the current ST Coordinator? I can't see any head coach not wanting to keep a guy on staff who is that highly regarded around the league as a special teams coordinator. That's would be a pretty careless way to think if you were the GM don't you think? I think you misunderstand, I'm not suggest the Bombers dictate who stays on as assistants, I'm suggesting that any head coach would opt to keep Dickenson on staff because he's that well regarded. That would be a stretch IMO. It would all depend on who we hire. This is a silly game, Craig Dickenson is considered the best STC by just about everyone.
  15. If Pencer goes to tackle and gets hurt half way through, then who backs him up? I don't know, just asking the question. I do agree that I'd like to see him at tackle. I think if Swiston hadn't gotten hurt we'd have seen at least one of them starting this week at tackle, something I've wanted to see all year. Would much rather see Knapp backing up and with a plan to juggle the ratio if Pencer got hurt... Using an import tackle as a DI?
  16. Ahh revisionist history. Burke was tapped as HC, because he was the most highly touted "next CFL HC" around the league. People were TERRIFIED we were going to lose him if we didn't promote him. Aside from Burke being a successful coordinatior and Daly being a marginal one, the situations of Daly and Burke are very similar in my opinion... At least we had a QB in 2005.
  17. Labbe only plays when guys are hurt - he does not come in on our 2nd and long package... not that I've seen - I did miss a few games this year though. Even when Labbe is in, we just send him almost as a fifth DL because there is no faith that he can cover the pass. I think your assessment that we will have more NIs on the field than necessary is completely wrong... but we will see. I really believe this is more a matter of either Labbe in OR we play a Dimeback... or Thomas. If we actually design plays where we sit our best players for NIs, well that's just crazy. Probably a moot point anyway, we'll be running around so much that someone on D will get hurt in the 1st half and we'll juggle everything. He used to up to the end of last year but I can't recall it happening very often this season.
  18. I like taking the flier on Bilukidi when he did .. middle round seems appropriate .. especially when you have a full complement of draft picks. Mulumba on the other hand was a reach we couldn't afford to take .. hindsight being what it is, it would have been nice if Mack had listened to Walters and taken Edem with that pick. He was considered highly unlikely to make the Packers. It was actually a pretty good pick at the time.
  19. Yeah he probably wanted us to draft Mitchell instead of Muamba...
  20. Watson just can't stay healthy, I wonder which two of Etienne/Kohlert/Foster start at receiver? You know we have a bad team when it seems like we actually need Cauchy Muamba in the lineup, but on the positive side at least Boatmen is out.
  21. Its such a shame that Charlie, Milt, Brown, Khari, and Robert Gordon never got rings here.
  22. DeMarco probably starts this week but I bet Buck will be the starter by this time next week.
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