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Everything posted by Blueandgold

  1. He played decently last week as well, but boy oh boy he sure made some incredible catches today.
  2. Mitchell - Not a great starter yet, but hes adequate for now and will probably be the man in Calgary next year. IMO he'll be the best QB in the league within a couple of years. Reilly - Above average player but Inconsistent at best, needs to learn how to play four Quarters. Really needs to prove that he can be a winner in this league, hard to tell how good he is as BC made him look better than he is and Edmonton has made him look worse. A bit overrated IMO, but he would still be our best Quarterback. Collaros - Good young player with a lot of potential, but as with all young Quarterbacks he has good days and his bad. It should be interesting to see what kind of career he has in this league and I wouldn't be surprised if he was here next season. Willy - Haven't personally seen as much of him, but aside from Collaros hes probably the only young guy we realistically have a chance at bringing in next year. Looks like a solid backup and could turn out to be a quality starter. Marsh - Fresh rookie to the CFL and hes managed to win a couple of games, but he looks like a worse version of Joey Elliot with all those turnovers. At least he has room to improve, and probably time with the lack of other options in Montreal. Goltz - Good runner, and he has everything you look for except accuracy. Thankfully, that is something that can be developed and progressed over time and he could become more than the gimmick Quarterback he is now. Being only 26 years old and in his fourth year in the league is definitely huge for him. Hall - Not much of a runner but definitely a better pass than Goltz. I don't think he has the ability to be a quality starter, but he could probably be a serviceable backup for a couple of years. LevFevour - Hasn't even started a game yet, but he might be the man in Hamilton next year depending on what Burris does. Not much I can personally say about him. Nichols - Looked like he was a decent Quarterback who could win games, but injuries have already derailed his career.
  3. Those things are gorgeous. I would love for us to use them on a full time basis.
  4. Wow we went from having Brock Ralph and Aaron Hargreaves to Watson, Etienne, Kohlert, Foster and Poblah. If we trade anyone I hope its Watson or Poblah and not the Regina boys.
  5. The Esks would be better off with Palardy.
  6. I still think him calling Dave Stala one of the most ''dominant receivers'' in the CFL even more bizarre.
  7. This is the same stupid reasoning people used to bring in Buck Pierce. Have people learned nothing in the last four years?
  8. So obviously our 1-8 team doesn't have a lot going for us, and it seems every discussion we have is about whats wrong(and theres obviously plenty) but I just want to discuss whats going right for the team this year. The things I currently see as positives are... Alex Hall has been an absolute monster at DE Our three top Canadian receivers; Watson, Kolhert and Etienne have all impressed, especially the development of the latter two. The SAM linebacker spot actually seems to be an improvement over last year with Desia Dunn Demon Washington playing better than Hefney did last year IMO. Terrance Edwards playing better than he has in the last few years, hes really making tough catches and leaving it all out on the field this year.
  9. The current Esks remind me of the Bombers with Jyles at Quarterback.
  10. I don't honestly see how we get more than 3 wins this season.
  11. He'd be the best QB on our roster right now.
  12. Yes he is, he got hurt last week. Mitchell and Tate are both further long than Glenn is hurt now.
  13. Hes clearly finished, but I wouldn't rule him out of making a late season or ESF appearance.
  14. Maybe its just me, but I think our Canadian talent is better than it has been for most of the 2000s.
  15. IMO it wouldn't hurt to take a look. Doesn't sound like it would take much to pry him out of Edmonton. i think so too.. worth the gamble of a morley and denmark or some such.. maybe morley, denmark and suber for rottier, nichols? I like that trade. But I also want Morely, Denmark and Suber off the team...
  16. Maybe Mack was onto something when he decided Goltz should get the rest of the season to develop...
  17. That play was definitely the turning point in the game.
  18. Considering the Bombers were in negotiations with him after he was released by the Patriots why would you think we wouldn't be trying to get him back now. Burke seemed lukewarm to the idea. Maybe thats just the impression I got but its questionable.
  19. If he wants to come back and we don't sign him we're nuts.
  20. And you're going to put this bus load of players where? I believe they all stay in Nates(or Lyles) basement.
  21. I would LOVE to have Ray but Burris is more meh to me. I (surprisingly) think that I would rather have Glenn over Burris at this point in time. But one really has to wonder...why is this only coming out two years later?
  22. Whenever I read your posts about Buck I get nauseas.
  23. wasn't a strong arm but it was good enough, fast enough to run when he needed to, certainly a lot faster than the likes of Ray or Calvillo right now. Lots of ints sure but a hell of a lot more TDs and a hell of a lot of wins in his time as a bomber qb. When speaking of receivers just think about 2002 for a while... Jones through 46 tds, almost enough for a record, Stegall had 23 but one was from Barnes so 22 from Jones, that still leaves 24 tds for Jones, only Calvillo threw more than 24 tds in 2002, that's a staggering number. even without his top receiver Jones was still top 2 in td passes. Not to mention that Charles Roberts was in double digits in touchdowns as well. People maybe forget what happened to his shoulder in his last bit of time here. It was damaged and never able to recover properly. It's also worth pointing out that in Calgary he did have some success, the problem was that he was brought in by Dunigan and when he was fired they wanted to turn the page completely and with Jones being one of Dunigans moves he had to go to make way for Burris. Bottom line people who don't think Khari was a very good to great qb are morons. 46 TDs.... have we even thrown for that many TD's in the 3 years with LaPolice and Burke all combined???? Fun fact, if you discount the 23 TD passes Khari threw to Milt in 2002, he still only threw TWO less touchdown passes than Buck Pierce has in his four years here.
  24. It could just easily be argued that he deserved to win the 2002 MOP over Milt as well.
  25. I'm sure that's not far off... except for Poblah. Not much use for a receiver who can't seem to catch the ball right now. If Denmark and Poblah are both useless... at least Poblah's got the passport, and we maybe look at Bo Smith at safety. Or an american-made saw horse to replace Morley/Swiston. I wouldn't say Denmark is useless. He is second in receiving on the team. Now say what you will about the team's receiver situation, but until there is a better option, Denmark keeps his job. I'd say Pierce has to make an impact in this game or it will be him losing his job to Kelly or MSW. Him and Jade Etienne are also the only receivers to start every game. Not that big of an accomplishment. Denmark was mediocre last year and is probably even worse this year.
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