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  1. Like
    blitzmore reacted to JuranBoldenRules in Zach Collaros   
    Glenn's not a winner.  A guy who threw 12 passes before this season takes over the 4th quarter of a close game while he fades away.  Personally I'd have zero interest in Glenn as a starter if I were Ottawa, or any CFL team if I'm setting the goal at winning a Grey Cup.  I'd target BLM heavily, offer Calgary the 1st overall pick in the draft and a high pick in 2015 too.  Willy hasn't played enough, and while I like that Collaros has that mentality where he's able to put it all together in the 4th quarter, I have some doubts that he's working in a great environment for a young QB with Milanovich on a very good football team that would be hard to replicate elsewhere.  I'm not sure Collaros could step onto a bad team and make them a good team.  I think BLM is much more likely to be that guy, he's got the best arm (all things considered, strength accuracy placement) of all the QB's in the league IMO and he doesn't lack poise.  McPherson had a nearly perfect QB rating as a starter with Milanovich BTW.  That's when he was the next big thing.
  2. Like
    blitzmore reacted to Mike in Zach Collaros   
    I honestly can't believe we'd criticize Walters for inquiring about another "unavailable" QB.
    I'd phone Hufnagel every day if I was Walters. "You ready to trade Mitchell yet? No? Okay, call me when you are."
  3. Like
    blitzmore reacted to Rich in Zach Collaros   
    Dense?  What does it hurt to ask.  They wouldn't be doing their job if they didn't turnover every stone.  Mack was bad because he didn't talk to GMs.  Walters is bad because has asks for things he should know he can't have.
    If Ricky Ray was traded, anything is possible.   This is silly to criticize Walters for this.
  4. Like
    blitzmore reacted to Mike in OT   
    No kidding.
    Bellefeuille is middle of the road at best.
  5. Like
    blitzmore reacted to Mike in Burke   
    Burke's attitude is the type of attitude that instills a losing culture in a locker room.
    He shows no faith in any of his players, he's a horrible motivator and he is no good at maximizing the talent (no matter its shortcomings) he has at his disposal. I mean really, who can possibly have respect for a head coach who throws his entire roster under the bus by saying "I'm doing the best with what I've got?" How can I respect a guy who doesn't even have the stones to go for a win on his HOME FIELD with 30 seconds and a timeout remaining? Burke may not think much of the roster he has to work with and that's his perogative, but a good coach or even a sensible one would find a way to get the most they could out of that talent by motivating them and sticking by his guys even if they didn't necessarily deserve it. Burke, OTOH, seems content to mail it in and not even try.
    We were tied with the ball in our possession last night, our team is 2-9 and while I'm not expecting it to spark some kind of miraculous season turnaround, Burke had a golden opportunity to show his offensive guys that he has trust in them. No one would have blamed him for trying and failing, it's not the end of the world. But instead of taking his guys aside and telling them that he felt they could give it a shot, he basically mailed it in, showed them he doesn't trust them enough to do a damn thing and said "**** it."
    How do you think our players feel? Tim Burke literally could not trust them for 30 seconds because apparently he thought the most likely result was a turnover. What the hell is that? If that's the attitude he's going to coach with, we may as well forfeit.
    It's absolutely embarrassing.
    FWIW, I heard a few stories from the Legacy Dinner the other night. Couple conversations with some of our stronger defensive players and apparently it was a good chance to get their honest thoughts instead of the "proper" media replies. I bet you can guess what they think of Tim Burke and his coaching staff. I'll give you a hint. It's the same thing I think of them.
  6. Like
    blitzmore reacted to Mike in Burke   
    You can (and I will) easily point to Burke being unable to get ANYTHING out of his players.
  7. Like
    blitzmore reacted to 17to85 in Burke   
    if they try and fail then it's the players fault for not executing, not even trying is all Burkes fault. 
  8. Like
    blitzmore reacted to Mike in Burke   
    What gets me is they still had a timeout as well.
    If Burke just planned intelligently, they start at their 35 with 24 seconds left. Then they'd need what, 30 yards in 24 seconds to have a shot at a single? 40 yards to give it a shot at a field goal? With a timeout remaining, you have at least one play call where the whole field is at your disposal.
    You can't be assuming as a head coach that your QB is going to throw an interception or fumble the ball. If that's the best assumption you can make about him, don't even put him out there in the first place. Use those 24 seconds to stretch the field, it's enough to get 3 plays off especially with that timeout in your back pocket. At least TRY. No one is going to be mad at you if you try and fail, we're already all aware that our team blows. But not even trying just makes you an absolute coward.
  9. Like
    blitzmore reacted to 17to85 in Burke   
    we've been over this, I'm not being too easy on Mack, I'm just sticking up against a lot of the unfair criticisms that have been leveled at the guy. As for why I'm hating on Burke, well that much is obvious. 6-16 I think is his record as Bomber coach and most of those 16 losses were games that the team never ever had a chance to win. This is the worst Blue Bomber team I've ever had the misfortune of watching and that says a lot. Burke has been a turd of a head coach since his first game on the job (a rather memorable 52-0 loss)
  10. Like
    blitzmore reacted to Mike in Zach Collaros   
    I'm officially on the Collaros bandwagon.
    He's for real.
  11. Like
    blitzmore got a reaction from DR. CFL in GDT - Esks @ Bombers - September 20th, 7:00pm   
    At least it was good to see what someone playing safety well can do. Cauchy is a total loss and is unlikely to get better.
  12. Like
    blitzmore reacted to Bomber Diehard in GDT - Esks @ Bombers - September 20th, 7:00pm   
    The only  good thing about this  game is that Hall is not all that bad.
    Put  Goltz on the first Bus  going south.
  13. Like
    blitzmore got a reaction from Blue-urns in Justin Goltz   
    We're paying for lots of Burke's "stupids"
  14. Like
    blitzmore reacted to kelownabomberfan in Coach's Show   
    If they can get Dickenson out of Calgary, I'd have Burke's office packed up while he was on the sidelines of the November 2nd game and have everything waiting by his car in the parking lot.
  15. Like
    blitzmore reacted to 17to85 in Coach's Show   
    There were red flags about Burke as HC in his first week on the job. 
  16. Like
    blitzmore reacted to Mike in Coach's Show   
    Between Pierce, Burke and Lawless it's almost like you're in love with the holy trinity of inability.
  17. Like
    blitzmore reacted to 17to85 in Justin Goltz   
    well after listening to the coaches show be awfully surprised if we see Goltz playing again... too bad Burke was one of Goltz most public supporters last year and in the offseason and was obviously a driving force in him being bumped up to #2 at the expense of Brink and Elliott. Damn it Burke we're paying for your stupid player preferences. 
  18. Like
    blitzmore got a reaction from Blue-urns in Justin Goltz   
    I can agree with your assessment except for one thing..Goltz is not elusive. He's like a train, once he gets the speed up he is fast. Watch Collaros, Durant, Tate, even Reilly...that' elusive! Goltz is not even close in that department.
  19. Like
    blitzmore reacted to billfrank in Justin Goltz   
    Hall keeps taking flack for pushing the ball into tight coverage. He was down by over 2 touchdowns, his receivers were not getting wide open, and he was being pressured on virtually every play. His choice was often to eat the ball or take a chance that his receiver would make a play. I'm not defending every pass or decision, but this needs to be factored in. I'd rather he did this, and actually try to put points on the board to win the game, than play it safe to try and keep the score respectable.
  20. Like
    blitzmore got a reaction from billfrank in Justin Goltz   
    Our coaches are so dumb that they probably don't realize even now, that Goltz is NOT the next franchise QB. He just can't make decisions fast enough, and is certainly not elusive in the backfield. You can work with him all you want...it's simply not going to work. His accuracy for the most part is pitiful, and everyone can make all the excused for him they want, but it's not going to ever change enough. To add to that he can't hang onto the ball.
    Hall hasn't had enough of a chance yet. He is taking 2nd team reps, and although he does not appear to have a strong arm, and at this point forces things when we're already down 21 points, he certainly makes much quicker decisions than Goltz and gets rid of the ball in a hurry. At least he can be worked with temporarily.
    Until we can swing a deal for someone else, or find someone else as other teams have done, I think Hall is the guy with Boltus and Brown as the backups.
    As for Boatman? I went to practice last week and he has got to be the laziest sob that I have seen in a long time. He does whatever he can to get out of doing almost anything. He plays the same way...no passion, no drive, no nothing!
  21. Like
    blitzmore reacted to Rich in Burke's comments on what Hervey said about Rottier   
    I disagree.  Coaches and management shouldn't be throwing players under the bus with the media.  Team meetings, one on one conversations, all that stuff is when to call a player out when he sucks.  Doing it in public to other people is not the way to foster trust and respect from your team.  There is being honest and then there is being stupid.
    I know sports isn't a one to one comparison to the "real" world, but could you imagine if you screwed up at work, and rather then tell you to your face, your boss sent out an email to everyone in the company calling you out and berating you.  Do you think you would still have respect for that boss,.  Do you think your performance at work would go up or down?  Would you be looking for another job?
    The best coaches / organizations are the ones who not only understand the game, but are the ones that can inspire and motivate their players to be their best.  They foster a positive atmosphere in the dressing room and with the players that promotes winning and confidence.  That doesn't happen when they don't trust you because they read in the paper about how much you think they suck.
  22. Like
    blitzmore reacted to 17to85 in Depth Chart   
    Are those guys any more dangerous than Dressler? Besides that the Bombers zone defense is the worst thing in history and I wouldn't want to watch a game of that again. 
  23. Like
    blitzmore reacted to JuranBoldenRules in Two Riders Charged With Assault   
    I highly doubt the Crown would want to lay charges, especially very serious ones like aggravated assault, on Rider players unless there is a high likelihood of conviction, certainly a higher standard than they'd apply to the alleged gang members involved.  They don't want or need media.  Something happened, and they need to have a pretty good idea that there was intent to cause serious physical harm to someone (often use of a weapon) to proceed with aggravated assault charges.  Safe to say they didn't grab the guy by the belt loops like the last Rider brought before the courts.
  24. Like
    blitzmore reacted to billfrank in Kyle Walters   
    This is correct. Factors like dropped passes, blown coverage by the defense, and YAC can make a huge difference to a QBs stats, but have little to do with their performance. I can remember at least 2 instances from the TO/montreal game that padded Collaros' stats. One was a short pass, where the TO receiver got huge YAC with a great open field run. The other was a blown coverage by Montreal that left a TO receiver wide open for a long touchdown pass, a pass that collaros actually threw poorly, and he had to make a great catch over his wrong shoulder. So the actual game matters not just the stats. Having said that, these variables tend to even out somewhat over time, most QBs stats reflect a few dropped passes during the course of a game, and the concern about Goltz's first half yardage occurs in the context of low passing yards in his previous games also. The Kohlert drop would not have led to a first down and would have added about 7 yards to Goltz's total, the Edwards drop about another 7, plus whatever they pick up on their next series. 
  25. Like
    blitzmore got a reaction from Atomic in Kyle Walters   
    2 dropped passes does not a half make! When you lock onto your favorite QB at the moment, you really lock on!
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