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Everything posted by Bomber_fanaddict

  1. Also does this mean we get Rod Black tomorrow night? I hope not.
  2. Eeesh bad call. Why didn't he try that against us? Oh wait we never had them pinned I the endzone
  3. Anthony Coombs is a starting receiver for the Argos and he's never played the position in his life until a month ago. Where is the depth? Who has the depth? Yes, the Bombers have no depth. Who has depth this year? Nobody has the depth it all ended up in Ottawa.
  4. Pretty well how I see it. Who ever wens the cal/edm game is first next week. Loser drops to second or stays second. Winner of Wpg/BC would be third loser should be fourth but that's where things could get tricky. I think if the bombers lose they would go to 4 but if BC loses and the Riders win the Riders might take over 4th with BC dropping to 5. If the Riders lose well then BC 4th and the rest don't matter
  5. Now wouldn't this be a good way to jump start the offence? Slip Fitzgerald out of that formation and you'll have the outside flats at a time that you choose. Disrupt the box? Think outside the box. Outside the box ???? YEAH outside the box !!!
  6. Was just wondering this myself, if Beck starts, we're whooping em. The list of "backup" QBs that we've lost to over the last 20 years is so long I'm not wasting my time trying to think of all of them. We were so thrilled to face a green and inexperienced Travis Lulay. Loss. First ever start for Bo Levi Mitchell? This will be a cakewalk! Loss. Rocky freaking Butler? Hahahahahaha. Loss. Ha, we knocked Anthony Calvillo out of the game! Adrian McPherson? This thing is over! Loss. I'm quitting now before sadness sets in. Don't underestimate or disrespect your opponent. Beat your opponent. Actually thats why I asked. I hope we play Glenn cause I feel we actually have a better chance against him rather then a fresh young moblie QB looking to get noticed! Sounds as though Glenn wasn't too banged up anyways and will make the start
  7. Has anyone heard how bad Glenn was injured? I know he pulled some weird muscle but they didn't say how bad it was yet
  8. True....But he hit the post on what a 45+ yarder? He was going to miss at some point this season. And he likely wasnt prepared to do both jobs this week. Give him some practice to do both and maybe he can still hit the long FGs but give us good field position. I just think we can use the national spot somewhere else is all.
  9. So Renaud hurt himself in warm up last game and obviously wasn't in the game. I'm not sure how bad the injury is and if he will miss another game or not. Lirim filled in and after a shaky start ended up with an average of 45.2 yards. Renaud through three games has an average of 42.7. The highest in the league right now is Waters at 48.5. Anyone think we should have Lirim doing both Kicking and punting and freeing up a National spot??
  10. Troy Smith 5/17 ....43 yards! I cannot remember a QB in any league throw for less than 50 yards in a game and yet he played just about the entire game. I'm sure it's happened but not that I can remember. I think Brinks worst game for us was like 124 yards.
  11. And at least two dropped interceptions by BC.
  12. What section are you in? Are you watching the game from your car parked on Pembina? The first two games this year were crazy loud considering we only had 24k and 27k. This last game wasn't as loud but we never had much to cheer about. I know there isn't a student section anymore but it's still louder then Canadinns ever was. The only time you get the shhhh is when the offence is on the field.
  13. There was a guy behind him and too his left that was holding a radio in his hand. I don't think that was just a casual fan
  14. Make that 78 in 11Qs! 78 points in 12 quarters... or 6.5 points a quarter. Yikes. And I can't see Montreal/BC combining for much more then 20 a piece.
  15. Don't worry. If Cal loses this it will be because of injury
  16. That's the most McDaniel has seen the ball this quarter! -Rod Black
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