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Everything posted by Bomber_fanaddict

  1. Wow....I hope Montreal Wins and Keeps Smith in next week. I smell about 15 interceptions for the Bombers...
  2. Last night on CJOB post game he once again mentioned how great the fans are and how the fans helped with that game. After the first game his first question he directed back at how great the fans are. Love hearing that.
  3. Really doubt they could put the games into other cities on that short of notice. They'd have to eat a lot of money in terms of flights, hotels etc. They'll play in a parking lot with lines painted on it before that. Cats will be getting a million bucks back from the contractor for each home game lost. I'm sure that would cover the expenses. I agree the logistics would be tough to do on short notice but what else can they do? They go to McMaster they lose money, they go to other venues they lose money. If you go to say Ottawa or Winnipeg at least you stand a chance of filling the place and recouping some of the loss. Just asking the question is all
  4. Ticats will be making an announcement soon regarding the state of construction and if they will be ready for July 26th. Sounds like they won't be ready even on a temporary basis now. The plan B is to go back to McMaster. This would pose all sorts of nightmares for the team. Temp seating, temp press boxes, getting everything ready for TV and oh yeah trying to get 27,000+ into a stadium that seats 6,000 (12,000 with temp seating) they would likely have to do a lottery of something and refund the rest. Talk about ticking off an entire fan base. They really dont have many other options but do you think they could go to the opposing teams venue until things get completed? They could go to Ottawa July 26th and to Winnipeg on July 31st. They would have to refund everyone's tickets and maybe the opposing teams could give them gate $$ and keep parking, concessions etc etc. would anyone here spend more money to see an extra game at IGF if it came to it?? I know I would! Just a thought.
  5. Ahhh right accidental is only 10 yards. See I knew we had smrt MBB posters!
  6. My question was in the second quarter (Ithink) when the Ottawa was called for Pass interference down near their 45 yard line where the ball was moved too (Bombers were going North). The Ref said accidental pass interference and then they moved the ball back down to where we started from and no penalty. Did he say it was an accidental PI and that there was no penalty on the play? I though you could still get a penalty for accidental. Turned out it didn't matter in the end.
  7. Does anyone think another team takes a look at him?
  8. Got me good with this one. Figured it was a PF article slamming Willy already. Turns out I need a need a tissue from laughing so hard.
  9. Could care less the scores.....Let's Go Als, Cats and Argos Wow haven't said that since the 90's.....
  10. How's that for a prediction? Shoulda bought a 50/50 ticket... Dude you weren't even close....
  11. And what's up with #24 Jerrell Garvins. Dude is a dirty player. Late hits on DW and drew a few penalties. Hope someone takes his head off!
  12. A young quarterback will hold onto the ball at times .. what is more impressive is that he doesn't feel the need to force things .. he's being patient and going through his reads .. eyes downfield .. outside the one INT last night .. Willy has been great protecting the ball and has given the Bombers a chance to win in each game this year .. all you can ask for out of a guy with a handful of pro starts. I think the only time I saw DW trying to force the ball was in the 3rd or early in the 4th when his hand was hurt. You could see him use his body to try and get a few extra yards out of the toss and they were coming up short. After that he was money.
  13. I'm still shocked we are 2-0 and a good chunk of our "starters" are injured! I mean our third string RB I lighting it up and we have just enough depth to be able to plug and play even with guys like Turner out. Still a little scary though. Few more injures and we could be in trouble.
  14. Dear Etch, Thanks for coming to Winnipeg. Sincerely, Me
  15. How are walk-ups tough? They can go to any ticket master to pick up tickets. Guess the Bombers could look into selling tickets at a few more locations such as one of their sponsors but might not be easy to setup.
  16. Never liked 30 or Arrested. Love MF. Although I haven't seen an episode since season 3
  17. Hipster show...one of those things that nobody actually watches, but is a critical darling. But I agree...Vergara's cans should be in every thread. Can anyone find a .gif???
  18. Now these make sense! http://980.greenzonefootball.com/blog/cfl-power-rankings-week-1/381965
  19. LOL......Guess I could have used a smaller picture
  20. Awwww......why not Sofia Vergara? Heck even Ed O'neill! He could come in at half time for the Redblacks and show off his moves from Polk High.
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