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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. Crappy the KP park and ride was very nice... disappointing that they got rid of it.
  2. Has OShea ever even slightly been negative with any of the players on his team. I wouldn't read into it all that much.
  3. Brandon


    Hunt is going to kill him....not a good fight for Brock. Hunt has survived periods of time with great submission grapplers. I'd favour Hunt greatly in this fight.
  4. He's playing the game... I would not be shocked to find out if the "anti trump" protestors who are assaulting innocent people were all paid goons by Trump to drive up support.
  5. I do agree a walkway that goes over the streets is the only sensible solution if they want to tear the barriers down. It's bad enough having to dodge the jaywalkers stumbling across when they don't have the right of way. I can only imagine how many people will get hit trying to run across or making it at the last second.
  6. Brandon


    It as weird how they announced on the broadcast about Lesnar coming back... my guess is they do a fight with Barnett or someone who can't knock his block off. Wouldn't it be insane if he and Fedor meet? I'm more so shocked that Bisping knocked out Rockhold! Same goes with Hendo not dying in the cage. Weird event last night was! What's the deal with so many fighters (Werdum, Rockhold, Weidman etc..) who win a belt and then suddenly think they are invincible and show absolutely zero defense in the octagon? Even Rogan pointed out that Rockholds chin was being left straight up before he got clocked.
  7. And this is why I'm glad I live here.
  8. Do you really believe what he is saying? I think he's playing the game and apparently it seems to be working!
  9. Have you seen how beautiful most bigger cities traffic systems are compared to Winnipeg? I could see this point if Winnipeg had a nice super high way that could get you from each end of the city without stopping..., we don't have this and the *best* option we have is going down Portage and main. The city should be focusing on improving traffic flow ... rather then slowing it down even more.
  10. It's funny that you say that because in the past Free Press and Sun articles the comment section was heavily leaning towards leaving them up. I don't really see Synergy between the Forks and Portage/Main? It's to far of a distance to merge them together. If the city wants to do a combo they shouldn't they focus on re-doing Broadway and making that a focal point since that is a closer walk? I just don't see how taking them down will attract the average person downtown? It doesn't fix the issue of downtown feeling unsafe and offering little to nothing for the average person to come down for?
  11. I watched some videos of the Anti Trump protesters in San Jose... it has to be a plan by Trump to win the election. I can't imagine normal people acting that insane and pretty much pushing people to vote for Trump based on their behavior.
  12. http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/local/mayors-approve-of-opening-portage--main-to-pedestrians-381805961.html I know this has been an ongoing topic for many years.... Does anyone think that taking down the concrete barriers at Portage and Main is a good idea? I've read the comments sections in the Sun and Free Press over the years and it seems that a vast majority of people are against this. Myself I think it's a terrible idea purely because it will kill the businesses underground and the even greater issue is that it will be very dangerous for pedestrians. I don't really see why the mayor thinks that by doing this it will bring the people downtown? I would assume making downtown safer would be a much higher priority to attract the people? Any thoughts?
  13. To change the subject.... Jollibees opening up on St James!
  14. Are you trying to justify raping a 13 year old? Yowza
  15. So many double standards everywhere with Polanski and this story: http://www.canada.com/news/texas+teacher+allegedly+impregnated+year+during+parent+approved/11957244/story.html It somewhat reminds me of the South Park episode where Ike was having an affair with his teacher and because the teacher was hot all the police guys were saying.... "niiiiiiiice". IMO a crime is a crime , their is a reason why police have cold case sections.... just because time has passed it doesn't mean justice shouldn't be served. Also just because a teacher is hot... or a man is rich... shouldn't make a difference in how someone is punished... Anyone getting raped... never the less when they are a child.... that's horrendous and the criminal should be punished at the fullest. How about instead of jail time they cut off Roman's polish sausage?
  16. Cutting logs isn't that bad... the oskee wee wee waa waa stuff in Hamilton was and is cringe worthy...
  17. I'm pretty sure his life has been much better then alternate fate of going to jail for a long time....
  18. The Kodi streams seem to be pretty hit and miss last year... some games it was perfect 720p goodness. Other times I resorted to streaming sites which are the poops ...
  19. So did Gandhi but people revered him.... Clearly MJ was messed in the head... but to call him a child rapist without any concrete proof is kind of harsh. It doesn't matter for Polanski... who cares how much time has passed... the guy deserves a worse fate then what he has had.
  20. Double standards that for some reason apply to celebrities.... Money talks I suppose.
  21. The guy was also misused on our team.... he doesn't handle being covered by two guys well and gets lost in traffic. Edmonton is really smart and gets the ball to him quick and he really burns teams with his YAC.
  22. All I know is Dressler catches nearly everything thrown to him and has burned our team and other teams many a times. The guy is money!
  23. I see Pavs going to a team who are down a goalie (injury) and desperate to have a veteran starter for the play off chase. Stuart would be an easy trade to make.... but I don't see the team giving him up.
  24. http://www.cracked.com/blog/12-times-han-solo-used-force-without-knowing-it/ Fun little list to read.... it would make sense if Han did have the force...
  25. I could see Pavelec being shipped regardless of the playoff situation *if* Helle has won the starting role.
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