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Everything posted by MOBomberFan

  1. Nobodies perfect, even Knuckles can't be right 100% of the time.
  2. Glenn thinks everyone be snakes. How long til we're hearing about how Walters be stealin mah cheetos #cheetosnake or something equally dumb.
  3. I had to check to be sure... he appears to have deleted the tweet, but some twitterers (twits?) are giving him flak for it. I don't think we imagined it.
  4. Didn't Bob Irving tweet something along the lines of 'Drew Willy isn't going anywhere this season, end of story' like 2 or 3 days ago? Not sure that qualifies as calling it.
  5. Have fun arguing guys. You're both champs at it. Nichols imo is doing a lot of things better than Willy was, such as hitting his deep targets and beating blitzes with greater frequency. Yes, that can be partially attributed to a revamped oline but Nichols still has to execute, and often does. Unfortunately his receivers (mostly 'second starters') have dropped a few TDs and that hurts his bottom line. However, he's seen defenses drop sure INTs after some bad decisions, and that helps his bottom line as well as our current win streak. There are a lot of moving parts on this team that are aiding our winning streak, but Nichols touches the ball on every offensive play and then some. He's a major player in this turnaround.
  6. Well, sometimes the truth hurts... especially when it's soaked with whiskey. Sounds like the bar has been set and she needs to step up her gf game, that's all.
  7. Oh man. Me and Jerry Rice set so many records
  8. Not sure if I just missed it, but did anyone see that Phillip Hunt signed with the Esks a few days ago? Might even start this week.
  9. The Sheppard non-catch reminded me of Poblah... making great sometimes even flashy plays on the ball... and then dropping it
  10. Ya, that was a real side splitter... I have no room for him at my Festivus table... well, maybe during the 'airing of grievances' portion.
  11. Yep, it's pretty cheeky and completely harmless. It's actually reassuring to know that someone somewhere in the PC party has a sense of humor.
  12. I thought I could, but apparently John 5 is in his mid forties... holy jeez
  13. Awesome! Maciocia's 'sad face' is fun to see. I hope this happens.
  14. These guys can't possibly lose to Jones and his gang of flunkies... can they?
  15. Hmm it seemed like a smart idea to me. They are exposing thousands of potential customers to their product. Too bad it was a snoozer as well as a loss... I know its fun to scoff at their attendance records, but at least efforts are being made to turn it around. TO is an entertainment market unlike anywhere else in the country.
  16. Just once I'd like to hear Rod Black say 'There's a Lemon party in the backfield!'
  17. I'm cheering for the Argos but I expect that BC will win. TOR showing some signs, but they need to keep Ray clean.
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