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Everything posted by tacklewasher

  1. What chance is there that Kane is still traded again?
  2. Was in Winnipeg last weekend. Could not find anything to listen to and finally sync'd my phone with the rental car. We have better radio in little Kelowna.
  3. And what are the numbers for the last 5? I don't see anyone complaining about the pre-break play. So what have these same teams don't post-break?
  4. Still got Vancouver to lose to tonight.
  5. I enjoy the skills thing, but have no desire to watch the game. Bit disappointed in Buff's shot though. Couldn't break 100. Weber blew him away.
  6. The way he sucked up the puck and gave so few rebounds was amazing. Anyone watch the Leafs game where the commentator "The Leafs have 2 WHOLE Goals"? Laughed my butt off at that.
  7. Meh. Their tool quality has gone down over the years to where I will buy Mastercraft instead of Craftsman, their Kenmore line has been re-branded "whatever the Brick sells for less" for years. Maybe better than Walmart, but certianly the quality has gone.
  8. So, if you toss your hat on the ice, you should be banned? Banned without mercy. And flogged. And forced to watch the leaves play. Regardless of if you tossed it on the ice at a game not involving the laughs.
  9. So, if you toss your hat on the ice, you should be banned?
  10. I know it is sentiment talking, but how cool would it be if they could trade for Doane and he can finish his career in Wpg?
  11. Is there some reason the WBB felt they had to rush this announcment?
  12. Found really cheap (clearance) LED lights there once. Other than that, only went a couple of times and walked out with nothing. Agree it was Zellers re-branded except they did a massive reno in Kelowna adding about 50% to the footprint from what Zellers was. Going to sit empty for a long time as I can't see what would replace them. 17,600 people going to be out of work. Sounds like they will be treated well in the process, but they are still going to be out of work.
  13. Weak kneed President. Putting the screws to North Korea with even tougher economic sanctions would be a start.What sanctions are left to impose? The only American import into North Korea is Dennis Rodman. Really piss on NK and don't let Rodman back out.
  14. Obama showed what an idiot he is with his criticism of Sony. It wasn't Sony who was unwilling to show the movie, it was the theaters. Sony simply pulled it when they saw how little showing it would get. Why didn't Obama go after the American theaters too scared to show the movie? Was really disappointed in him again.
  15. Might be the only one (haven't read through the whole thread yet) but this is the reason I don't want Bene here. Be too easy for the Bombers to make him HC and he sucked as a HC.
  16. Cause it matters so much considering it's ******* december.....smh Just goes to show the rampant dysfunction that still exists in the Bomber front office. Power struggle for a month and a half over firing a coordinator. Why are you married to this idea that the length of time it took to make the announcement automatically means there was a power struggle? That's a pretty huge leap, based on complete lack of facts to support that. I guess when you leave the fan base twisting in the wind for 7 weeks after the season, it leaves a lot of time for speculation. My bad, I guess. I should just buy my tickets like a good little boy and stop questioning anything the Bombers do. "Twisting in the wind." Hahaha You continually find new, idiotic things to complain about. I'm surprised he didn't say something like "the weeping and gnashing of teeth". Gotta throw some biblical references in there to feel the gravity of the situation. HOW DARE THEY WAIT THIS LONG TO TELL US!!!! AND THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!!!!
  17. She does seem to have a good sense of humour though. Appreciate the colour correction and understand you can't say more than that.
  18. If say his strongest attribute is his wife. Especially when she appeared for WWE. There was a live segment where the other divas cut promos on her and almost got them thrown off the air. Classic. Link????
  19. You do know you can get porn for free on the internet, don't you? At least the porn will hold your interest for a few minutes.
  20. There are kinda 2 pictures here. There is the producers, and what they get for a barrel, then there is what the gas station charges. The 2 are only loosley connected and there sure seems to be some collusion amongst the retailers. That's what most people complain about. The lag from the drop in oil prices to the drop at the pump is not offset by how quickly pump prices move when the barrel price goes up. Your correct that the collusion is what most people talk about. But collusion is such a strong word when what folks witness is the result of competition and free market activity. Still don't buy it. At least not locally. Price fixing at the pump still seems to be what is going on with retail prices moving pretty slowly. We don't have an aggressive retailer in Kelowna like I've seen in the Lower Mainland and our prices reflect that.
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