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Everything posted by tacklewasher

  1. They really should do it somewhere other than Winnipeg though.
  2. I thought most of these deals were really struck standing at the urinals during breaks?
  3. Wife bought me a half dozen different craft beers for my Birthday. One memorable one was called Pothole Filler. Described it pretty well. Cool bottle. 1L, 9% but too strong a flavour for me. http://www.howesound.com/Brewery/Beers/Beer_PotholeFiller.aspx
  4. I agree with Penn. Quickest way to become an atheist is to read the bible.
  5. Or Maurice Price http://www.theglobeandmail.com/sports/football/stampeders-outraged-by-price-tweet-about-openly-gay-player/article18631630/ See if the CFL fines him or not.
  6. Meh. I think the negative tweets are no more or less important than the crap tweeted about Subban recently. I know they are news worthy but, really, just get on with playing the damn game and ignore the racist/homophobic crap.
  7. Perhaps Glenn once he is cut free I suspect this will happen. None of those other names are recognizable.
  8. I like this idea. Just wish you had done it before the season became a write-off. Not much to talk about now except next year (why does that feel familiar to me????)
  9. As someone who has worked as controller for companies that need advertising, I can tell you I hate contra. Rather pay and be paid.
  10. Simple solution: onion rings I ordered the onion rings a few weeks ago at A&W through the drive-thru and I get home and there's five onion rings in the bag. That's it. I'm never going back there again. We've got Carl's Jr, Five Guys and Fatburger here now, lots of good burger joints to choose from. Five Guys is definitely my favorite, their burgers and fries are miles ahead. Not too impressed with Carl's, Fatburger seems a pain to get to and Five guys is the wrong side of the bridge. Guess I need to go for a drive one night to try them out. A&W sure is a lot closer, but their fries are terrible. Still like the White Spot when I feel like fries. Just the small one with the drive through. And I made too many of those damn onion rings as a student. Still have nightmares about peeling onions.
  11. I stopped going to Subway when I found their commercials and insult to my intelligence. Especially the damn monkey theme. Stupid commerials = no shopping there
  12. ^^^^^ What he said. How many QB's have come through as "the One"? I will wait and see what happenes when the season starts. All for Willy playing well and being our starter, but I'm not getting hyped about it just yet.
  13. All I know is based on how he looked last night, I hope Luongo is in net tommorrow night.
  14. So time for a career switch Be better then being a Lion Tamer.......
  15. Relax, it was a joke. And it looks like yesterday's lesson on the fallaciousness of arguments based on Appeals to Authority didn't really sink in, did it? Now I know why I didn't become a teacher. Have to agree, the lesson did not sink in. Hint, the above was not a fallacious statement.
  16. it will be three years in a row. Remember the 2011 Grey Cup? Bomber fans tend to forget that one. Not that you and I remember a hell of a lot about those 2 days. I remember pouring my brother into a cab (lightweight) and then you and I going to find Bluto, but a lot of it is fuzzy.
  17. He's asking legitimate questions that we should all be asking. I hate the Riders, and it's painful to see them in a home town Grey Cup game. (It's even more painful that I'll be cheering for the Ticats, a team I also can't stand.) But why have they had so much success over the last 8-10 years and we've had mostly failure? We should definitely be looking at those key points BigBlue posted about. Saying, "Go to the Riders forum!" is like sticking your head in the sand. Let's figure this out so we can reverse our fortunes -- and maybe theirs, too! I agree, but easier said than done based on the mixed messages we're constantly bombarded with. One on the one hand you hear: 'Be your own person, don't change for anyone, be confident in who you are'. Then you hear, 'you can't do this alone, there is always room for improvement, look to others for support'. This trickles into sport mindsets as well. If you looked at professional sport organizations as one entity, some become very insular in their thinking and in their approach while others are more liberal in who they look towards for advice and support. My guess is that the Rough Rider organization has a good blend of people in appropriate positions that find the balance between 'I'll do it my way" with "Let's learn from others". Pet peeve police on patrol, but do you guys know you're not suppose to post INSIDE the quote of the previous poster? It makes it look like it's a part of their post. Under the line...UNDER. KTHXBYE. My bad. Do it again and you will be shot
  18. Without getting into the specifics here, an appeal to authority is not neccesarily a logical fallacy. An appeal to authority on the subject matter the perosn is an authority on, is not a logical fallacy. The fallacy only occurrs whenre the authority is not an authority in the matter being discussed. For example. If I argue that it is not possible to travel faster than the speed of light, and quote Einstien as an authority, it is not a logical fallacy. If I argue for or against the existence of God, and quote Einstein (interesting the both sides do this), then this is a fallacy. You can make an appropriate appeal to authority.
  19. I still don't get the timing of this. Why was this not announced right after the last game (or after he had the team take a knee)? Why the wait and then why not wait until after the GC? And to talk about him being DC when they haven't let go of Creehan just makes me shake my head. Something is still not right with the management of this team. And until that gets fixed, we will continue with the shitshow.
  20. He didn't do much beaking off, he mostly just told the truth, and the fact that the coach holds a grudge because of that is just more evidence that the coach has no place being a head coach. He could have told it in a better way. But yeah, he's a young kid talking before thinking so, not the end of the world I know. He will learn to not do that in the future. But I agree that Burkes response spoke volumes about Burke. Especially with how he was so quick to toss people under Mr. Greyhound.
  21. So that's why he was kept. They were waiting for his 4th win to fire him....
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