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bigg jay

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Everything posted by bigg jay

  1. Yes, 2013 in Saskatchewan No, Black Eyed Peas & Lenny Kravitz have done the Grey Cup show.
  2. Hedley was the half time show 2 years ago so I doubt they'd be brought in again (especially so soon) since nobody has ever done it twice before. The Sheepdogs are playing the Friday night for the Grey Cup festival, along with the Trews so I'd say both those bands are out.
  3. It's interesting that this article has Eadie questioning it. The one I read this morning had Scott Gillingham (St.James/Brooklands) asking the same questions.
  4. America has a problem that contributes to several other problems and that's the nature of their politics make their politicians gutless.The gun lobby are a bunch of morons hiding like cowards behind the constitution but they have enough puppets on congress to ensure no real gun control ever gets passed. The sad thing is, these mass shootings happen to the innocent. Just let one mass shooting happen at an NRA meeting. Oh but it would never happen because the tough NRA crowd would shoot back. Sure they would. Uh huh. Seeing people fawning over Obama's outrage is hilarious. Dont tell us you're angry. Again. Do something. What can Obama do though? Like you said, the gun lobby has enough people to ensure nothing happens. Until those people are out, nothing (regardless of who's in the White House) much can be done.
  5. Can we bring back the Green Drop guy too? Always used to enjoy watching Buzz & Boomer kick the crap outta that guy!
  6. John Scott is over-rated. He's huge and uses that to his advantage very well but he's not a great fighter. At the end of the 2013-14 season, he got tuned by a rookie in his 1st (regular season) fight. https://youtu.be/ao8qZ3huAdk The overall best fighter is hard to gauge these days since the enforcers either don't play much or get the chance to go against each other. Deryk Engelland dominated most of his fights in 2014-15 and Brian McGrattan was the man in 2013-14 but barely played last year. Peluso is definitely top 5 (imo) though. Scott wins almost all of his fights, most of them decisively. He doesn't have to be a great technical fighter when he's that big. Nobody wins every fight though. He got the best of Engelland a couple seasons ago. I don't like him though, as he's the worst of what fighting is in hockey. He can't play and acts lke a bully, going after non-fighters. I was a big fan of Engelland when he was a Pen. Koed Orr as a rookie. Scott does win decisively most of the time, I will give him that but the quality of the fights isn't there. Check him out on www.hockeyfights.com and look at how low his fight ratings are and who they are against. He only fought 3 times in the regular season last year with 2 being in one game against the same guy (Tim Jackman - who didn't even receive a fighting penalty the 2nd time). If he actually fought another fighter like he used to 4-5 years ago, I think I'd rate him higher. Luke Gadzic & Ryan Reaves are another couple guys I'd put in the top 5.
  7. John Scott is over-rated. He's huge and uses that to his advantage very well but he's not a great fighter. At the end of the 2013-14 season, he got tuned by a rookie in his 1st (regular season) fight. https://youtu.be/ao8qZ3huAdk The overall best fighter is hard to gauge these days since the enforcers either don't play much or get the chance to go against each other. Deryk Engelland dominated most of his fights in 2014-15 and Brian McGrattan was the man in 2013-14 but barely played last year. Peluso is definitely top 5 (imo) though.
  8. It's up to the CFL to announce the show and it's not unusual for them to wait this long. Last's years was announced on Oct 2nd... 2012 wasn't announced until Oct 26 and that was for the big 100th anniversary too. Saskatchewan's was announced pretty early (Sep 2nd) in 2013 though.
  9. Penton says 4 import receivers this week & Bastien is out with Cone coming on.
  10. Did they back out though? Lawless tweeted that Muamba's agent called a few teams to tell them they were out of the running. He didn't mention any team names specifically, just that it was down to Edmonton, Ottawa & Montreal.
  11. hmmm...did not see that coming. He's had a solid camp, by all accounts, and the Oilers are thin on the blue line. If this was the previous regime, I would say it is just another f*ck up but I have much more faith these days. I'm guessing it's to get him as much ice time as possible.
  12. 100k bonus & 10k per game this year according to lawless. 200k each of the next 2 seasons.
  13. Tweets going out that he's about to sign a cfl deal. Bombers are out of the running according to Lawless (he's guessing Henoc ends up in Edmonton).
  14. **double posted the above tweet** But on a related note.
  15. Yep, you're right. It was written on Monday but I saw it re-tweeted Tuesday so I assumed the workout was this week or they would have said he has a workout "today" rather than Tuesday.
  16. Since its been brought up...Did Muamba ever make his way to Winnipeg? No mention of him anywhere He has a workout with Green Bay tomorrow so I assume the CFL is on hold. I don't recall there being a report that it's with the Packers. He's already had a try-out with them: Aaron WilsonVerified account ‏@AaronWilson_NFL Sep 23 Packers tried out Blake Anne, Justin Hamilton, Henoc Muamba, Josh Shirley http://www.sportsnet.ca/football/nfl/canadian-linebacker-muamba-to-work-out-for-packers/
  17. Maybe he's just as confused about the roster management we employ and asked for his release?
  18. Both Adams and Moore both threw their arms up like WTF? and were talking to the ref but he obviously wasn't interested in what they had to say.
  19. Since its been brought up...Did Muamba ever make his way to Winnipeg? No mention of him anywhere He has a workout with Green Bay tomorrow so I assume the CFL is on hold.
  20. Joe Burnett is out for the year with a broken ankle & ligament damage. Very costly game for the Stamps.
  21. I'll stop you right there (not that the rest of your post doesn't have merit & valid points). You can go to non-Bomber CFL boards and find the same criticism of Black. It's definitely not just a MBB thing. Google the Rod Black drinking game and the 1st results are from the RF board.
  22. Possibly but he's still the boss so it falls on him. He gets the credit for the good and the blame for the bad that happens under his watch.
  23. True but is the implication the mother orchestrated a shake down? Im not sure she had the time. I don't believe she had the time at that point, but maybe it got the wheels turning. The whole paper bag thing has me thinking she's got her own agenda going on and sees dollar signs. Maybe once the tests showed no Kane DNA, she saw the payday slipping away so she decided to do something. Even if that theory isn't correct, what she was trying to accomplish with the paper bag is a complete mystery. The more stuff comes out, the more I believe the girl's lawyer was on the right track when he quit... believe the girl but don't trust the mom.
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