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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. what a persistent clown. why does he even bother anymore. I`m beginning to think borderline mental illness.
  2. merry belated hoho and boxing day!
  3. baahaha.. nice backpedal prider. obvious troll is obvious.
  4. those are crazy stats. can't believe that goal differential.
  5. I kinda think so as well.. I don't think hes as damaged as people thinks.
  6. I'm still kind of amazed he ended up back in riderville to begin with.
  7. See I tend to agree with this but Wally has been so prolific in making QB's look next level that I have a hard time believing he will continue to progress.. I think he's plateaued imo.
  8. ya this is pretty cool.. came across this in the news today. I got paid on something similar a few years back for the sketchers shoes and how they were guilty of false advertising about how their "step up" shoes build up your calf muscles.
  9. for lack of a better explanation, I'd say to establish dominance. to show that you can't be taking liberties against Liane or Shief. that knee on knee could have been much worse then it was. I do see where you guys are coming from, staying outta the box is a big plus BUT if the refs are not going to penalize the opposition for taking those cheap shots...
  10. Kinda hard to believe this is real life yup.. are we in the Matrix?
  11. While I agree Buff would have went smashy-mode if he was in, I was surprised Lowry wasn't stepping up or Chariot.. Lowry did lay the boom on someone behind Nashville's net at one point but Buff I think would have handled it and made sure Subban quit that cheap garbage.. Next game, if they keep up these dirty antics, should be much different if we have a healthy roster.
  12. not only were they missing the cross checks and slashes by Subban but I also noticed 2 or 3 hits that nashville threw that were a solid 2-3 strides after the jets had made a pass... I'm all for finishing your checks but to run over a guy 2-3 steps after the puck is gone and not pull up at all? just dirty pricks. glad we rose up to the challenge and didn't back down. we showed some serious gumption in this game... these games are going to be some intense ones all season long me thinks and if by some stroke of luck we match up with em in the playoffs.. going to be a great battle.
  13. im kinda confused as to why anyone would take umbrage with the fact that Dressler going to visit him was news worthy... Slow news day and an impressive move by a guy to go see someone who really isn't probably in their close circle of friends, on their own dime. people really getting testy around here. we need a group hug or something...
  14. sucks but it is what it is.. I don't think we could afford 2 americans at close to 200k and Bond would (should) command something close to that.. he was pretty freakin' dominant.
  15. jesus christ. does everyone here need a valium or cuddle some puppies? I get off-season is a time for cranky pants and civil disobedience but do we really need to take it out on each so badly? anyone need a freakin' hug or something?
  16. I think that's in in a nutshell. He needs to work on his reaction... and not even so much reaction but proactive positioning of himself and not falling for fakes. He seemed like a bright kid so I do expect him to get over it.. don't overthink it.. just let it become natural.
  17. seems like par for the course with Jeff. people love the guy but he can't coach worth a lick unless its ST's.
  18. it truly is. I kind of always viewed the Als as the class of the east.. Hated rivals but had a healthy respect for them. Now, its sad to see how the management has pile driven the team into the ground like they have.
  19. ya I think dominating is just a weeee bit much of a embellishment.
  20. I definitely like what this guy brings to the table.. glad they kept him in there to grow a bit. Hopefully he keeps learning and improving.
  21. exactly. this is what drives me so mental. I like the defenses Richie runs but can't figure out why they can't stop the big plays from happening.
  22. gotta admit, this doesn't bold well for Richie. I know some people think the players on our defense ain't up to snuff but this contradicts that theory a tad. I don't think its ever really been a personnel situation. its frustrating though because I know Richie Hall isn't a scrub DC.
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