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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. ya hes blown away my expectations this season.. I knew he was solid but hes rising to a top pairing D man imo if he keeps progressing as he has been.
  2. and the team that practices on it daily. that ice is baaaaaad.
  3. ya as a sens fan, this has not been a very good year for me.
  4. Hall is a good DC, hes proven it before. Guys don't just forget how to be a coordinator. I assume that the people in the know see something we don't and expect it to be corrected. O'shea likes the defense that Hall runs and sounds like he wants to tweak it and have more of a say in it or at least thats the gist of what I took from his comments about Hall and his DC at the end of the year.. we cannot deny it did create a ton of turnovers in the last 2 years. it just has not been anywhere near consistent.
  5. See, heres the thing.. Willy wasn't ever even remotely as good as Collaros in my mind. if Collaros can even regain some of his former glory, this is a good deal for saskabush. Willy would have had to come back at 100% and maintained it after all the hits and injuries to be worthwhile. I don't think Collaros needs to be back at his original 100% to still be very good.. I think once hes back and in the groove though, he will get back to a very effective level.
  6. and BC seemed to find a bunch of both.. heres hoping can re-create that magic here.
  7. Oh I agree.. he isn't an elite forward but he looks like hes taken another step this year down with the Moose. I don't think he has peaked like many others seem to think but I don't think his ceiling is very high either..
  8. Why's that? He's had experience up in the bigs... is having a pretty solid year for the moose..
  9. Yea I sure as hell wouldn't wanna be Masoli at this point.. Collaros must already feel the door smacking him in the back.. gonna be an interesting start to the season in Steeltown. Hopefully the management there has taken careful notes of the the tire fire down the road in montreal and the gongshow circus in saskabush for pointers on how not to do things lol.
  10. exactly.. there is no promise of him being elite yet. let him ride the wave hes on at the moment. ahl players (goalies and skaters) are not always destined for greatness because of success at the AHL level.
  11. yup. me either.. not the worst idea either tho, tbh. let roslo keep what he has going in the AHL for now.. might as well use those press box bodies for something good. shuffle upwards, we have the skill for it.
  12. SPuDS


    I'd have to assume they would need to find a like sized guy stature wise but maybe not so built muscle wise to off-set the guy versus girl scenario.. at least to make it "fair" lol. I just can't believe a pro fighter at this stage of her career would be so "whatevs" about the weight cut. where's her head at.
  13. SPuDS


    Not a terrible idea, tbh. she's freakishly huge.
  14. Yea I agree.. the handling of Dano has been really weird this season. Matthias, to an extent too but I'm not really a fan of his anyway.. Dano though, I thought showed some good things last year.
  15. SPuDS


    26 lbs?! did she even try to cut weight?? I mean even 9 lbs is a ridiculous amount to miss weigh in by.. what a joke.
  16. this. Wheels is good but if he has 2 youngsters with him.. not sure how much success we see on the top line.
  17. yea its a weird work in progress.. we either let the opposition sustain drives and score.. or stop them from moving until they hit a huge play on us.. or we cause a fumble/pick/etc and get the ball back quick.. consistency has been this defense's biggest hurdle to get over.
  18. oh for sure.. I was just relatively curious more so then anything.. I'd like to see him up too but not sure if its the best option for the team at the moment. Mo's gonna Mo tho so odds are good young gun stays put for now.
  19. The impact didn't look all that hard but his reaction after the fact.. must have just hit it in that odd spot where it does the most damage. I concur, broken or fractured collarbone or separated (and my hopeful prognosis)/dislocated shoulder.. if its dislocated, huge sigh of relief.. any of the other options and he is definitely out for an extended amount of time.
  20. A for effort, F for execution.. very mellow and meditative. almost soothing..
  21. i'm as diehard a bomber fan as they come but I still won't go slum into other fanbase's forums for the simple fact of riling people up and causing fights.. I mean that went out of style back when I was 12.
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