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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. As per 3rddown, TJ Heath isn't happy with how negotiations are proceeding on his new contract. hopefully this is a blip and they hash it out, I'd hate to lose Heath. one of the brighter stars on that side of the ball.
  2. always ran and effective are 2 completely different concepts. curious if there is any way to track his 3d and short stats. I don't think they are anywhere near DL's numbers (nobody's are) and gotta remember how many more years Glenn's had on his frame now to boot. As Dr.CFL mentioned, you should hypothetically speaking be able to get any backup into a short yardage role and while true, very few are as good as DL has been. He can run an offense (sorta) if need be.. not his strongest suit tho.
  3. I dunno, I don't get the Mattias hate. Hes not expected to be some superstar. hes expected to be a contributor on the 3-4 lines and since hes been in, he has been.. good defensive plays, some points.. I get hes not flashy or all that amazing but he wasn't really expected to be.. and its not like he won't be back in the box once Shief heals up.. or we move someone to take his spot. well, and when tanev recovers as well.
  4. short stature, fear of contact, not very quick... somehow I don't think that equates good short yardage..
  5. You don't think a few months off in the press box may have been a factor in that? I'm not saying hes a great player by any stretch but hes a decent enough bottom 6 fill in..
  6. He was walking away from his guy, tired or not. I do agree he was out there far too long though.. not sure where you see me making excuses for the guy tho.. seeing as this was literally my first comment about buff lol
  7. I'm in that same boat. With the fever, you know what you are getting.. almost guaranteed 1-2 yards for short stuff.. often getting 5-7, suspect arm but capable of throwing if need be. I like having that when we need it. the one year we didn't have a solid short yardage back, it cost us in almost every game when it came down to it. I don't care if he is the 3rd string "vet" and we roll with a developmental #2. Its tough to say who we would benefit more from signing.. Dan or Kevin. Kevin may actually win us a game on his own if it came to it but he would never get us a TD from the 1 or a 3rd and 2. Dan may never win us a game on his own but he may win us one on one of those short yardage plays.. decisions decisions. I truly don't think getting rid of the Fevor is the smart move though.
  8. he also played very well defensively.. but hey, lets not let truth and facts get in the way of slamming a 4th liner lol. smh
  9. He has been learning from the best but I agree, another season or 2 with more responsibilities with being the big headset on his shoulders with lapo shadowing would be beneficial. While I do agree with the assessment of Sask's offense, I do think that Collaros will show some gumption and look good for a few games... then promptly be hurt again. I think he may be heading to Buck Pierce territory. yup I agree but I still think he could use a little bit of seasoning.. another season or 2 and he should be able to take that next step imo.
  10. hes definitely a skilled shooter and offensively gifted mind tho... But you are right, his speed or lack there of is a bit of a hindrance..
  11. Very good call. He would be then in an offense where he is very familiar, with players he knows.. I like what you're throwin' down here.
  12. Lowry? in OT? don't think he has the speed, finesse or quicks to be effective for 3 on 3. Armia too to an extent but his 2 way game would be a good thing to have in OT... I agree on the last 4 tho for sure.
  13. wow. good on Buck, I'm impressed. though, learning the coaching ropes from some quality guys like Lapo and O'shea doesn't hurt either.
  14. I'm thinking hes saying the picks gotta start producing, IE evolving into starters to benefit the ratio or we need to start drafting non-linemen to fill out these spots. I think Wolitosky will become of of those "other" picks sooner then later, Coates didn't look out of place for a random fill in canadian receiver.. maybe we gamble on an LB or DB who has potential to become a starter in this draft.. more likely we keep stocking the line cuppboards though and find other options via the supplimental draft or under rocks somewhere, lol.
  15. O'shea seemed to sound like he will be more invested into the defense this year. Does this mean he will mandate a legit MLB? He was one of Hurl's biggest supporters last year. Now that I think about it, I wouldn't be surprised if Hurl is starting MLB in some packages with the emergence of Santos-knox as a bonafide WIL. If Leggett is back and healthy, our LBs could be the same as last season.. could be kind of scary for sure. I also don't think O'shea wants our defense to be plastered against the wall week in and week out again so I'd imagine he will eventually come to terms with the fact that Hurl isn't a clone of himself and needs to be put to ST or pasture. well, a man can dream anyway.
  16. So stubler has found a new home.. Him and Carter should build a decent enough defense. Khari working with crap QBs will probably not go well.. should be an interesting cirque du tire flambe next year regardless.
  17. GRR.. stupid work filter. can someone lemme know who signed up to work on this ship sailing towards a massive iceburg?
  18. Not that we needed him but I don't like the riders getting better.. adding Collaros will make them better, I'd put money on it.
  19. and in his first year there, he performed pretty good minus the injury bug, no? If he gets comfy and doesn't absorb a ton of punishment in saskabush, I don't see why he couldn't return to some similar form to his first season in Ham.
  20. well in his defense, he didn't look bad in the first season with Hamilton as the starter either..
  21. 64 Dollar question. would have loved to have heard O'shea's reply to this question.
  22. ya Im inclined to agree with you on that. He hasn't evolved. I think O'shea wants to force that for him. Lapo was considered in the same thought prior to his last season here. outdated offensive game plans that wouldn't work in the CFL anymore. he adapted.. Can Richie?
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