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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. I think he just looked like he was a biker.. .and I'm sure being a semi-celebrity he had rolled with some of them but I don't think he was invested so to speak to the criminal lifestyle here like others mentioned and left unmentioned.
  2. this I remember as being true, yup. they had some serious run-ins with the police and I think at one point, one was in jail for murder/manslaughter for someone being tossed out or off a balcony.
  3. normally I'd agree with you but I think his price tag, plus his NFL aspirations plus our desire to re-jig the ratio means the likelihood of us bringing him back is remote. its a damn shame because I did feel he was one of the best linemen in the league last year.
  4. thats part of why the team concept is so important. if you leave your post to try and snag a pick, without coverage, you are leaving your unit mates hung out to dry ESPECIALLY when there is no safety help. the team concept in my mind, for our defense, is stay within your role and don't get cute. when someone goes off cue, problems happen. uneducated guess of course but I don't think we had much in the way of "wiggle-room" so to speak and when people chose to deviate, problems ensued.
  5. yup, sure was. I believe he got injured in game and he tried to make a comeback next season but wasn't able to do it.. which was a shame, he was a pretty solid DE. really? never knew that. His "everything is awesome" mentality always led me to believe he would be more straight and narrow... definitely did have the vibe of a party guy though. Yea I recall hearing that as well.. guess the guy is a bit of a rolling stone though, doesn't seem to sit still for very long. I believe that was right after he was done with football... either as a vacation or part time gig while he figured stuff out. I remember seeing it on facebook lol.
  6. Kane's gonna Kane. once a ******, always a ******.
  7. sad but true.. only so many slots to go around and each team apparently needs to have a representative.. the fact we got 2 of them shows a lot imo.
  8. me too. I gotta feeling he has been the black sheep in the secondary but we never really knew about it until this off-season. kept the dysfunction in-house, which is nice. I like what Heath brings to the table but I don't like a guy who can't buy into the team concepts.
  9. I think looks can be deceiving. I don't believe we are overhauling the secondary.. I do think you are accurate on Heath though. I'm thinking Leggett and Randle will both be back. (or at least bloody well hope so) I'd imagine that we would be looking to get Couture in as the starting LG, or Neuf with Couture backing up. Spooner will hopefully be signed as well (can't imagine he won't be seeing as how he showed his loyalty on the PR last year) and I'd bet another lineman drafted in the first. or we bring another lineman in from another teams PR/cuts/trade/etc.
  10. yea me as well (as much as I'm loath to admit it) and I think his time as a starter has passed but as a backup.. I'd think he has a few years left in the tank.. and the understanding that he is not challenging for a starters role. as long as he is ok with that concept, I'd have zero issues with him as the backup. yup. surprised he was willing to go there to try and jump-start his career again. options were limited though I suppose... Sask or Mtl.. tire fire or cesspool.. decisions decisions.. exactly. He is a gamer come playoff time where as Glenn folds. Hell, any adversity and Glenn folds, Durant seems to have been made of more sterner stuff.
  11. Me too but thats the nature of the salary cap world we live in nowadays. I hope Walters isn't lowballing Leggett cuz of his injury. I can't imagine Randall being let to hit the open market either... Heath tho, seems to be a likely odd man out, which definitely sucks.. He is a very talented DB. well Neufie makes sense if we are making a serious push to change the o-line ratio and Wild is an excellent WIL when healthy. I'd imagine his contract was team friendly, seeing how his durability has been in question the last 2 seasons.. that makes 2 of us. I doubt that he will even make it to FA, hes too key a cog for our defense.
  12. SPuDS


    Great get. can't imagine anyone who has more knowledge and understanding about how the fights go. will be a delight to listen to as a commentator.
  13. birds hill baby! woo!! joking, that's camping for dummies. Its a nice little place to take a kiddo for first timers but I'm definitely more of a roughing it kind of camper. We like to go to otter falls, pickle lake or if we are feeling lazy, this private place in Minnedosa. its such a blast to have so many awesome campgrounds and parks within 3 hours drive around us here in Manitoba.
  14. James Franco now accused of sexual assault... and another young one is apparently on the list of accusers. (well, 17.. so illegal still but over age of consent)
  15. I made an ass out of myself assuming that was accurate.
  16. I agree.. Tanev's game has grown immensely this year. He is a pitbull on the forecheck and on the PK, hes constantly applying pressure on the opposition. He isn't the most gifted when it comes to his shot or his hands but his skating and tenacity are almost unmatched.
  17. its disturbing how many people are up in arms that Tanev and Hendricks are getting so much ice time. I can't see either one of them doing anything wrong out there and warranting being taken off the game day lineup . I'm constantly at odds with people who say Hendricks should sit/be sent down in favour of a Roslo or Lemeiux. I get both of those youngsters are talents but you cannot teach what Hendricks brings to the table. what he does infects the rest of his line mates and guys on the bench. Him blocking shots, fighting guys a foot taller then him, grinding away and chipping in with points.. I honestly can't see why he has so much ire directed at him
  18. I like this theory. Younger, I believe anyway, has a bit more knowledge in what today's offenses and defenses are going to be running and how to game plan against them.
  19. well, he didn't get trucked or ran over so often... so maybe WashOut instead?
  20. Yea I'm pretty sure thats accurate. I just can't fathom how we built a defense specifically to use a lesser quality MLB like we did. so ass-backwards. wow, great call. Mckinleyesque as well. had forgot about that time in our history.. guess I gotta shove q-tips deeper into the ear to forget them again now lol.
  21. I totally agree. I'd fleece Mtl for a 1st and maybe a starter as well.. seems like they are eager to get into the Johnny Manziel sweepstakes for some weird reason.
  22. I agree. that and how we utilize our MLB. I don't know if even a Lobendahn or Simpson in our defense would have looked any better with how they used Hurl... Now, with that said, was Hurl's position dictated by scheme or by Hurl's shortcomings?
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