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Everything posted by 17to85

  1. yeah of course, because we gotta pander to Toronto all the time.
  2. Desjardins ran the Ti Cats into the ground overspending on Casey Printers. They could have used the money saved with having Glenn on other positions. As Dee & others are saying what's the point of spending $450,000 on a 40 yr old qb who has little if anything to throw to??? As stated by others, by the time the redblacks have these weapons Hank will be retired. Glenn would have given them stability & consistency at qb at about a quarter to half the price they're paying Hank now. Glenn may have not put up superstar numbers but the money saved could have been spent elsewhere & would have made the team better than they are now with Hank starting. Look for Rick Campbell to be Marcel's first sacrificial lamb before he gets the boot himself in a couple of years. What was the worst that happens with Glenn as the qb? They have a shitty record? Same as now? Desjardins with the silly notion that all you need is a big money qb. The coach that looks even more foolish is Austin for letting Henry go. Well that's hard to really say with Collaros being hurt. Burris was never going to lead the Ti-cats to a championship and he is certainly not a long term solution. Hard to say the Ti-cats were really wrong to try and move on, just bad luck the guy they tapped got hurt so early.
  3. did you notice that how once Chamblin stopped screwing around yanking his runningbacks out of games and then abandoning the run because of it the Riders started to win?
  4. Desjardins ran the Ti Cats into the ground overspending on Casey Printers. They could have used the money saved with having Glenn on other positions. As Dee & others are saying what's the point of spending $450,000 on a 40 yr old qb who has little if anything to throw to??? As stated by others, by the time the redblacks have these weapons Hank will be retired. Glenn would have given them stability & consistency at qb at about a quarter to half the price they're paying Hank now. Glenn may have not put up superstar numbers but the money saved could have been spent elsewhere & would have made the team better than they are now with Hank starting. Look for Rick Campbell to be Marcel's first sacrificial lamb before he gets the boot himself in a couple of years. What was the worst that happens with Glenn as the qb? They have a shitty record? Same as now? Desjardins with the silly notion that all you need is a big money qb.
  5. What was even funnier was that I swore early on the game Duane Forde was praising Brinks ability to get the ball away quickly... What? No not Brink, that's his biggest draw back as a qb is that he takes forever and a day to throw the ball.
  6. It's just luck I think. Sooner enough I bet we see qbs missing time. Willy has taken some hard shots, Durant got clobbered good last game, those are the kinds of things that add up over the course of a season and eventually make a guy miss time.
  7. wow that is big for the als, no way was Brink going to lead them down the field....
  8. Classic Brink already. The man is a great tackling dummy that's for sure.
  9. Glenn and Burris are in the same class IMO. Never understood why they were so eager for Burris, a QB pushing 40 who still makes rookie mistakes like trying to lateral when he's being sacked. If I were them I would have been after the Willy's, Collaros' and Tate's. Have a couple guys (any of those < guys with Demarco) with some future and upside along with some CFL experience and let them battle. This team won't be good either way, at least use the wasted season(s) developing a QB. Yeah as it stands now by the time they have the rest of a team they're going to be struggling to find a qb cause Hank will be done. I just don't understand the thought process there. Did they really think a qb could do it all by himself?
  10. attention whores never stop whoring for attention.
  11. yeah there was one right on the goal line, easy touchdown, throw right in the numbers and he whiffs, just disgusting. You get a good performance from your defense who keeps giving you chances to win and you let them down in a big way because you can't hold on to passes. There was a play I recall where Burris was buying himself some time in the pocket and his receiver kind of half asses his way downfield as Burris throws it deep. Gotta think the receivers should know that Burris can ******* chuck the ball, just keep running and he'll go over top.
  12. The shiny glossy finish I think is just the modern synthetic materials.
  13. I didn't see the entire game, but every time I looked I saw receivers dropping passes, man alive... Sure to god they could have found some players with hands on them couldn't they? Make a few catches they win that game. In other news, 10-8 as a CFL final, that's just embarrassing.
  14. but the point of review is to get it right 100% of the time. If they can't do than they why aren't we just letting the refs on the field do their jobs?
  15. If he's a guard why not leave him at guard? Let Neufeld play tackle and shore up the inside.
  16. It should be equally easy to referee from the review booth....
  17. There was a point in time when I thought that we were set for a few years with Greg Carr and especially TJH. I thought TJH was going to be a star. TJH could have been a star but he let a bad attitude ruin him.
  18. ...They were letting him work the Blizzards at DQ yesterday for Miracle Treat Day at the DQ in Shawnessy. I'm fairly certain he was employing the "One for you, 3 for me" tactic... really? And I was stuck here at work. I coulda got a blizzard from Nik Lewis, oh I woulda made jokes about that for ever.
  19. bottom line is even in the games they've played like **** they've been close. That's all I wanted to see in the offseason. A team that could be competitive, so far they've been that.
  20. The way to beat RR is to keep him off the field. We had way too many two and outs. And drives killed by penalties, whether they be real or phantom ones like the one on Howard that brought back that TD to Bryant. If you give RR that much time with the ball, with a defence going on four days rest, the outcome is inevitable. Failing that you gotta plant Ray on his ass every chance you get, but the Bombers got maybe one good shot on him all game.
  21. are you really classy and sophisticated or just in comparison to Transcona?
  22. I am completely 100% sold on O'Shea and I like some of what Walters has done but he still has to show me a lot in terms of american scouting to get fully on board. That we have to use Romby Bryant and a hobbling Vega because the other options we have aren't good enough is a concern. I'll give him time but he's gotta do better next year in that area. Maybe it's just the transition to a new scouting staff who knows but I expect better.
  23. Marcel Bellefeuille is the Kevin Glenn of offensive coordinators. Average.
  24. yeah it's not his speed that's the problem, in fact I am shocked he's as fast as he is with his head so far up his ass.
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