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Everything posted by 17to85

  1. yeah it's not his speed that's the problem, in fact I am shocked he's as fast as he is with his head so far up his ass.
  2. That's what I was thinking. As if we needed more evidence that Friesen doesn't give a **** about his job, he's asking fans to do his work for him. What an *******.
  3. If he's cut in Green Bay it's one step closer to coming to Winnipeg and wouldn't that be a sweet gift to get
  4. You must be new here... I'm afraid that clown Gary Lawless has too many followers on here. Him, and a bunch of other nuts called the local Winnipeg media try and pull the emergency cords whenever any sign of setbacks comes out. I haven't visited the WFP site or listened to CJOB today, but wouldn't be surprised if someone said something dumb or reactionary to that. I had said earlier this year, the team just as it started on winning streaks will have its losing streaks too, we as fans need to realize and accept that. I'd love to see big wins like opening night and the big road win in BC Place every week, but we gotta be realistic about that and realize that just isn't going to happen every week. Especially with a team as young as ours. The way I see it, these players have a lot of learning to do, and from watching last night's game and going over other film, I more than believe they will learn lots from it. At this point, no need to do anything extreme. The O-line will need to improve, but get them healthy, maybe make an addition or 2 over the offseason this year, and I think we got an O-line of Grey Cup caliber heading into 2015. I -believe- Noeller is referring to the fact that road griller is a troll (and an obvious one). No he's pointing out that Bomber fans are as bi-polar as anyone. 5-1 everything is great, lose 2 in a row FIRE EVERYONE!!!11!!
  5. I disagree. He saved the Lions after Skalbania's time there and he saved the Argos as well. He's pretty much responsible for Hamilton getting a new stadium from his position on the Pan-Am Games committee. He's done much more to help than hurt the League. His money has been great for the league, I'm not so sure he has been all that great.
  6. It's just hard to watch both crappy reffing and the team playing crappy. One or the other is much easier to handle, but both is really tough.
  7. Brown was on fire last night, just hitting nails on the head all over the place.
  8. Come on man, that's just stupid talk. I mean hey, I don't think this team is Grey Cup ready or ready to win the west yet, but no wins out of the 10 games we got left? I mean, we got the Montreal circus show coming to town next week, and we play Ottawa again as well, those smell like pretty good wins to me. We got Hamilton again, and yeah I know they're not as bad as the 1-5 record they sit holding, but it's not like they're a juggernaut right now either. If we finish the season with only 8 wins, fine, means this team's youth and inexperience caught up to them, but that's a hell of a lot better than we've seen mostly around here lately. But this is not the 2013 Bombers, and I got more than enough reason to think O'Shea will pull more wins out before this season is over. An exaggeration perhaps. But I wouldnt be surprised if we finish below .500 on the season, watching the way the team is playing PLUS seeing how other teams have figured us out. They are running at will and blitzing at will. The officiating didnt help. But every team has to deal with the same officials. you don't think they can find 4 more wins on the schedule?
  9. Hope that never happens because you could literally call holding on 75-80% of all plays. Talk about killing the flow of a game! you can probably call PI on the same percentage of plays too, they're both ridiculous things to be able to challenge but I bet holding affects the game more than PI does. You could be right about holding having a bigger impact. Challenges on any kind of penalties are ridiculous and leave the league open to criticism. Stick to ball placement challenges, td challenges and turnover challenges. ball placement rarely gets over turned though because the tricky spots are in the big piles and you can't see **** in there on reviews anyway. I hate the entire challenge process but challenges for penalties was and always has been a ridiculous idea. Just let the refs do their jobs and we'll deal with missed calls because over the course of a season it will balance out.
  10. You think the Bombers OL can actually get their hands on anyone? Come on now. Besides that they seemed to enjoy throwing a hands to the face flag on the bombers OL all night.... Hell they took a Bomber first down off the board when Fitzgerald got flagged for holding, did they call any holding penalties on the Argos? They were doing stuff just as bad and worse...
  11. The big issue was that the Bombers failed to generate any pressure on Ray. I don't care who he has to throw the ball to if you give that guy time he'll find someone. That's where the blatant holding was infuriating. When they did get a push it was just OK for the Argos OL to hold them up. Really wish Etchevary had sent some more blitzes. If you give Ray time he'll shred you no matter how many guys you drop back, might as well make him take a beating to get passes away. Ray wasn't burning the Bomber defence with long passes. Ray was getting rid of the ball quickly and his timing was spot on. Couple that with an effective run game and it made for a long night for Etch's defence. yeah and those short routes were open, why not tighten things up, send pressure and make him pay to get the ball out? That's what Teams are doing to Willy. Just sending pressure and making him pay for every ball he completes. We gave Ray time and didn't make him take a hard lick all night I don't think. That'll never beat Ricky Ray.
  12. Hope that never happens because you could literally call holding on 75-80% of all plays. Talk about killing the flow of a game! you can probably call PI on the same percentage of plays too, they're both ridiculous things to be able to challenge but I bet holding affects the game more than PI does.
  13. Wild is the least of the issues. I don't even think it's the size so much. It's just the scheme and we knew what we were getting with Etch. Doug Brown explained it well on the post game show, they do a lot of crazy things, sometimes guys just flat out aren't in position to stop the run. Etch doesn't care, Etch thinks there's better things to worry about. The only reason the Argos running game was a concern is because their passing game was also working extremely well. The big concern last night wasn't the inability to stop the run, it was the inability to get pressure on Ricky Ray. I don't care what kind of coverage you have if you give Ray time he is going to rape you.
  14. I would rather be able to challenge holding than PI to be honest. Refs miss that more than they miss PI.
  15. The big issue was that the Bombers failed to generate any pressure on Ray. I don't care who he has to throw the ball to if you give that guy time he'll find someone. That's where the blatant holding was infuriating. When they did get a push it was just OK for the Argos OL to hold them up. Really wish Etchevary had sent some more blitzes. If you give Ray time he'll shred you no matter how many guys you drop back, might as well make him take a beating to get passes away.
  16. That's what I've been saying. Our running game (or lack thereof) has absolutely nothing to do with Grigsby. Cotton does no better. It's the entire scheme, and the personal of the Oline (who get manhandled regularly at the LOS) that is our Achilles heel, not the running back. We could have better, yes. But better won't solve the problem. he had one ******* rushing attempt! Give him a chance to actually carry the ball and get into a groove before we make any kind of judgement calls. You can keep absolving Grigsby of any blame but that's just not even bothering to look at the game objectively, that's just grasping at the low hanging fruit blaming the offensive line., Grigsby is part of the problem because of the way he runs.
  17. In the early going, the refs killed us and the Bombers capitalized. The refs made a call or two in our favour later on. You couldn't on the whole think that it went mostly against the Bombers though, could you? Shocking. The thing that pissed me off early was how blatant the Argos holding was. Seemed like there was really bad and obvious holding on every play. I know the CFL lets a lot of holding go but it was ridiculous. Especially with a lot of the ticky tack calls that were going on all over the field. I thought the refs were just terrible until that over turned PI challenged, then I started to change my mind, gotta help the poor useless eastern teams out any way we can.
  18. My problem with it was that the CFL has talked recently about closing the floodgates a bit, they said they were only going to over turn the really obvious and blatant stuff... which I assume is why O'Shea didn't bother challenging the one on Kelly, but then they go and over turn that one.... good lord throw the flag on any deep ball and based on that play there's probably PI in there somewhere.
  19. There is a hell of a lot of middle ground between prime Charles Roberts and Nic Grigsby, that's the real take away here. Honestly what does Grigsby do that stands out? It's not acceleration, it's not changing directions quickly or without losing speed, it's not instinctively finding openings, it's not fighting through contact... so what's he got? Decent set of mitts catching from the backfield? Big deal any number of RBs can do that.
  20. That's where a guy like Charles Roberts just thrived. He knew instinctively where to go to find space and he had the quickness to change direction and throw would be tacklers off that way. Grigsby just does none of that. Oh sure give him space he can be fine, but I'd rather look for a runningback who can make something out of nothing because we're not getting a new offensive line any time soon.
  21. There have been a lot of really low scoring games without tds being scored by teams so a lot of people got tripped up by that.
  22. There have been too many terrible owners in the CFL to call Wettenhall the worst. Quite frankly his willingness to lose money on the Als alone puts him ahead of a bunch of guys. That being said he's clearly lost his mind these last few years.
  23. No that's just some bullshit argument that people like to bring up. Grigsby has shown a great ability to run into tacklers and go down, hell the moment I was done with him as a runningback was on a play where he was down field running with the ball, had a blocker in front of him taking a defender out of the picture.... and he ran right into the back of his blocker. In my mind he doesn't have good enough instincts to be an effective runner unless the hole is big enough to drive a truck through. He's too slow to change direction, his acceleration isn't good enough and he lacks the natural ability to find space. That has nothing to do with the OL. I think Cotton was better in preseason and want to see him. It's less about being down on Grigsby as being higher on the other guy.
  24. but most of the backs we've used since Roberts have been those all or nothing types... Reid, Ford, Grigsby... Simpson was different and no one really complained about his ability, just his constant injuries. Smith was a bigger bruising back no one complained about that. So it's just the types of guys they've used that people have complained of.
  25. I'll say it again, why oh why did we have to move to the west?
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