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Everything posted by 17to85

  1. ...But, he's been good for the economy...and that goes a long way.What do you like about what he's done with our economy? Probably all the deficits and recessions. The destruction of our manufacturer sector. So participating in a global economy is your problem? Because how other than subsidising the **** out of the manufacturing sector is a government supposed to save it when Canadian workers expect high wages but over seas workers are happy working for peanuts? All those recessions were caused by global factors too. The deficits I will grant you are his doing but I don't think a deficit is inherently bad, though they did let it carry on too long.
  2. Honestly I don't know how Calgary lets him walk away. Are we really supposed to think that if he wants to keep coaching they'd push him away to roll the dice on Dickenson? As good an OC as Dickenson is he might not be cut out to be a head coach, at least they already know Hufnagel is arguably the best coach in the league. I suspect if there is any truth to this the Stamps keep Hufnagel and whatever happens with Dickenson happens.
  3. Do you think some NDP supporters are backingn away fearing a Mulcair majority and moving to the liberals? I don't know, not really. Why would NDP supporters fear a NDP majority? That seems odd. More like ABC people who wanted change but not drastic change and when the NDP crept into majority territory they got cold feet and switched their vote.
  4. That's the entire Conservative game plan. They have the most loyal base in terms of actually getting out and voting, they are hoping for a low turnout with their dedicated support carrying the day. Not sure it's going to work though, there are a lot of angry people out there.
  5. This is a strange comment... except for the places we lack talent the talent is better... Not sure I can agree with that. Walters has more veterans on the team I think but overall I am not sure I can make the statement that the team is more talented now.
  6. It's been a few years now since Mack had a crack at a draft and there are guys he drafted playing around the CFL, just that the new GM moved them all out. That's what happens when you change GMs, they bring in their own guys
  7. I find the second choice polling pretty useless all in all. Lots of people might say they have a second choice but when push comes to shove won't vote for someone else. That's why you see the NDP and Conservatives dropping and the Liberals rising. The Conservatives won last time by taking a bunch of Liberal seats in Ontario, now it appears that the Liberals are getting Ontario back. Without Quebec it doesn't appear that the NDP have as much nationwide support as it initially did.
  8. Firing him midseason is a trap. Then you get a situation like when Crowton was let go and Bellefeuille was brought in. Hard to make changes wholesale midseason so it's not really improving anything, but hey the guy works well with the rest of the staff might as well just keep him. If the offence is going to be ****** the rest of this season regardless why not wait until the offseason to make the change and then you can go out and find the best candidate and not have the temptation to just go with the easy status quo hire. Except that MB has proven he can't win with our current players. And his playcalling is terrible. Why reward that kind of work? Give something else a try, even if for shits and giggles. Never wanted him here in the first place. I never wanted him here in the first place either, but you can't change an offence completely with only 8 games remaining. We're stuck with his crap all year like it or not, might as well wait until the offseason. But then again I'm not the kind of person who needs a public execution to placate me.
  9. I am not going to get into the rest of it, but how in the hell was Hall a questionable hire and unproven? The man has been a defensive coordinator of note in the CFL for quite some time and he was even so highly regarded that he got a head coaching job. It didn't work out as a head coach, but he's still a solid defensive coordinator. I'm not his biggest fan as he's not as aggressive as I like in a DC, but to suggest he's unproven is ridiculous. You'd be hard pressed to get a more proven defensive coordinator.
  10. This is a good trade. Struggling player for a highish draft pick which is something this team could always use and you get another player who might play. That's two real good trades by Walters. Kudos. Shame it came to the point of having to make trades but whatever, at least he's not sitting on his thumbs, he's actually doing something to improve. Make no mistake, these guys want to win more than anyone.
  11. Richard Harris was quite likely the best coach this team has had since Dave Ritchie so I don't know what the point is. My point simply was that Brown was a guy who I think struggled to self motivate and he needed some kind of outside motivation whether it was the disrespect Ritchie hyped up in 2001 or whatever it was. Browns big flaw is assuming every player should be like him and need that outside motivation rather than having it come from somewhere else. And one of O'Shea's major flaws is assuming that all players are self-motivated and self-disciplined, just like he was. How do we know he's like that? We don't know what he says behind closed doors.
  12. which is absolutely valid, but an offensive coordinator has to allow those qbs to succeed or fail on their own. He set Brohm up to fail big time and he quite likely did the same to Marve. If they are only given a small portion of the field to throw to you make it so easy to defend against them. You can't coach scared like that. If the qbs make mistakes and turn the ball over yeah you're likely to lose, but you're probably going to lose trying to get first downs by only throwing 2 yard passes.
  13. Richard Harris was quite likely the best coach this team has had since Dave Ritchie so I don't know what the point is. My point simply was that Brown was a guy who I think struggled to self motivate and he needed some kind of outside motivation whether it was the disrespect Ritchie hyped up in 2001 or whatever it was. Browns big flaw is assuming every player should be like him and need that outside motivation rather than having it come from somewhere else.
  14. Firing him midseason is a trap. Then you get a situation like when Crowton was let go and Bellefeuille was brought in. Hard to make changes wholesale midseason so it's not really improving anything, but hey the guy works well with the rest of the staff might as well just keep him. If the offence is going to be ****** the rest of this season regardless why not wait until the offseason to make the change and then you can go out and find the best candidate and not have the temptation to just go with the easy status quo hire.
  15. There is nothing there because they keep firing everyone every couple years. These guys may not be the ideal people, but give them a chance to try and build things up a bit before we make that move. Fire them all now and it's right back to square one with no qbs no scouting department and no decent canadian talent on the team prolonging the misery even further. You don't want to hear it but patience is needed now more than ever. I don't agree , I just got back from Practice and I don't see a team on the verge of Winning, I see a team that looks like they are un defeated and don't have to work that hard I hope I am wrong but I don't like MOS's practices they are way to lax and they don't spend enough time scrimmaging and they don't have any competitive scrimmages ( that I have seen ) No offence but I don't think you have a hot clue in hell what makes for a good practice and what doesn't. I never said the team was close, I said what's the point in blowing it up before the draft picks are developed and the other young recruits are further developed? Expecting this thing to be turned around in 2 years was always wishful thinking. Too many holes and too many areas lacking. Give these guys a long enough time period to see if what they're doing is working or not.
  16. I don't know that being quick in his feet is all that relevant if he's going to play on the interior. If he can just be a bulldozer and make some room for guys to run it'd do more than we're getting currently.
  17. I would never hire a person who can't think rationally and only makes knee jerk emotional responses so I wouldn't worry about trying to find a boss like me. As some one who does contract work I have worked for a wide variety of different people, you know who the worst types of people to work for are? The angry people who "hold everyone accountable" That only motivates people enough to not get hassled. The best people to work for are the ones who understand that not everything is perfect and you get a chance to improve upon the mistakes without getting reamed out for making a mistake. But hey let's fire Walters and O'Shea and hire some more rookies then fire them in 2 years when they turn out to not be miracle workers.
  18. This is exactly it, they felt that investing money on the offensive line would help the protection issues and we all know that when he's not flat on his back Willy can move the sticks as good as anyone. Now though it looks like there's still some problems so I am sure they will be more willing to look at changes in the offseason.
  19. Doug Brown is also a bit of a different player. He's the kind of guy who needed an ass kicker as a coach which is why he liked Dave Ritchie, but that's not a common thing.
  20. Do you really think MOS is going to say at his presser, "Yes, if we don't win this week and the offense still sucks, I'm firing Marcel"? First i don't think MOS has the power to fire anyone he may have a say but management controls that part of the team. And yes it would be a breathe of fresh air if MOS would light a fire under this team because being everyone's friend is not working How about saying "The team has to have a better showing or their will be more jobs on the line including mine."? Why do you need to say that when everyone in every sport everywhere knows that's true without it having to be said? Because it shows a pulse. It's a **** lot better than the deer in the headlights response he gives currently. He was supposed to be the accountability coach and it be nice to see some of that. No it doesn't. I watched the clip on the bombers website this afternoon, he said quite a bit in there. I don't see what the problem is other than some people want the ranting and raving like the lunatic fan base.
  21. Everyone keeps saying just fire people, it cant' get worse, but that's how you go from Dave Ritchie to Jim Daley or Doug Berry to Mike Kelly. and on and on and on. But hey by all means continue the process, it's worked out great for the last 25 years, but THIS TIME, this time we'll win the Grey Cup instantly surely. The talent on this team was decimated so badly because of the hirings and firings in the 2000s that we are still trying to rebuild from that. Basically an expansion team and then we fired the first GM to have a crack at trying to rebuild it and brought in someone else who got rid of almost everything and started from scratch again. What do we do? Fire these guys and start from scratch again? Look they gave Bellefeuille a chance this year thinking that continuity and an improved on paper offensive line would make a difference, it hasn't so now the next logical step is to change the offensive coordinator. People hate it, but patience. If next year is another poor year then yes let's discuss firing people but right now it's premature. Let's see where we stand when the NIs drafted by this regime are more veteran and experienced. If our offensive line still sucks when Goosen and Chungh have some experience then we'll talk.
  22. So we make a bunch of changes and when they still suck because they don't have the proper base in place do we fire everyone in 2 more years and keep repeating the cycle? If you think that's a good idea then you really don't see what I'm saying at all. Be patient and give these guys a proper chance. Yeah it's hard, yeah it's frustrating, yeah it sucks, but patience is the key here.
  23. Considering that O'Shea has reportedly been getting more and more involved in special teams in the weeks leading up to this I don't think it's a stretch to think that this came from O'Shea himself. He saw a problem, tried to help and see if it got better without having to fire someone, it did not so he pulled the trigger. I don't know why people think O'Shea is blind and doesn't know what's wrong with this team. I guarantee that he knows damned well what the problems on this team are, he's a smart guy even if he doesn't say it in the media.
  24. You don't want to hear it but patience is needed now more than ever. Oh, I hear you...but that particular phrasing is giving me multiple flashbacks... but we haven't been patient at all. Weren't patient with Reinbold which makes sense, weren't patient with Richie or Daley or Berry or Kelly or Mack or anyone. For too long it's been about winning a Grey Cup right ******* now. If only they'd won that 01 game, a lot of grief would have been saved.
  25. Do you really think MOS is going to say at his presser, "Yes, if we don't win this week and the offense still sucks, I'm firing Marcel"? First i don't think MOS has the power to fire anyone he may have a say but management controls that part of the team. And yes it would be a breathe of fresh air if MOS would light a fire under this team because being everyone's friend is not working How about saying "The team has to have a better showing or their will be more jobs on the line including mine."? Why do you need to say that when everyone in every sport everywhere knows that's true without it having to be said?
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