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Everything posted by 17to85

  1. Half Pints is the best of the bunch if you ask me.
  2. Here is something that a lot of fans tend to forget.... The huge free agent deals are often the ones that teams regret the most. You get a great player for sure, but he eats up a large chunk of your cap space and if he doesn't live up to the very high expectations it becomes a lightning rod for criticism. Generally the best free agent deals are the under the radar ones where you snag a guy on the verge of breaking out and get good value for money. Let's not worry about Muamba too much, we're getting good play from our linebackers in my opinion for a lot cheaper than if Muamba was here. Would have loved to have him here, but he's in Montreal and so be it.
  3. Yeah but it's going to be a tough sell unless they bring in Hufnagel to run everything anyway. You know what sells? Results. Not names. These guys put a roster on the field that can win fans will be back. Better performance by Kyle Walters and a new, quality offensive coordinator should work wonders for this team. I maintain that if we go 5-13 or 4-14 changes will have to be made at the coaching level. I just can't see MOS surviving. We'll be hard pressed to equal our record of last year. We were woefully unprepared for the Willy injury at the qb position. That's on both Walters & MOS for thinking our backups were CFL calibre players when they were not. . Why be so rigid? Coaching isn't the biggest issue so why fire the coach? New OC and better talent should provide better results and we can give O'Shea the proper tools to succeed. Selling credibility & season tickets will be the biggest issues for the Bombers this off season, I'd think. But that's going to be difficult anyway so why get caught up in changes for the sake of selling tickets?
  4. Yeah but it's going to be a tough sell unless they bring in Hufnagel to run everything anyway. You know what sells? Results. Not names. These guys put a roster on the field that can win fans will be back. Better performance by Kyle Walters and a new, quality offensive coordinator should work wonders for this team. I maintain that if we go 5-13 or 4-14 changes will have to be made at the coaching level. I just can't see MOS surviving. We'll be hard pressed to equal our record of last year. We were woefully unprepared for the Willy injury at the qb position. That's on both Walters & MOS for thinking our backups were CFL calibre players when they were not. . Why be so rigid? Coaching isn't the biggest issue so why fire the coach? New OC and better talent should provide better results and we can give O'Shea the proper tools to succeed.
  5. Yeah but it's going to be a tough sell unless they bring in Hufnagel to run everything anyway. You know what sells? Results. Not names. These guys put a roster on the field that can win fans will be back. Better performance by Kyle Walters and a new, quality offensive coordinator should work wonders for this team.
  6. Your right so y do we want to keep MOS again? Because he's not been given the tools to be successful. Kyle Walters hasn't brought in enough talent. His draft picks haven't gone above and beyond, the only guys who seemed to work out are free agent signings or trading for known CFL guys. When left to find guys on his own he's failed thus far. You can't expect a coach to work miracles. Give him a roster that can win when injuries hit and then see what he's like as a coach. Excuses, sorry. Why should MOS get a pass when other HC don't? Three years as a STC in Toronto & that was it. With that logic, we should have kept Tim Burke. maybe he would have become a good coach & he never had talent either. Funny, 2 years ago no one was using the lack of talent angle or Burke needs time to become a great head coach so we better keep him around. I think Tim Burke had way more talent to work with to be honest. Except maybe at qb. But the Burke Bombers were the most painful team to watch I have ever seen. I found myself not caring about 5 minutes into a game, at least I can watch the Bombers this year even if they're getting it handed to them. Walters has done some good things for this team, but considering he's been here for 2 years he hasn't done nearly enough yet.
  7. Takes two sides to sign a contract, if he doesn't want to sign here then so be it. Life moves on and it's not like we're weak at linebacker. Would have been nice to add a star NI, but oh well.
  8. Your right so y do we want to keep MOS again? Because he's not been given the tools to be successful. Kyle Walters hasn't brought in enough talent. His draft picks haven't gone above and beyond, the only guys who seemed to work out are free agent signings or trading for known CFL guys. When left to find guys on his own he's failed thus far. You can't expect a coach to work miracles. Give him a roster that can win when injuries hit and then see what he's like as a coach.
  9. While that may be true, would they view propping of Harper to be more damaging to future election success that working with the other party. Well you can always spin giving the Conservatives support as "Just doing what the voters showed they want" GIven that both the NDP and Liberals want to position themselves as the alternative to voting Conservative working together that closely would do more damage. **** it up and people will turn around and put the Conservatives right back into power, do it well and the senior partner would get all the credit for it and the third party gets forgotten. I see supporting the Conservatives provided they get concessions as the best bet.
  10. Defeating a government on a confidence motion (the first opportunity would be the throne speech) doesn't necessarily mean an election. It's up to the governor general to decide. He can either send it to an election or ask one of the parties to try and gain the confidence of the house. They wouldn't even need a formal coalition, just enough support to get things passed. As I said though, I don't see either the NDP or Liberals being willing to work with each other if they're the second fiddle. As much as they are "**** Harper" they are also power hungry.
  11. Totally agree. I was never a fan of MOS as a player but you can tell by his time as a coach in TO that he can coach and knows the game very well. But in TO he had some very athletic players. Thanks to Walters, he has a lousy lineup with atrocious depth. So he's burning out. Same thing happened with LAPO here. Lame GM (Mack) kept feeding him garbage players and he's supposed to make chicken salad out of it. I absolutely guarantee -- if MOS was in Sask with their old, poorly built Taman team he would suck there too. But put him in Hammer or Calgary and he'd have a winning record. I actually disagree completely... not that our talent is perfect... but we have some good players, and as we've proven in 2 games against Calgary, good enough to compete with the league's best... I would challenge your last statement by saying what if we swapped coaching staffs with Calgary?... I think we would have 7 or 8 wins by now with that staff... Another example.... Pat Del Monaco is a disastrous O-line coach here.... yet he looks like a genius in Calgary even when they played a couple games missing 3 regular starters... that's not including the losses of Jones and Bryant... We do have some good players, but look what happened when our starting qb got hurt... had to go dumpster diving and bring in someone from another CFL team. Look at all the receivers we went through trying to find one who could play when we had injuries to Moore and Adams, look what happened when Cotton got hurt, had to go dumpster diving again and bring in Walker. When 100% healthy yes this team can compete with anyone, but injuries **** this team hard. The depth sucks. Period end of discussion.
  12. I believe a lot of ABC voters believe that it won't mean a new election, but that the Liberals and NDP would form a coilition and run things instead. Technically it's possible, but any attempts in the past to do so have failed (in my limited recollection). However I believe many people are convinced it will happen. The problem is I don't see them forming a coalition because neither party wants to be the junior partner in such a situation. I am sure that when both Mulcair and Trudeau talk about toppling the Conservatives they envision themselves as Prime Minister with the other party propping them up. I just do not see that happening. If the Liberals were the 3rd place party there is no way they would humble themselves to prop up the NDP. That just makes them irrelevant because it means they've accepted that the NDP has usurped them. Similarly I don't see Mulcair propping up a Liberal party because it just pushes them back to the irrelevant 3rd option. Too many egos and too much arrogance on both sides to really work together. They're all bluster but should the Conservatives win a minority I can see them letting them govern provided they get some concessions.
  13. Not surprising, the NDP has always catered to the hipster douchebag crowd.
  14. So we just make excuses for other head coaches who failed? You know what a common theme in head coaches not working out is? Not getting help from the GM. Hell a big reason Benevides was canned is cause Wally is losing his touch. We see it with his team this year. So let's address the real issue with the Bombers, a team that doesn't have enough talent, before we throw the head coach to the sidelines. Walters needs to get his **** together cause a lot of the problems on this team stem from a complete and total lack of depth.
  15. Why would Saskatchewan trade Glenn? Durant has had back to back significant injuries, why go into next season without an established backup?
  16. Experience matters a lot. Toronto got it right when they hired the "inexperienced" (Pro coach since 2003 and asst HC in Montreal) Milanovich and Edmonton got it right when they hired "inexperienced" (Pro coach since 1998 including Asst HC/GM in Toronto) Jones. We got it wrong when we hired "inexperienced" (STC since 2010) O'Shea. Rookies are a higher risk whether it's as a player, HC, GM or CEO or any other job for that matter. Take the higher risk and you may get rewarded, but it's more likely that you'll be replacing them more often than an experienced person with a quality track record. You know we could also look at Pinball Clemons who had basically no experience and made a pretty good head coach. Just get off the experience thing and say what you really mean, stop hiring duds and hire someone good. I mean really you want a proven experienced hire so what are we doing? Dragging Don Matthews or Dave Ritchie out of the old age homes to run the teams for us? Cause other than that the list of guys with experience have been tried and failed.
  17. "If they're good"... that's the key words here. Jury's out. Yeah but we have someone specifically saying to hire experience. I'm just pointing out that hiring the right person has nothing to do with experience.
  18. You know what, I really can't just let this one go. Too many times the CFL has come back after a game like this and said to the Bombers "Sorry, we blew the call". Once OK but it's happened so many times and it always seems to be to the Bombers I just can not let this kind of gross incompetence slide anymore. I demand reparations.
  19. No the problem with Black is that it's all forced, with Dunigan it's genuine. You can't fake that kind of excitement but Black tries. It's not about any biases either, it's about whether someone is good at their job or not and there are a lot of variables to that. There is no one size fits all broadcaster but most of the ones TSN uses are terrible. Cuthbert and Dunigan are the best two by far. Cuthbert because he's just a pro and knows what his job is as the commentator and doesn't try and step outside of that role too much, Dunigan because he has that genuine enthusiasm that too many people (ie. Duane Forde) try hard to fake but it just comes across as painful.
  20. So Toronto did it wrong hiring an inexperienced Milanovich? Or Edmonton with an inexperienced Jones? Come on now let's not be ridiculous. Experienced or inexperienced doesn't matter if they're good at what they do.
  21. That's an industry problem moreso than an individual one though. They don't want em to leave dead air, gotta fill it some how. Wish they'd take a page from British sports broadcasting, they'll regularly just shut up and watch the play then talk about it after.
  22. You're also an Edmonton fan so your opinion isn't valid. I disagree completely. To you maybe, but take a poll in Winnipeg - go ahead. I know who'd win. But sorry to disappoint, a lot more Oiler fans in Saskatoon then there are in Wpg. The Oilers play the Wild on Saturday afternoon in Saskatoon, so my guess is that's where McDavid will play (McLellan already said McDavid won't play both games). But the star player in the NHL is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> over the CFL. All I see here is people trying to sell their tickets at 1/2 face value for a bomber game - with no takers (see the one super fan here looking for bomber tickets but not willing to pay face value). Fans were paying their own way to Pentiction just for a chance to see McDavid. 'nuff said. Oh no you missed the point, I'm not saying you're an Oilers fan, I'm saying you're not a Bomber fan cause you're in love with all things Edmonton. Seriously just drop the act already and pull on one of those green and piss yellow jerseys.
  23. No the best part about Dunigan is that he doesn't tried hard, he's just so amped up by football naturally he can't help but be as excited as he is.
  24. you.....did....whaaaaaaaaaaat.......??!!!!? we've secretly replaced your football team with one that sucks, how does that make you feel?
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