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Everything posted by 17to85

  1. This is exactly what I'm getting at. We've seen tons of highly touted built for the CFL qbs come up here and flame out. Until he proves himself he's just another prospect qb.
  2. We can thank 17to85 for that. Was that a fat joke? One thing to keep in mind, when Noeller starts calling people fat he's doing it like Homer when he started to tell it like it is... "You're the fattest one in the car Homer!"
  3. In todays NHL you don't see many "suited to the role" 4th lines anymore. It's a good place for young players to get sheltered minutes and provide depth scoring without much pressure. Lots of teams trying to go with 3 offensive lines and one checking line these days. Ehlers doesnt strike me as suited to a checking line. No and that's not what I said, 3rd lines generally become checking lines and 4th lines are lines that can play against softer competition.
  4. That's called Brohming a joke. We could just call it gbilling a joke... Or 17to85ing a joke. Yeah except I'm not the guy who continuously runs things into the ground.
  5. I'm hoping Walters said to him "Go get everyones offer then come talk to me"
  6. That's called Brohming a joke. We could just call it gbilling a joke...
  7. In todays NHL you don't see many "suited to the role" 4th lines anymore. It's a good place for young players to get sheltered minutes and provide depth scoring without much pressure. Lots of teams trying to go with 3 offensive lines and one checking line these days.
  8. The thing about this tournament is that it's basically a showcase for the top prospects. There's no systems play and a lot of the guys who get invited will never get a sniff of the NHL, but the top prospects are supposed to put on a show. I'd be concerned that none of the Jets big time prospects have done that. This whole thing was supposed to be the Oilers and Jets showing off their fancy prospects that the other teams just lack. The Calgary and Vancouver teams are pretty terrible all in all, basically like one or two guys on either of those teams worth a damn.
  9. Ding...ding...ding....we have a winner. Not going to defend Bellefeuille totally but a large part of our total ineptness on offence over the past few weeks is in large part because Brohm and Marve are not or are not ready to be CFL QBs. Nichols performance on just 4 days practice in our offence proves that. So here's my question, both Brohm and Marve talked about their frustration with no big plays available, yet Willy and Nichols seemed to have no trouble with that, what if it was Bellefool who did call nothing but short crap because he didn't trust his qbs? That's a possibility given the stark differences between Brohm and Marve and WIlly and Nichols. It certainly could be a simple case of Willy and Nichols are just better, but I do wonder. Bellefeuille to me seems to try and out think himself at the best of times, it's entirely within the realm of possibility he did it with Brohm/Marve too.
  10. Jokes tend to be funny though... was there a joke that I missed?
  11. DBs are generally the fastest guys on the team, just the nature of the position. Why do you think a lot of kick returners are defensive backs?
  12. Bass just ran out of steam, that's common with football players, they're so focussed on the explosive short range speed a lot of them really suck when they have to maintain that speed over a distance.
  13. That was the kind of play we used to do on defense in the 80's.Harrumph Harrumph!! I have no idea what that means? We had a championship defense back in the day who made timely plays to win games with linebackers like Jones, Battle & West. That defensive touchdown was as good a play as I've ever seen. That's all I meant.
  14. Why do I have to choose? Shouldn't be difficult to fit both in. Nichols is not in as high a demand as all that that he's going to command starter money.
  15. Yes the thing that makes the oil sands difficult is that because it's heavier it's less viscous. Conventional oil you put a hole in the ground it'll flow out easily, what they do with oil sands when they don't just mine it is they drill two holes and inject steam into one which makes the bitumen flow more easily. That's where the water usage comes from, plus the energy required to heat water to make steam. Oil shale is different, shales have no permeability so even if you put a hole in the ground nothing will flow because the only place you can get oil from is the immediate area around the well bore, so they fracture the **** out of the stuff and create artificial permeability so the stuff can get into the well bore. I am not as familiar with what kind of oil is actually in the oil shales, but even with the fracturing I don't think you recover a ton of the stuff from the rock compared to what's locked in there.
  16. is that you Thomas Mulcair? Surely you don't buy that argument... Yes a higher dollar is worse for exporting done by manufacturing, but I ask again, how is he supposed to save a dying industry without huge subsidization? lol was I suggesting we prop up the typewriter industry? Manufacturing is a pretty broad term and its far from dying. What the **** do you think get done with raw resources after they are taken out of the ground? people drink the oil and buy blocks of copper to look at? its gets manufactured into end use items. Developing countries have the focus of their economy hacking **** out of the ground. Developed countries make ****. The US has a robust manuacturing sector and that is why they are doing much better than us economically right now. The nature of our economy though makes it difficult to be that manufacturing power. We're isolated, small population in the country, the only close market just happens to be the juggernaut that is the United States so any manufacturing done here is also in competition with the manufacturing done there, and they have a closer proximity to bigger markets than we do sad to say. What this country does have though is a lot of resources and since the world is all about free trade these days it simply makes more sense to produce resources. In a vacuum sure, but we're not in a vacuum, we're stuck next to an elephant that can roll over and squash us.
  17. with knees like that it appears that maybe football isn't his thing.
  18. The freedom for territories and Provinces to oversee their own rivers and lakes without a Fed. Overseer seems dangerous to me. And this move, coupled with the muzzling of scientists who would be looking at the effects of this lack of protection scares me, and it should scare anyone who would like to think our resources include more than fuel fossils. And would it be a coincidence that this move would likely make it easier for pipelines to be constructed though pristine land? You do know that overall pipelines are a better option for transporting oil right? If we don't build pipelines it's not going to stay in the ground, it'll get produced and shipped in some other manner. Probably trucks and trains which spill more and travel through our communities as well. People need to get over this fear of pipelines. Let's focus on making the companies that build and run them accountable for their product rather than trying to prevent them.
  19. Fraser had to explain investing to you, so you can explain this to the rest of us. well oil is a pretty subjective term at the best of times and tar is something specific itself. I mean there's lots of types of oil in the world and what differentiates them is the kinds of hydrocarbons that make up the mixture. It's not like you mine or drill for oil in the oil sands, what you're getting out is bitumen and it takes processing and refining to separate out the more useful lighter hydrocarbons. That is also why western canada select generally sells at a lower price than Brent Crude or West Texas Intermediate. It's heavier and doesn't have as many of those really useful lighter hydrocarbons. It's hard to explain over the course of a few sentences, but when you see the difference between oil, heavy oil and bitumen it's just so obvious. I just find that a lot of people really tend to over simplify the oil industry.
  20. is that you Thomas Mulcair? Surely you don't buy that argument... Yes a higher dollar is worse for exporting done by manufacturing, but I ask again, how is he supposed to save a dying industry without huge subsidization?
  21. So much this....I don't know if it's a Madden thing, or what, but people get so worked up about a guy's physical stats. It's so much less important than they realize... So you're saying that I can't walk onto the defensive line based purely on my height and weight? Even if I have the right passport too?
  22. Madani has never met a rumour he wouldn't spread. It's not that he's unreliable, it's that any little rumour he hears gets put out there no matter how strong it is.
  23. The burden of proof is on the person making the claim. You don't get to call things facts without being prepared to source that claim.
  24. As soon as someone uses the stupid phrase "tar sands" I tune out as it is obvious they don't have a clue what they are talking about. Yep calling it tar sands really shows a persons biases and stance on the oil sands. It's enviro propaganda to call it tar sands and make it sound dirty. Actually I wish they'd drop the tar or oil from it and simply call it what it really is, bituminous sand. In fact I wish more people really understood hydrocarbon deposits and the differences between them better. Would save me a lot of head aches when I read some of the nonsense people say.
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