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Everything posted by 17to85

  1. Difficulty, the special teams don't appear to be benefiting from all those extra lbs.
  2. Just wondering, do these polls reach people through social media or are they conducted as in the past, strictly by phone? • Ballot tracking reflects only the first choice given by decided voters • A national dual-frame (land+cell) random telephone survey is conducted nightly by Nanos Research throughout the campaign using live agents. Each evening a new group of 400 eligible voters are interviewed. The daily tracking figures are based on a three-day rolling sample comprised of 1,200 interviews. To update the tracking a new day of interviewing is added and the oldest day dropped. The margin of error for a survey of 1,077 decided voters is ±3.0 percentage points, 19 times out of 20. • The margin of error for weekly surveys before Sept. 4 is ±3.1 percentage points, 19 times out of 20 This is way off topic, but if there are any statisticians out there, can you tell me why they phrase things like this. Is the margin of error +/- 3 or not .... if this happens to be the 20th time, what is the margin of error? Or is it completely unknown? 19/20 is 95% so why not just build that other 5% of uncertainty into the +/- 3. It all seems a little hodge-podge. It helps to cover their asses when they get it wrong. That's what I was going to say, it's sort of just like 60% of the time it works every time. Just a way to say usually it's within the 3 points but that one time you might get something totally screwy.
  3. but it took him a couple years to find a LB or DL who can play, he still hasn't found any receivers.... it's not like he's had only one offseason to dig up anyone. The last regime could dig up lots of guys who could play, they just lacked veterans mostly.... when do we stop making excuses for Walters? he needs to get his **** together and find players are more positions than just DB.
  4. I watched it way back in the summer when it was first out, my thoughts were that it wasn't as bad as I was expecting (I expected the worst) but I felt that it was too needlessly bloody and violent for no reason. The rest of them weren't as gratuitous in the deaths.
  5. Honestly, I think trying to portray Mulcair as warm and fuzzy was a mistake by the NDP strategists. I much prefer the straight-shooter that we saw in QP these past few years. He's at his best when he's talking down to Harper and he only exposed that side briefly during the second debate. Nothing against him personally but when Mulcair smiles it kind of gives me the creeps. That's the problem though, it's easy to look good when you're just attacking Harper, if you want to be PM though you can't just attack Harper. The man is an easy target. Mulcair is just a straight up opportunist and people see that. Rick Mercer always said Canadian voters aren't as dumb as politicians think and when you treat them like they are they don't like it. I think the NDP are learning that with their sunshine and rainbows campaign and it appears that the Conservatives are going to learn it too with their war on terror campaign.
  6. The only position they consistently find talent is at defensive back. That's a concern because there's a bunch of other positions on the team that need people too.
  7. I would say yes but there are still problems with execution which falls on the players.
  8. They only came together because they could win, if they can't win why stick together? You ask why be a far right loser than a moderate winner, well that's the problem with the people who believe in the hard core social conservatism, they believe what they believe with 100% conviction and to them there is no compromising. Harper ran that party top down with an iron fist to keep everyone in line in order to win, once he's gone I'm not sure anyone else can keep the thing from flying apart at the seems because it's clear that the Canadian public is getting fed up with the Conservatives act.
  9. The NDP never really stood a chance federally once the momentum left them. Ontario is just not an NDP place. Bob Rae sank their hopes in that province and let's be honest, if you don't do well in Ontario you won't have much of a chance. I'd also say that Quebec bought the crap Jack Layton was selling last time and Mulcair is just so unappealing as a potential prime minister that they were bound to fail. Trudeau may just be a hair piece, but he's a face and that's all the Liberal party is using him as. The machine behind him has run a good campaign while the NDP tried to walk both sides of the line and never convince either side and the Conservatives spent the whole time saying "vote for us or the terrorists will get you!" It's quite frankly insulting and they deserve to lose for that alone.
  10. relentless logic and not allowing people to get out of erroneous claims? Yeah it does tend to win debates.
  11. Is he THAT loyal though? He's fired people that folks said he'd never fire and that he personally likes, he's cut players not performing (just slower than some people like). I don't think O'Shea is loyal to a fault, I think he's just patient.... which is likely why so many here have a problem with him. Lotta knee jerk reactions types on message boards. Etch, MB and Kuale say hi and he tossed Etch and Kuale! Yes he did, but after the damage had been done and the season was over. He stuck by both even though it was clear that neither was good enough. In the case of Etch, it was pretty clear that he agonized over the decision, which is completely baffling to me because Etch was so incredibly bad. And you don't wait an entire season to see if an under performing MLB will suddenly "get it" especially when he was doing the same thing with another team before we signed him. Instead, you march down to your GM and get him to find you someone else chop bloody chop. So sorry, waiting for season's end to fix stuff doesn't count in my books. You're still confusing loyalty with patience. No sorry, I'm not. Patience is waiting to see if you can correct a problem, but acting when it becomes apparent that you can't Loyalty (the problematic kind) is hanging onto someone long after they've demonstrated that they are just not good enough under some delusion that a bolt from the blue will strike and they'll suddenly morph into the player/coach you always knew they would be. I will grant that it is possible that what we are seeing is not misplaced loyalty, but sheer stubbornness, or pride. Label it what you will, but the results seem to be the same. No you really are, trying to change the definition isn't a good argument, just trying to salvage a losing position.
  12. Well ultimately it comes down to Walters because he picked the scouting staff.
  13. But doesn't that particular issue rest in Kyle Walters lap rather than O'Sheas? Afterall the only competition in camp was Portis who wasn't as good as anyone and Yantz the token Canadian feel good story. I see more GM failings on this team than head coach failings. Regardless of what we think about Bellefool, can we honestly say this team has enough talent? They signed Chevon Walker for gods sake! That's just bad GMing right there. Has Kyle Walters recruited any receivers we can put on the field and expect a good performance from? Denmark came from Mack, Moore from BC, Adams from Toronto, Kohlert from Mack, JFG seems to me was an O'Shea guy, where are the receivers that Kyle Walters brought to this team? It's been a couple years now surely at least one should have shown up. You can't win in the CFL unless you are able to recruit some talent.
  14. Is he THAT loyal though? He's fired people that folks said he'd never fire and that he personally likes, he's cut players not performing (just slower than some people like). I don't think O'Shea is loyal to a fault, I think he's just patient.... which is likely why so many here have a problem with him. Lotta knee jerk reactions types on message boards. Etch, MB and Kuale say hi and he tossed Etch and Kuale! Yes he did, but after the damage had been done and the season was over. He stuck by both even though it was clear that neither was good enough. In the case of Etch, it was pretty clear that he agonized over the decision, which is completely baffling to me because Etch was so incredibly bad. And you don't wait an entire season to see if an under performing MLB will suddenly "get it" especially when he was doing the same thing with another team before we signed him. Instead, you march down to your GM and get him to find you someone else chop bloody chop. So sorry, waiting for season's end to fix stuff doesn't count in my books. You're still confusing loyalty with patience.
  15. Is he THAT loyal though? He's fired people that folks said he'd never fire and that he personally likes, he's cut players not performing (just slower than some people like). I don't think O'Shea is loyal to a fault, I think he's just patient.... which is likely why so many here have a problem with him. Lotta knee jerk reactions types on message boards. Etch, MB and Kuale say hi Yes they do, and they prove my point. Kuale and Etch both got tossed on their asses, just not as quickly as fans wanted, IE. O'Shea is patient but will make changes. He also tossed Tracey despite him being a guy O'Shea was close to. He will make the hard decisions and turf people you think he is loyal to, but he appears more patient than loyal and as I said, no wonder that rubs some fans the wrong way, lots of impatient people around these parts.
  16. If you want to review Walkers skills re-watch the Bombers first game against the RB's last season. No doubt that he had the physical talent at that time but as we have seen until recently with Stoudermire sometimes these guys forget how to use it. No Walker has been the same since day one with Hamilton. He's fast. If he has a big hole to run through he's got the speed to exploit it but when the going gets tough he folds faster than superman on laundry day. Speed gets guys 9 lives in sports but if you can't do anything with that speed but run through gaping holes you're not a football player, just a track star. I was not impressed with Walker and wondered why Winnipeg bothered bringing him in. Interesting comment about his speed though. There is something very wrong with Bombers run game and it doesn't matter who the RB is. First, they telegraph every run. So its easy for the D to pick up. Secondly, every run play takes too long to develop. You can count steamboats while the QB is holding the ball out there waiting for the back to take the ball and then silly-walk into Picard's backside or one of the Bombers guards or the waiting arms of an opposing defender. It's been like that for the past couple of seasons. Its almost like there's no communication between the O line and backfield. And of course no play action to give pause to the D and no misdirection. Major fail. Does MOS not see this? Everyone does that read play with the qb though. The qb is holding the ball to see what the defense does and if he's going to pull the ball or let the rb take it. The problems with the Bombers offense are bigger than how long it takes for the rb to get the ball.
  17. Is he THAT loyal though? He's fired people that folks said he'd never fire and that he personally likes, he's cut players not performing (just slower than some people like). I don't think O'Shea is loyal to a fault, I think he's just patient.... which is likely why so many here have a problem with him. Lotta knee jerk reactions types on message boards.
  18. I don't understand this. Are you implying that they're better simply because they're catching more touchdowns? Don't you know? Touchdowns are the only stat that matters when it comes to receivers.
  19. If you want to review Walkers skills re-watch the Bombers first game against the RB's last season. No doubt that he had the physical talent at that time but as we have seen until recently with Stoudermire sometimes these guys forget how to use it. No Walker has been the same since day one with Hamilton. He's fast. If he has a big hole to run through he's got the speed to exploit it but when the going gets tough he folds faster than superman on laundry day. Speed gets guys 9 lives in sports but if you can't do anything with that speed but run through gaping holes you're not a football player, just a track star.
  20. I don't buy that. I think O'Shea wanted consistency and continuity, they felt they could spend money on the OL and improve things and it didn't work out. We have a pretty clear impression that O'Shea isn't happy with the way the offense has performed and he's basicalyl all but called out the OC. He'll be replaced in the offseason I have no doubts about it.
  21. Cry? I don't think so. Why do you make things out to be something they're not? We all know that you like Liram. You've defended him more than anyone here & don't like it when he's criticized. But we also know that you like to assume the worst and cry about it regardless of the actual facts
  22. Ottawa has been healthy all year, don't discount that in the assessment of their roster.
  23. no one could have predicted this!
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