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Mark H.

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Everything posted by Mark H.

  1. Agreed. And the OL is just another example of how fortunate the Bombers have been with injuries - that's the first OL change this year.
  2. Considering that were going with 3 Canadians on the OL after Bond got hurt - it's too bad Nevis wasn't dressed.
  3. Sure, but it never hurts to do what you can to set your players up for success.
  4. Hopefully this remains a thing - strange things tend to happen in the state of Bomberland.
  5. After that - keep the streak going - its been three years for me.
  6. That's insane. Completion % when throwing to Harris must be around 99.99999999
  7. Yep. Sometimes the D has things sewn up & it doesn't even matter what the O does.
  8. Bloody shame that they couldn't assemble a premiere OL until the Berry era.
  9. Hopefully some of the OL they drafted turn out to be the real deal. Finding another good Canadian guard (hello Sukh Chungh) would go a long way towards putting the team in that position. But for now, it is what it is. As I always say, at least they are no longer sacrificing the OL.
  10. That doesn't help at all. Dressier plays slotback, Adam plays wide receiver. Thus the talk about Dressler returning just needs to end.
  11. Steady on old chap - it's quite possible that Thorpe could play wide receiver. Now pass some of your old lady's peach schnapps...
  12. The Riders have at least shown they can win games. BC is literally exhibit A of what happens when your OL is inadequate.
  13. With Westerman on the DL, they should have been able to make the ratio work. Puzzlement indeed
  14. You know what happens when the passing game isn't as much of a threat.
  15. Glenlivet on the rocks - splendid on the palate, hard on the pocket book
  16. Amaretto and coke - you do like your booze on the sweet side Nice summary
  17. Nicholls was at least a threat to be successful downfield - putting Davis in would have allowed BC to key on Harris even more.
  18. Not in the Winnipeg area, no. Snow is further west and most of it has melted.
  19. At least they are no longer sacrificing the OL to make the ratio work - that used to be the Bomber's MO
  20. I was responding to 'even if the ratio were a moot point, who on the current roster would replace Hurl'?
  21. If it does what you need it to do - what's the problem? I had an I-phone 4 for over three years and I'm now in my third year with an I-phone 5. To me it's not about how expensive your product is, the cost lies in how often you upgrade.
  22. Does not compute - the Ipad is just an oversized version of most of those...
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