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Mark H.

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Everything posted by Mark H.

  1. 3, 2, 1 till someone says 'Toronto found him first'
  2. If it were my call to make, I would rest him next week and focus on the west semi.
  3. After watching some of the throws Reilly made yesterday, even while take some big hits, next week in Calgary will be the least of our concerns. He wasn't just ducking and chucking - he was throwing his receivers open by going to outside shoulder.
  4. Depends who's injured - the Esks went into the tank when they started losing stars like Bowman. The biggest boost for the Esks was not players getting healthy again, but the return of Derrell Walker.
  5. IMO, this past game for the Bombers was the equivalent of several key players being out for the Stamps Nichols = Mitchell Harris = Messam Adams = McDaniel Westerman = Hughes Bond = Erdos Leggett = Singleton
  6. Silly thread - almost identical comments are being posted in the other thread. LOCKED
  7. How can you not see that it's both? Flanders, Legget, Adams, Bond, Westerman. After Nichols and Harris, those guys are the core of the team.
  8. They need their recent draft picks to become starters. Once we've drafted and developed some ratio breakers, other pieces will be easier to add. Right now we are handcuffed by the ratio in several areas, especially in the trenches, receiver, and depth. Goossen and Chungh are a good start, just keep it up.
  9. It's bloody hard to run their ball control offense. Davis might have some success with both Harris and Flanders at his disposal.
  10. 1. Anyone who actually managed to catch a pass from Lefevour 2. Special Teams - nice game - too bad the Fogg return wasn't a TD as well 3. Andrew Harris - just keeps battling out there HH: the Defense. Got huge turnovers - did not have Nichols to convert them into Touchdowns
  11. Was not hit - somehow hurt his foot when he planted to throw
  12. Hardrick is playing, it's Bond at left guard who's out.
  13. Feoli Gudino? Here I was hoping with Neufeld on the OL we could at least have Poop & Nevis on the DL. Or is that still happening?
  14. However, they don't play next week. If they end up finishing first, they have plenty resting / healing time till the East final. I sense some very interesting playoffs coming up.
  15. They do - but when it comes to the cream rising to the top - you gotta like Frito Ray & the Boatmen
  16. It's playoffs and they have a QB who knows how to win games - similar to the Bombers in that sense.
  17. I would prefer to win and see Calgary get whomped again. The more that team can trend down until the West final - the better.
  18. Agreed. I also think the crossover team from the West will be eliminated in the East semi - Argos and Redblacks are trending up at the right time.
  19. When you keep giving up 'explosion plays' it doesn't really matter how many turnovers you generate. The winning TD on a 43 yard run, another long TD from a short pass to the flats - to give just a couple of examples.
  20. What a blast from the past - ima come glue your history book shut.
  21. Montreal and BC's stock has definitely risen as the season went on - like totally no doubt about it.
  22. I dare say when a coach like Trestman is doing it - he's clearly aware of liabilities in the opposing front 7. The guy is simply not known for gambling in normal circumstances.
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