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Mark H.

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Everything posted by Mark H.

  1. Yes. They have had some good games. I am worried about fatique becoming an issue, if the score stays close. DL is crucial to the success of our D.
  2. LOL. I guess Randy Ambrosie reads MBB - and pulled some strings.
  3. Pigs go back to wild boars, in a couple of generations. Most (if not all) North American wild boars, are descended from escaped domesticated pigs
  4. I'm more concerned about our pressure getting to Vaj. They haven't always had consistent pressure this year A Ritchie Hall D struggles when the front does not get pressure.
  5. I think it's going to be a close game. BC played well yesterday but the Stamps did leave points on the field. BC return game was looking dangerous.
  6. I definitely don't watch all the games, but I will for sure watch all the highlights and check the stats. Bomber games - watch or listen to 99%.
  7. As good an excuse as any. I'll join your bandwagon - should be expansive.
  8. Post(s) removed - thought the opinions about the relevance of this thread were over and done with. If you don't like the thread, don't read it. There are no morals that need to be taught here.
  9. I picked against the grain last week. Got distilled.
  10. The annual global cereal eating competition...has concluded.
  11. Absolutely. They overpaid Harris, and then was just a matter of time until he was done for the season.
  12. The more human version of Bryant - is still top shelf. If he wants to keep playing, I'd keep him.
  13. Man - I didn't even grow up with Television - and I get it.
  14. It happens - but it tends to get blown out of proportion First place teams win the most Grey Cups.
  15. T.O. might not rip them a new one, but I don't see the Riders taking advantage if they let up a bit.
  16. Truth. They are in a must win situation today. Considering what the standings were a few weeks ago, that is absolutely ridiculous. They are in tough now - the Argos have not been lying down for anyone. This was my prediction.
  17. All hail - the power of the 2023 roster! O'Shea until the end of time! PR for the win! #thanksstamps
  18. A summary - for those who missed it: 1. Bombers are mismanaging their roster - they should be 16 - 0 2. Riders suck - this is glorious and in great need of being kept intact
  19. There was PD today - your boss might be a secret MBB reader 😁😄
  20. Could be an interesting stat in the playoffs - giving the opposition all that extra TOP.
  21. Friend of mine once said: 'you have no soul when it comes to the Riders.' Probably true. 😁
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