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Mark H.

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Everything posted by Mark H.

  1. I recall the D being pretty good...until Rust left
  2. Also, the Souris / Assiniboine river valleys down in the South West corner. And the hills around Alexander.
  3. ^^ Happened in Brazil, in February
  4. You can be a decent passer - but other facets of the team don't hold up their end. That doesn't make you a bad passer.
  5. There are exceptions. Such as the year Ricky Ray threw for 5000 yards, but the Esks missed the playoffs.
  6. Agreed. And they will probably start by taking them for granted. But then Brady O and both sides of the trenches will start delivering hurt...
  7. Yeah, I watched most of the second half. Is this a good team? Does anyone...have any intention...of making a play?
  8. They will: Make it more interesting than it needs to be Show flashes of brilliance Win
  9. Also - "where's my dog" in the 2019 Grey Cup.
  10. Yeah, that was well played by the Als DB, got to give him credit for that one. The 3rd pick was just putting it up for Lawler - 19/20 that works.
  11. True. I did find Andrew Harris to have a similar style, when he played here.
  12. Things used to run in cycles of several years. Now we get drought one year, saturation the next year, followed by a somewhat normal summer. 2021-2023
  13. 1. Jeffcoat - huge game. High impact, kept contain, freed others up. Our best player on D 2. Rose - secondary as a whole was aggressive and effective 3. Brady O / Demski - both equally effective on O HH: ZC - nice to see him bounce back. Hit: that Nicholls pile drive - one of many by the DBs Block: shout to our OTs - a much improved second half from them.
  14. Plays just well enough...to give himself more opportunities to screw up.
  15. Tough crowd here. I mean, the D has given up just 3 bleeding points.
  16. Other than a couple QB errors, they did.
  17. 15 yard no yards. Kudos to the extra special teamers on the roster.
  18. My brother had no sense of danger and would literally go anywhere. Champ would bark whenever he needed one of us to come and check up.
  19. We had a poodle x scotch terrier cross who would literally baby sit my special needs brother.
  20. There are key positions that are foundational pieces of this team - where management needs to have more than an eye - on the future. QB OT MLB Safety
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