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Everything posted by Sard

  1. Ah, ok that kinda makes sense, though I did think that it had to cross the plane within the field of play, I wasn't aware that it extended beyond. The fact that he hit the pylon was irrelevant then and just makes for a better video for the highlight reel.
  2. The start of the white line is the plane of the goal line. The ball doesn't have to cross into the green, it just has to cross into the white. That being said, I'm surprised that touching the front or outside of the pylon counted as a TD as that is clearly out of bounds. I always though the players had to touch the inside of the pylon for it to count and was surprised that Bailey's dive was counted as a score.
  3. I didn't see Hansen there so not all of the injured guys were there, but Agudosi and Wolitarski definitely were.
  4. I saw the 9range cone move from the upper deck, but I thought he hit the outside of it. I was a bit confused by the TD call because I thought you had to touch the inside for it to count. Amazing shots of it on the tv replay though, that tiptoe and dive was incredible.
  5. Probably the least amount of green I've seen in the crowd for any home game against Sask. Good on Bomber fans to buy up the seats before Rider fans could.
  6. 1) Bomber O who scored on every drive until well into the 4th quarter. 2) Run game for lots of 2nd and short plays. 3) Bomber D who only allowed 13 points, none in the 2nd half. HH To Sara who was wrapping up getting pictures taken with fans and took the extra time to get one with my daughter.
  7. Unfortunately the people who are saying that are the ones who broke it in the first place...
  8. Sard


    Me choosing to wear a mask doesn't stop me from moving forward in life. There seem to be people around who think that wearing a mask (forced or by their own choice) is living in fear or virtue signaling and that's just BS. It is being cautious, and in the case where a person has a cough, sore throat, consistent sneezing, then wearing a mask is a courtesy that they are doing for others. Whether it's Covid or not, masking in public when you have symptoms of anything is something that we should have always been doing as far as I'm concerned. I don't like getting sick with anything, so knowing what I know now, I will do what I can (within reason) to help reduce the risk of that happening. Right now, that's wearing a mask in indoor public places as much as possible. I wear a mask when I'm at my office even though it's not mandatory and I'm the only one wearing it, with the exception of the 1 or 2 people who have worn them when they have had a sore throat or cough (non-Covid). I take it off to eat lunch at my desk and put it back on when I'm done... in doing so, I'm reducing my possible exposure to whatever may be floating around the air. Is it 100%, no, but it's something that gives me a bit of peace of mind.
  9. Sard


    I'm not talking about you when I say that, I'm talking about the world in general... just look at the politics stuff that's going on right now... if it's not hate it's a very strong dislike.
  10. Sard


    In my mind, the bolded part is the big issue with society in general... rather than saying that we will all look out for each other, it's every man for themselves. If everyone would take a step back and say, I'm going to do this to help others (and I'm not just talking about masks here), then people could and would be happier and the world would be a better place. The selfish attitude of "I'm only going to look out for myself because nobody else will" is why there's so much hate out there.
  11. Sard


    You wearing a mask protects you from the people who are sick (with anything ie. cold, flu, covid, etc.), or protects others if you happen to be sick. It's common in other parts of the world for people who are or have been sick to wear a mask as a courtesy to others and I think it would be nice if people here did the same. Nothing political or anything about that, just courtesy for others. Is a mask 100% effective, no, but neither are condoms or birth control yet people continue to use them. To the comment that someone made about it restricting air flow... sure, a little, but if you have a proper fitting mask with some structure to it so that it doesn't get sucked into your mouth when you breath, it's not a problem to wear for the better part of a day. I've done workouts and played sports with a mask on with little to no effect on my performance, so the air flow couldn't have been restricted all that much.
  12. Saw what looked like an elbow to the chin as well on the replay, so on top of pounding the QB into the turf there was a bit of a headshot as well.
  13. I did not know that they dropped the number of reffing crews. Do you know why they do this?
  14. Don't think ratio would be the case as QBs are non-counters aren't they?
  15. I thought the tie break was the person who selected the most different players through the season.... or am I thinking of a different game?
  16. It's almost as if they want the population to stay poorly educated... because the polls show that they don't do well among the higher educated.
  17. Park on Kingston Crescent and walk over the bridge to BDI... much easier than dealing with Jubilee at the best of times.
  18. Some of the sunsets at IGF have been pretty spectacular as well. I sit in the upper deck on the East side and have a great view of it at every game.
  19. The number of comments about how this is a new thing is strange to me because every game in Montreal that I can remember has had those horns. I just took a quick look back at an old youtube of a Montreal game from 2010 and I could hear it... not as incessantly as last night, but it's been around for a while... and by the looks of the couple, it's likely been them the whole time.
  20. I think that once we have 1st place locked up mathematically, they start resting guys and that's when we could lose... that being said, you can't rest everyone so some starters will still be playing, and Dru Brown has shown that he can play a pretty good game so time will tell.
  21. Capacity is 25K... it's a small stadium and it seemed like the atmosphere was pretty good.
  22. Demski was definitely down at the one and Ford was talking about how it would have been a TD if he had secured it... clearly not, so I don't expect them to catch whether the defender was in or out of the endzone when he secured the catch and was down... I didn't look too closely, so won't comment on whether they made the right call on the spot.
  23. Montreal has had that stupid horn (or horns) for years. As someone else mentioned, they even showed them on the broadcast pumping a small bike pump into a horn. I didn't think any mechanical noise was allowed by the CFL rule book, but I haven't gone to look it up... yet.
  24. I think it's the same in many sports and just comes down to awareness... some guys just know what's going on around them and others don't. I play Ultimate, and I can usually tell the people who've played other sports growing up because they tend to have an awareness of where others are on the field and that sort of thing, where some people are just clueless and always running into other people, or cutting people off. I could see the same with the better route runners just knowing where the defenders and open spots are. Some of it is from film study, knowing the other teams' tendencies, but a bigger part in my mind is that field awareness. Ellingson, Schoen and Demski seem to have that awareness in spades because they are very good at finding the holes. The part about running a route is the difference between being able to do a head fake and then a sharp 90 degree turn vs. just running a slow arc. The crisp cuts will get you open, where the lazy arcs will make it super easy for the defender to stay with you.
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