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Eternal optimist

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Everything posted by Eternal optimist

  1. Well there's pretty much no hope of us catching Calgary in the standings, so I guess we want the Stamps to win? Looks like the Eskimos may also be regressing - a loss here means they will have dropped 3 of 4. With the lone win coming against the Als.
  2. If there is a single Bombers' coach that is tonedeaf to the ire and vocal disapproval of fans - it is Mike O'Shea.
  3. I don't completely disagree with you, but Adams and our other receivers have been dropping key passes lately. As for the OL, they are good, but are currently struggling with the injury bug, I'd be concerned if Hardrick/Foketi can't go in the Banjo Bowl... I agree Streveler should get some opportunities, unfortunately it looks like O'Shea is overplaying Nichols to avoid a potential QB controversy. What I really don't understand though is how on earth were we able to post 180+ yards rushing yesterday, when the rest of the offense was so inept. With the exception of bad weather games, this is practically unheard of. It seems in recent weeks Harris has been a workhorse first half, and tired out second half. Perhaps finding a way to get Flanders on the roster would help share the load, the game really took a turn for the worse yesterday when Foketi got hurt and Harris had to sit out a few plays (shortly thereafter LaFrance fumbled and they never seemed to recover).
  4. I think you're underestimating the damage that could be done to Streveler... how many other promising young QBs have floundered in a Winnipeg offense, played a few games, had their teeth kicked in, then are sent packing or released? I think he's a great player, but anointing him as our starter in arguably the toughest section of our schedule, when the offense is struggling is nothing short of throwing him to the wolves. Doing so could cause serious long-term damage physically to his body, and mental damage to his psyche and confidence.
  5. Agreed, entertaining game yesterday but once again when the chips were down and Nichols had the opportunity to drive the field and be the hero, he not only faltered, but imploded in spectacular fashion.
  6. Minor thing here - but it was actually Calgary that choked in both those GCs (2016 / 2017). When Edmonton got over the hump in 2014, they took care of business against Ottawa. If nothing else, the past few Grey Cup have proven your record means nothing... could the Bombers have won if they were in from the East? Maybe, but so could any other team put in a similar situation.
  7. HH to all the Bomber fans that wake up in Regina tomorrow.... poor sods.
  8. With all due respect regarding Buck calling the plays.... agree to disagree, I guess. This is quickly becoming futile.
  9. (1) Scoring points doesn't directly correlate with doing well in the standings, but what other measure would you use to evaluate LaPo's abilities as an offensive coordinator? If not points scored (which as shown previously his offenses do), then what? (2) Four hours ago you suggested handing the reigns over to someone other than LaPo (Nichols) would exhibit a total loss of control... now you're suggesting we do the exact same thing for Buck Pierce? You're contradicting yourself here. By comparison, Pierce has as much experience calling plays as Glenn did back in '08. Sorry took so long to reply - took me a while to find out if you were just joking or not here, but the Bombers did in fact let Glenn do play-calling back then. (source: https://archives.winnipegfreepress.com/winnipeg-free-press/2008-08-30/page-65/)
  10. Re: TD's for D and special teams; This is your sticking point? It's the CFL - probably 95% of all points are scored by the offense, sure there may be some defensive touchdowns and special team touchdowns rolled into those numbers, I have no idea, my source for those amounts was the CFL's own site here: https://www.cfl.ca/team-leaders/?stat_category=offence&season=2008&week=undefined (etc. for 2009, so on) Even if defensive touchdowns / special teams touchdowns are included in those numbers, how many pick-6's is a team going to have in a year? All-time CFL record for defensive touchdowns is 11 by BC back in 1987. Besides, the other teams will have their own non-offensive touchdowns, which would help even things out. Really, this point is trivial, if you think defensive touchdowns and special team touchdowns are the norms for scoring in the CFL, we're not watching the same league. Finishing first in your division is irrelevant - we're talking about LaPo as an OC, not the entire team as a whole. LaPo did have only 2 years professional coaching experience (with the Argos') before working as OC...but before then, he had been coaching since '93. He coached at the University level since '94. Suggesting Pierce is going to come in as OC, light things up, and make everything butterflies and rainbows is delusional. If it was that easy, teams would do just that all the time, and half the people on this forum would be offensive coordinators. Instead most of us are just offensive.
  11. He's never run a consistent offense, even in a good year: Year - Team - Standing in total points 2008 - SSK - 4th in total points 2009 - SSK - 2nd in total points 2016 - WPG - 5th in total points 2017 - WPG - 1st in total points 2018 - WPG - Still 1st in total points with 338, next closest is Edmonton with 285, though we have played one more game than them currently. So, at worst, LaPo is middle of the pack as an OC. Why underestimate Pierce? He literally has almost no coaching experience whatsoever, and he's been with us since 2014. Not only that, for most of his coaching career he's been learning from LaPolice, this would be the equivalent of asking the teacher's pet to stand up and teach calculus. Where did LaPolice play pro ball? Since when does playing professional football translate into being a good coach? There's plenty of coaches out there that never played at the professional level, but are still great coaches, for example - Bill Belichick.
  12. There once was a guy named Matt, Got the call to throw out to the flat, The pass sailed, the defense failed, .... .... Riders still suck.
  13. If we're at the point where we're relying on CFL refereeing to win games - we are in serious trouble.
  14. By no means is this loss all on Nichols, but that's two games in a row where he's had the opportunity to drive the field - and has thrown a backbreaking interception instead.
  15. I'm a big Nichols fan but man, when the chips are down, does he ever crap the bed.
  16. Would love to see Corey Washington get some playing time today, but I can't see the Blue & Gold eking out a win without Dressler in the lineup..
  17. Oh, I didn't realize today's game was a playoff game.
  18. Well Medlock was 3/3 (100%) over those two games...?
  19. The secret to winning is constant, consistent management.” -- Tom Landry Sorry I guess it won't let me quote your tagline.
  20. Pessimists complain the wind is heading in the wrong direction. Optimists hope it will change - realists actually adjust the sails.
  21. Montreal right now is Exhibit A of what a good defense can do for you
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