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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. I suspect the restructure was on the table for a while if we needed it. I think we likely took it because we will be air lifting KR, pr qbs, possibly dbs, wrs, and maybe delving into cut canadians. A bunch of roster questions haven't been firmly answered yet. I don't think any pick up will happen this week though. Its just flexibility to make some going forward. We have a lot of roster shuffling to do for the game this week. I think Coleman was a fringe PR guy and we probably are going to have a guy healthy that was questionable. Griffin is a big modern Sam type body who started a handfull of games for the stamps last year and played 13 games with em. We picked him up like 2-3 weeks ago. He dressed for the last pre season game, and played late in the game. But with the angles being such trash it's not possible to really judge how he did. Yeah, we need those kinds of guys. Not Houstons.
  2. Sounds like the usual bonus money swap for base with a bit of savings. Also sounds like we cut Coleman.
  3. Recently? Might be a preventative thing or a comfort deal. Hope he still doesn’t need it. If he does he might as well pack it in now.
  4. You have to really set it up and prioritize blitzing to counter specific looks. Show and drop a lot, move guys around, etc. delay blitzing a db from the blind side is about as good as it gets. Sending 1-3 guys on a regular basis especially spread out is awful. Our defensive success came with getting pressure from our front. Creativity is better spent on front alignments twists etc.
  5. Is that a penalty these days or no? I haven't seen any thing on uniform code of conduct since blink got penalized/fined for having nikes with a white swoosh where the tape fell off. So he started blacking the swoosh out with a marker lol.
  6. Sucks kelly is hurt. Shouldn't guys just returning be on the list? Or the 6 game? It'd be nice if we had a reasonable time line for guys day to day vs month to month etc. But we'd just obfuscate that reporting too. It is, but it's also week 1 of the season following a GC loss due to roster miss management, after we miss managed the crap out of the pre season and TC. Gnash gnash gnash gnash
  7. Who said released? We're talking about roster management....
  8. We should have a poll on the GDT, who ever makes it, make it happen! It'll get there, but I don't think it'll start there.
  9. Odds we go 2 and out in the first series? Im a say 5:1
  10. Such a dangerous thing to be writing off games. Its bad enough we do it at the end of the season. If we do it at the beginning we are cooked. Its a far cry from the days of Mos talking about wanting to get wins when ever we could. The dynasty team we have has been taken for granted. We don't need to use the naturalized american, we don't need to get more than 4-5 snaps in a niche role out of a DI, we should start and play all the canadians and role guys like they are stars, just draft cover team guys and it'll be fine. It drives me insane. Especially after seeing the best group of defensive talent in a bomber TC ever.
  11. Lber sounds like Kyrie slides to mac, cole at wil, and kramdi at sam. Hope not though.
  12. In that case ill come and sell tomatoes, rocks, batteries what ever else I can find.
  13. This. I don't want RDJ, or dwayne the rock johnson doing our half time show either.
  14. We actually did that last year with Fox atleast once. DI'd him then he played 2-3 snaps all late.
  15. If thomas plays limited reps, and we dress another imp de wiht garbutt out it should be better than the DT post atleast. If we DI one of the imp DTs and camp him out on the bench I'll blow a gasket. Hope BA is back to his old self. We will see a lot of what he has left right away.
  16. More likely Jason kelce covering her songs lol
  17. What doman has done in bc with the fan support has been nothing short of a miracle. He gets fan involvement, how to market, and how to mix attractions with football. They should let him plan the GC half time shows for as long as he will do it.
  18. Yeah I think we will see a bit of that. However, we can't over do it. Strevy is our no2 qb and it is a huge drop off after that.
  19. They were HUGE in the I think 20teens? but do they still put out music? Seems like kind of a has been boy band. Is there going to be overlap between jonas brothers fans and football fans or people who would like football? Idk seems like a miss in terms of branding and timing. I'm also not a fan, but I feel like the weekend or drake would be a much better fit, and canadian. My personal pick probably wouldn't move the needle much (the headtones.) or bring eyes or any thing. I'm certainly out of touch with popular music today, but any thing R&B, hip hop etc would be long over due. I think the last time we had that was the black eyed peas like 20 years ago.
  20. 😄 Same here, I have very high expectations for JY bringing a new spark. I haven't heard a peep about Hall this TC, other than people talking about JY taking over for him.
  21. Agree. That might be the best case scenario for him this year. I think Biggie is another bomber destined to become an ast coach. Though I'm not entirely sure how we will work him in with stanley being the LB and analytics coach currently. Maybe Hall retires and makes a spot, or maybe bourgoin takes over RBs to go along with Wrs.
  22. I expect we will see our 5th wr / KR do a lot more of it than ever before. We ran down dressler really bad with that role. Then Demski came in and filled it masterfully while blocking his tail off and being a depth wr. Now, demski is a mainstay of our passing attack and getting older, having trouble staying healthy. We banged up schoen at the worst time of year doing that, woli and lawler aren't the guys to run that package at all. I think brady will expand with more screen stuff, but especially the sweep and wide out screens jail break etc will almost certainly go to our kr/5th. I think streveler might find some use in those packages as well.
  23. That would be good, but doesn’t seem the direction we are going. All our imps for that last spot are very wirey and don’t have that skill or reputation currently. If these guys don’t work out I could see us rolling the extra ni and doing just that.
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