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Everything posted by wbbfan

  1. It will. His opportunities will improve, but his play making won't imo. He did a lot of catch and run stuff, the PA roll out screen, the jet sweep etc. He will have more room and get the ball in a better position but I think he will still get taken down by the first guy most of the time. I don't think he has that escapability, shifty, quick twitch style, or the power to break any tackles. He reminds me of a less stocky vinny sutherland. Straight line pretty decent wheels, down with first contact. We will see soon enough.
  2. Except well, 7 attempts to involve him, 5 touches, 25 yards. Maybe he will do better in real games, but it doesn’t often happen that guys play better vs starters than teams 2/3/4.
  3. Wouldn’t mind if we’d grab one or two guys if they are willing to go to the pr while we sort out the secondary.
  4. Either way, I think we will still be in the market for a wr. Probably see more nfl cuts cycle through. It’s not a high priority spot like RT imo, but finding some one who can bring some thing different would be great. A kr catch and run guy who can run the sweep would be nice.
  5. I am seeing some odd contradictory stats on various sites with 4,5 and 9 starts. I think what happened was he was here in tc, got hurt came back to the pr then the bouncing before locking in a spot around ld. At most he spent about a half season bouncing between the ir and pr, with about as much time on the ir. And yeah he was one of those odd guys who came to the cfl didn’t really play and got to the nfl then came back. Made good money down south too I think a couple mil. I would bet on him breaking it for sure
  6. Sheed was producing right away but had issues with drops and rough starts to the season. He signed during the season in 2019, and started 9 games that year. Then all 14 the following year. No 1.5 years on the pr. Not .5 either. it’s a good class but also a sign of weak ni depth to start with.
  7. Wicked deal. Is that place any good? Is it a proper Irish public house place? That’s a damn good point. I mean not doing what it takes to stay healthy and competitive in the off season is fo stuff. I don’t think he was an fo guy around the team but in his exit and off season? I could see it. Still got lots of love for the guy though.
  8. When’s the last time we had a player like that though? Or the last team with a strong culture that did? On the other hand the toxic teams have had lots of those guys. Guys acting a fool is 100% a part of team culture.
  9. Except like I said you benefit as much from having those guys around the team as ahead of young guys, and that is a normal Stage in turn over. Plus defensive players translate to the cfl quickly. You are always either working on getting guys more experience or getting younger. That’s pro sports.
  10. Nope not at all. Role vs position. He started about half the season too. Parker did that before and not since. Happens frequently at db in the cfl.
  11. That’s an interesting point. I think having the guys like biggie and ba around even if they don’t play the rookies should be up to speed.
  12. That change doesn’t have to do with Mac though. That change is on its own.
  13. Idk how it’s surprising that the same people who booed James wilder for getting 5 yards on 2nd and 10 then flexing do the same to Mitchell doing the exact same kind of thing. That type of action isn’t a strong fit in a good culture.
  14. Yeah, he’s likely the most athletic guy on the team. His 4.7 40 is probably faster than a couple of our wrs/dbs. Yeah seems likely. But we will see what the week 1 roster brings. I think it’ll be bridges.
  15. I think he’s exactly the type of S we need. If he takes a bit of a step forward like he’s shown I think he will be a starter and our best ni S in a very long time. some moves will be made at dt for sure. No way we dress 6 dts with 3 imps. At minimum I see one imp and one ni dt not playing. If Jake isn’t healthy or close to 100% I think he will go 1 game ir. Other wise I think Samson will find his way to the pr. For the imps fox and Adams are who I want. With Adams upside he’d be my top priority to keep in the Line up. Fox is more established here but I don’t think woods is far behind.
  16. McGhee is a prime candidate for that. Jake is toast and will show how quickly we progress and have progressed from the boys club. biggie, ba, Kyrie are guys on the verge of being in Jake’s tier. Guys who have a role but shouldn’t start include gauthier Kramdi and schmekel.
  17. I look forward to seeing what shmek and kelly do with regular reps. Jake Thomas is the canary in the mine this year. Hopefully he’s not the new mos guy.
  18. Evaluating wrs in those games is just impossible. I’m sure that 5th spot is 90% based on tc play. That’s actually one position I’d be fine with flipping to ni. We don’t have two balls to share with all these weapons on O. Another blocker while woli plays slot would be good.
  19. I wonder if that ever bites us in the ass. If I was one of those players or their agent I’d be pissed. That’s true but man we are poised to do exactly that. And it’s like mos kryptonite.
  20. Maybe. There are but guys who haven’t gotten much for reps over guys who have been terrible. I like bonds as a player think he’s got a ton of upside. I don’t think many guys are quick easy plug n play punt returners.
  21. As far as the cuts I think we did about what was expected. Rosery is the sorest point. It also seems like a lot of guys are nursing injuries I think like has been pointed out guys will be back if they get healthy and the spot is still open. The depth chart is very concerning though. We gotta flip some of those old dogs and can’t start 10+ Canadians. 9 is too many. The primary way we move on from vets shouldn’t be they physically can’t lace em up any more. We’ve got to move on before guys are toast. I’d love it if BA can return to his classic form. That’s the best case scenario. I’m fine with giving guys a chance to come back from injury like that. Like we did with mo back in the day. Kyrie is on the edge of that with ba imo. Biggie too. If he’s properly healthy again with the imp dl in front of him and some better play call he would be fine. Gotta be his last year though. Jake is firmly in the other side of that rainbow. Maybe he’s just a fiery competitor like sheed maybe that’s what they see. I can’t understand it other wise. Kr, for a spot we targeted in the off season is screwed though. We need to be grabbing a vet. I am optimistic about that. Look forward to seeing how his D plays out.
  22. 🤢 If that’s our starting roster for game 1, then we deserve a loss. Imagine if ba isn’t able to go (doubt he will be ready) and we start 11 Canadians lmao We seldom pick up cuts and plug them in. But we do dive through the rummage bin like every other team. No one does it particularly well though imo. He wasn’t terrible by any means. But jumping up and chirping guys after 1 yard gains isn’t fifo it’s jones/dickenson
  23. Cutting Rosery after he did every thing we could ask of him makes no sense. It makes even less sense to have wasted soo many reps and snaps on a guy who if he did what we wanted we still wouldn’t keep around. They could’ve used mci in those snaps. Hopefully it’s just some roster shuffle stuff and he’s brought back already for the pr. I wouldn’t have cut Murphy but I would’ve kept rosery over Murphy.
  24. Even our online roster management is shaky lol
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