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Posts posted by Taynted_Fayth

  1. 6 minutes ago, bigg jay said:

    The UFC was in it's infancy at that point (only 5 or 6 events in the books by 1995) and wasn't for sale.  Shane didn't make a push for it for another few years (early to mid 2000's).

    I get that but obviously there was some influence from MMA  even if UFC was in it's infancy on at least 1 character in the WWE/F at the time and maybe if it was done better it would have had more influence in the approaching attitude era and eventually convinced vince by the 2000's it was worth the purchase.  but that's all hindsight.

    Funny youtube vid I found with Kama's debut against a jobber... Matt Hardy


  2. 11 minutes ago, bigg jay said:

    And before that he was a knock-off MMA fighter - Kama The Supreme Fighting Machine.


    Maybe if Kama was a little better he could have convinced vince to buy the UFC as Shane supposedly wanted him to. The Kama character would have been roughly around the time of the first couple UFCs in their early tourney days

  3. 3 minutes ago, Atomic said:

    He also had a short stint as Kama Mustafa in the Nation of Domination.

    But you're right.  Godfather is one of the most iconic figures of the Attitude Era.  The ho-train.  Pimpin ain't easy.  Yeah you're never going to see that again, lol.

    I was just thinking the same thing. I don't think there's a place for pimps and ho's anymore in the PG WWE, which kind of sucks, the bra and panties matches were always a good time filler 

  4. Just now, Noeller said:

    Dunno about Adams, Loffler and Westerman.....Thomas is a bit of a stretch, too.....Medlock having a down year, especially by his standards....

    I should have said west all-stars,  might be a little tougher for some of they guys to crack CFL all star.

    Adams is currently 5th in receiving in the league, so if it were just West I think he gets a nod.  Loffler is already at 40 tackles, westerman is tied for 2nd in the league with 6 sacks (1 behind current leader Butler) and thomas for a rotational player, has 3 sacks, 1 int and 11 tackles which isn't mind blowing but for 9 games and again rotational that's pretty good numbers

  5. I haven't watched our Oline that closely this year but seems like they are letting in more pressure then they did towards the end of last year, at least it seems that way to me.  

    excluding the Oline, I would name the following to all stars; Nichols, Harris, Adams, Randle, Heath, Loffler, Leggett, Westerman. Thomas and of course Medlock

  6. Just now, bigg jay said:

    You're 20 years too late... they saddled Terry Gordy with that gimmick at the end of his career.


    lol well unless terry gordy owns the rights,  i think they could definitely revisit the concept and make it a little more modern.

    But if I was to put that hood on someone I would have prefered it on someone the size of Braun Strowman, I don't think someone of Reigns size really has that physically imposing size when the other wrestlers aren't that much smaller over all. I think the only wrestler that matches/slightly exceeds Braun's size is the Big Slow 

  7. since the WWE is very much aimed at the young fans as much as their older fans, I don't see the harm making a character that can appease both, be a bit cartoonish yet cool enough to tolerate. A character I would roll with is that of an executioner, the possibilities with a character like that could have a high ceiling,  especially if you saddle them up with a loud mouth who thinks of themselves as both Judge and jury and when they deem someone "guilty" the executioner would be the punishment.

  8. 1 hour ago, Noeller said:

    This Chan/Brosnan thing actually looks okay, but I'm really weirded out by Chan doing something serious and Brosnan's Irish accent......

    yeah over all the trailer looked decent enough to check out.  The storyline seems like a retread of so many other movies tho. Butt hurt dad out for justice who happens to be some ex-black ops covert.  I'm more interested in seeing how Chan does in a serious role as so many of his movies are always slap-stick or accompanied by some loud mouth side kick

  9. 12 minutes ago, Atomic said:

    Yet none of these were as good as his original character - Isaac Yankem, DDS.


    lol what a dumb character. I was watching some old promo clips of Isaac Yankem from 1995,  I remember the kiss my foot match from King of The Ring 1995 between Jerry Lawler and Bret Hart and the prom night dumpster baby that came from that match was Isaac Yankem's introduction as Lawler had to visit him after he lost and it lead to a Hart vs Yankem feud

  10. I think it's pretty obvious we have the Riders kryptonite in our back pocket by the name of... *ugh*  Matty Ice.  Never lost to the riders, undefeated at NMS and playing the best ball of his career.  I'm starting to believe when Walters and Osh felt the need to find a capable back up to Drew Willy in 2015,  a criteria in their targets was "Can they beat the riders?"  to which Nichols said hell yes I can... and I will.

  11. 50 minutes ago, Rod Black said:

    your being kind. ill find a pic later.


    hes so goofy, when he was born the doctor slapped the parents.

    his wife is so ugly, she began to let herself go in kindergarden.

    isn't that your sister?  I'll be the first to admit, I am the good looking one out of my family (by a country mile ;) ) but I would never say such things on an internet forum where I know at least one of them lurks.... lol

  12. Just now, bigg jay said:

    What a terrifying monster this guy was...


    it's not about the costume so much as it's how the wrestler brings it to life.

    for example,  The first rendition of Kane where his mask was full face and he was mute was worlds better than no/half masked Kane who talked;

    Image result for different faces of kane kane

  13. 5 minutes ago, Atomic said:

    Ziggler showed up on Smackdown last week but didn't wrestle.  Apparently tonight he will actually wrestle.  But during his backstage promo he pretty much seemed like the same guy he's always been.

    I don't think there is any real formula for getting the fans on your side, aside from actually improving at your craft.  In some cases the absence can help.  Seth Rollins was really hot when he came back from his knee injury.  On the other hand you have guys like Y2J and The Miz who had grown stale but were able to gain fans by doing a great job on the mic.  The New Day, if you'll recall, went from hated faces, to hated heels, to loved heels, to loved faces.

    I don't think the fans will ever buy into Roman's "cool guy" act.  Something has to drastically change there or it will never work.

    I wasn't aware that Ziggler has been back, i must have skipped over it last week on my pvr, but I know I read somewhere nearly 3 weeks ago they were possibly repackaging him again (I think he used to be a preppy character). I didn't mind the "show off" gimmick but I think he needed to put more into it to sell it.  I think some kind of hybrid style between Mr. Perfect and Bobby Roode's current Glorious angle would have worked better.

    There's no formula for the fans,  but there's no ignoring them either.  The current Reigns character is not getting the desired reaction, and IMO it might be too far gone to salvage it. At least at this time.  What the WWE is missing atm is a "monster" character like the good ol days of Papa Shango, The Undertaker,  Kane..etc  It might be a little too late to repackage Reigns into some sort of possessed version of the Undertaker since he put him down, but throw a mask on him let him build up a character then reveal it's him somewhere down the road.  If it was done right the shock and awe of reigns being ______ all along might be enough to sell him back to the fans either as a heel or a face depending how they react to his monster character

  14. I missed the majority of raw last night but just watched that segment with Cena/Reigns. Even if that was scripted it was well done IMO.  Definitely felt some legit distaste for one another in it so they really sold it if it was a work. I doubt hat will happen again or at least often, but sometimes it works to bring some realism to a feud to give it some traction. Last week it seemed kinda meh,  especially with the Miz interrupting but at least now there's some heat between the 2 and a sort of angle of FT'er vs PT'er lol

  15. At some point if it's just not working with roman,  I would seriously have him disappear from TV for a few months then repackage him. Most times that return gets you the pop you need to start rolling better. If i'm not mistaken they are doing that with Ziggler atm

  16. 5 hours ago, wbbfan said:

    The UFC is gonna have to give mcg an ownership stake. And the biggest contract in mma history.

    I was disappointing mcg didnt do more roberto duran style clinch fighting. But not surprised. Im glad its all over and will slowly die down. No one will come close to giving mcg a similar pay day in a 2nd boxing match, I dont think their is any chance it happens. Same as floyd in mma. I hope things can calm down now with the circus and we can get mcg vs aldo 2, mcg vs diaz 3, mcg vs khabib or any legit contender to his belt.   

    I don't think it will be anytime soon, or with McGregor, but it's hard to see them never doing some sort of cross sport novelty bout again somewhere down the road. I'm sure every mma fighter, boxer, promoter..etc took notice at the $$ and draw this event was and would totally try to capitalize again someday when there are as big of names as we had yesterday.  


    I personally would love to see them do an old school UFC like when it first started that saw a variety of fighting styles showcased in a stepladder tourney.  it was basically RL Street Fighter

  17. 6 minutes ago, Goalie said:

    I just watched the main event on a online stream.. It paused more than Demi Lovato singing the US anthem but... Floyd did nothing first 4 rounds..  He wasnt trying 2 tho... By about round 6 Conor was gassed and it was only a matter of time. Conor also hit Floyd in the back of the head about 11 times so maybe just maybe in boxing.. U lose points for that... Lots of hugging tho... 


    Was it a good fight? No. Was it a decent fight? No. Was it entertaining? A little bit. Was i happy to not waste 100 bucks? Yup. Would i watch a rematch? No. 

    a lot of the back of the head stuff was Mcgregor instinctively throwing hammer fists which I believe is perfectly legal in MMA. You could also see a few times as soon as he shook Mayweather a bit he went to pounce and the ref stopped it immediately  because you cant just jump on the guy and ground and pound which looked like it was what he would have done in other circumstances.  The obvious difference between the 2 sports showed on many occasions tonight,  but the thing i was more annoyed with was Mayweather turning his back to Mcgregor constantly. a few of those back of the head shots were because of Mayweather

  18. well wasn't the most exciting of PPvs (glad my buddies ex footed the bill :D) the McGregor/Mayweather fight was pretty predictable, if anything it was exactly how they wanted it. McGregor walks aways with nothing to be ashamed of,  put on a good fight for someone with a handicapped pedigree in that specific sport, and Mayweather keeps his legacy in tacked, and they both walk away ridiculously rich.

    IMO the Jack/Cleverly fight was the match of the night, I'm not into boxing but that Badou Jack looks like a real good fighter

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