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Posts posted by Taynted_Fayth

  1. 1 minute ago, Mosaic said:

    The majority of last CHL season the Regina Pats were ranked #1 in Canada, that is a fact.   Many junior hockey pundits say they'll be even better this year since the Memorial Cup in being held in Regina. 

    And your point about sports teams to follow and support is irrelevant, especially when you compare the difference in population sizes between Regina and Winnipeg.  Saskatchewan has a strong support for CHL hockey (5 teams) while Manitoba does not. (1 team).  

    there is a lot of support for the wheat kings out in western MB.  But I'm failing to understand how that is a point of strength in your argument,  the question is why do we need to show strong support to the CHL when we already have strong support for the NHL and AHL?

    The point that was made was the riders are the only pro team in sask - hence only real big attraction in town.  When you are lacking in big time sports, it obviously trickles down to a stronger support in amateur and CIS level teams. 

    As for the riders attendance, remove the nostalgia from last years farewell to MS and the shine off this season's inauguration with NMS and the product the riders are producing the last 4 years will see attendance nose dive in years to come.  

  2. OLP and GNR aren't very associated in so many ways, it's a bit of a head scratcher why they are the openers. TBH With Jericho in town he should have brought Fozzy and opened that makes a lot more sense then a 90's alt rock band.

    Speaking of Jericho I've been seeing lots of stuff of him on FB today; there was a pic of him, G'n'R bassist Duff McKagan and comedian Craig Gass hitting up some spots in Wpg. As well as Jericho jumping on stage at the Cavern with Winnipeg band Bright Righteous to perform AC/DC's Shook Me All Night Long which would be pretty cool for both the band and the fans in attendance

  3. I only liked Affleck as Bruce Wayne. Maybe because I grew up with the 90's Batman: The Animated Series, i got used to a batman cowl with the solid white eyes (no actual eyes seen) and every time I see the campy batman with west, or the movies with keaton, kilmer, clooney, bale and affleck as batman but with make up around their eyes to the darken it up, it still gives off too much emotion - as Logan said with Bale, it emphasized a "I'm clueless" look.  That would be my 1 change I'd do to batman if i had the power anyways

  4. 41 minutes ago, Atomic said:

    Damn, that's rough.  It's an interesting time for him to leave, with how he was just starting a heel run.... I'm curious how they handle his eventual return.  He could come back as a star babyface but I don't know if that's what they want for him.

    if he's out that long I pray to geebus he works on his mic skills

  5. 53 minutes ago, Blueandgold said:

    People here sure are willing to give up Dressler quickly. That's a complete non starter for me.

    i would give up Denny though if we have the ability to get a guy like Walker or Matthews.

    If it was a matter of Dressler or Walker,  looking long term, it makes sense to go with Walker. Not sure how much time Dressler has left as injuries are seeming to pile up,  so it's not just about the here and now as we push for the postseason, but the future as well.   If it came down to one or the other, I would seriously try hard to trade Dress to Montreal for a pick. If there's a place where Dressler would be seen in high regard would likely be with Reed, Chapdelaine and Durant

  6. 46 minutes ago, rebusrankin said:

    There is a Joker origin movie, its called Batman: The Killing Joke. Came out last year.

    I've seen that and it's one version of his origin (down on his luck guy trying to be a comic but no one finds him funny and he snaps) but I think the Joker's origin is likely more like the original Tim Burton film where he's a thug. I doubt he's the one who kills Thomas and Martha Wayne like in that movie, but starts off as a low level criminal, gets into a gang/family,  eventually assumes control. They could go into his past with things like how he became so good at explosives (maybe one went off on him and it F'd him up) or they make it like he's a bipolar nut job that's just crazy AF

  7. 1 minute ago, JCon said:


    How much cap space do the Bombers have? Bombers spend to the cap, so I'm not sure how you can question whether they're "serious about winning a cup"? 

    Who are you willing to cut to make room for Walker? I can't imagine cutting Denmark would generate enough room on the cap. 

    if there's an opportunity to snag Walker I'm sure we could do some creative accounting as the year rolls on.  Hell I don't even care if we're a little over the cap, as long as it's not ridiculously over ($100k+) then the fine is a slap on the wrist I'd take all day every day for a talent like Walker to be wearing blue and gold 

  8. 8 minutes ago, FrostyWinnipeg said:

    It will be interesting to see which joker they are going to run with and what origin they run with, as there seems to be a few interpretations.

    I get the feeling if Scorsese is involved, it will likely be akin to Leto's mob boss version (without Leto) and be him rising up through the ranks, probably as some kind of IRA bomber or something

  9. Went and saw The Hitman's Bodyguard this afternoon. Probably best movie i've seen in quite some time. Reynolds and Sam Jackson have an amazing chemistry. Tons of laughs, action and a decent story. I'd be very disappointed if they don't take a stab at a sequel to this. I'd highly recommend checking it out.

  10. 4 minutes ago, Mike said:

    Oh and I think it's a pretty fair assumption to say he's not going to make the Bucs. He's super low on the totem pole there. 

    yeah i'm just looking over the stats so far in the bucs 2 preseason games and he's got no stats so not sure if he's even getting a look at this point, or was just a camp body.  

    I do realize a "reading on RF" is a grain of salt worthy, but some of them do know their football, (as long as it's not green goggled rider banter).

    I personally would love to see Walters make a play for him if and when the time came

  11. Thought I'd start this thread just to see what some us think.  Reading on RF lot of posters think he may come back to the CFL sooner then later, and should be a FA.  While it might be easy to think he's returning to the esks, I have to wonder if he still has that same allegiance to the Esks, now that Hervey is no longer there.  Could there be an opportunity to out bid them for his services? Should we?  I like our receiving corps, however with Dressler getting hurt seemingly annually, and denmark going for long stretches of invisibility, is it time to start thinking of the future and what Walker could do for us? He's only 26, so the possibility of inking him long term is there, but it might come at the expense of one of our vets.  Thoughts?

  12. the biggest problem I see with Reigns is he looks devoid of any energy/excitement if he's not either cocking his arm for a superman punch or setting up for a spear which is 98% of the time. It's almost impossible as a viewer to get excited for someone who doesn't look excited themselves.   Like Braun i think his best situation was in a faction like the shield as the "muscle" who can let the others around him being the hype bringers on the stick while he can be his monotone self in the background doing what he does when need be. 

    In a perfect world now that Dean and Seth are back on good terms is the shield be reformed,  Braun and Bray get back together (maybe bring Erick Rowan over to SD), turn Finn Balor and have him back together with Gallows and Anderson, and get some feuds going

  13. 1 hour ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    He's scheduled for an MRI so unless they're doing a heck of a work, it was not a work. 

    Bobby Roode was backstage but didnt appear so possible for SD.  Undertaker has been around too...

    If Roode is being called up to one of the 2 programs SD makes more sense with Cena coming over to Raw.  But man that Cena/Reigns vs Joe/Miz match last night was kinda brutal.  I did like the segment that lead up to it with the Miz looking like he was about to start crying demanding his moment.  The crowd was it's usual day after a PPV self. Cena is really starting to look his age and seemed a lot smaller out there imo

  14. I read that spoiler back when it was first  posted,  but I don't remember how it ended so I'll leave it as is for now. I did watch the preview for next weeks GoT but  didn't show much,   Daenerys army assemble (whats left anyways) Jon, Daenarys, Cersei and Jamie all sit down in some colosseum looking structure for their parlay

  15. 2 minutes ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

    I wonder if Harris had the option to keep the ball on that play.

    it didn't seem that way as it was very bang bang from the snap to lateral but imo the involvement of Harris in that sequence prevented him from picking up the blitzing Eskimo defender that got to adams pretty much as soon as he got the ball from Harris

  16. 22 minutes ago, iHeart said:

    so, thoughts about Nikki Bella possibly being on DWTS for season 25?

    Good for her if she gets on. Haven't really heard of any negatives coming from people who've participated. And Jericho's been on the show before,  so she's not the first wrestler to give it a try.  I don't think it piques my interest in the show at all, but at least I know who she is and she'd be a lot hotter dancing then someone like Buzz Aldrin

  17. imo the play was a little too cute. watching it again, gotta think if they direct snapped it to Adams first while he's running the sweep it buys him a second or 2 more then directly snapping it to Harris then flipping it to adams.  Maybe Harris has more time to pick up the block and adams gets the ball away as intended.  Oh well **** happens. When plays like that work,  they look like unicorn farts (see the play last year between Kohlert to Nichols in the BC game) when they don't work they look  dumb and unnecessary.  

  18. thought I'd bump this thread as i was reading some interesting theories earlier today. Seems there's a little speculation Cersei may join forces with the white walkers. 

    If we rewind a few seasons and recall Jon's first trip into the north, they met that dude Craster who was living with all those girls (daughters?) but was offering up his baby sons the the white walkers to live in peace.  So there seems to be some indication the army of the dead aren't entirely without reason or inability to have some sort of truce in place with the living. It would probably take them a few episodes to explain it next season, but I get the feeling that baby in currently in Cersei's womb will be the sacrificial lamb in order to set the table. 

    It would also tie things together in a neat little package to have the White Walkers and the Lannisters crushed together.  I also think if Cersei basically sacrifices yet another one of Jamie's kids that will be the last straw with him turning on Cersei

  19. Just now, The Unknown Poster said:

    It IS a development promotion.  Thats what it is.  Its not trying to be bigger than RAW or SD.   Adam Cole was ROH World Champion. 

    There is talk of moving some guys from RAW & SD down but it upsets their financial structure so Im not sure that they will do that.

    I know that's what it is technically,  but anytime you have a champs,storylines and PPVs, it tries to take itself a little more serious than what it is,  and I think based on the reactions of fans they see it as a viable separate entity.   I would rather catch a little NXT then the 205 live spill over the do on Raw.  If i had my way the first hour of Raw's 3 would be NXT and the other 2 ran like SD. As long as NXT isn't televised I'll never catch it and i'll likely always think of it as the adopted ginger cousin

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