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Posts posted by blue_gold_84

  1. 2 hours ago, Brandon said:

    They do but not nearly as bad as CJOB....  When listening to Bob it feels like every other sentence is an ad plug or a break for ads.   It's so choppy and hard for him to go in depth on anything.

    Agreed. CJOB comes as across as archaic and outdated in its delivery method. It's unfortunate because Knuckles is actually a good listen.

    I wonder what happens to him when the contract expires. It'd be nice to get him on TSN as a guest speaker from to time, at the very least.

  2. 12 minutes ago, Ripper said:

    2015.  Glenn 241/game average . 2016 Glenn 283/game average.   2015 Nichols 219/ game average. 2016 244/ game average.

    I've heard this twice today from you guys. Look at the numbers and tell me Nichols is night and day better.

    Average yards per game is your measuring stick to determine the better QB...?


    Comprehensive football knowledge be damned, eh.

  3. Agreed on both counts. It's actually quite remarkable to see how little of an identity the federal NDP to have these days, if there is even an identity at all.

    The political environment at the federal level is so strange right now. I don't know what to make of it.

  4. 33 minutes ago, Jimmy Pop said:

    Same old, same old Chevy-speak.  No one in their right mind can tell what this guy's going to do, and even once the season has started I'm sure we'll be in the dark about virtually all that almost happened. 

    Does any GM even show his cards, though...? I don't understand why fans in Winnipeg get bent out of shape with how he operates. Why would a GM reveal his hand or allude to anything? What's to be gained?

  5. 8 minutes ago, wanna-b-fanboy said:

    No, but on this- you have to acknowledge that he did the right thing and give him props for it. 


    He still sucks as coach and gm. 

    Agreed. I can understand the hate on him for other decisions, but in this case, he made the right and proper decision. Too bad he didn't bother see Cox's history before signing him the first time, though. He's a repeat offender.

    He's completely brutal as a GM. :lol:

  6. Is it just me or are the Cons and Dippers in utter disarray but refuse to acknowledge it...? The latter hasn't appeared to be cohesive since Layton passed away. As for the Cons, they try to pass off this "big happy family" narrative but it looks like lot of discord below the surface. 

  7. Just now, Taynted_Fayth said:

    It was the right move by Jones and the Org. I'll give them props for that. Absolutely no reason why we would sign him tho. I don't think he's the type of 'character' Oshea goes for regardless of talent

    I'd imagine that's the case league-wide. Cox has a history of crap, anyway. His lack of character and decency are enough to put his career in football in jeopardy, if not end it altogether. I'd like to think the league itself just slams the door in his face.

  8. 15 minutes ago, Ripper said:

    Jones says Cox will not be rejoining the team. As a matter of principle. Now you guys can sign him and take back all the stuff you have said and be all giddy your selves

    Why would the Bombers even consider that...? The secondary is the least of their concern. You seem upset by making such a silly comment.

    Where did Jones say Cox will not be rejoining the team, BTW?

  9. 1 hour ago, Jpan85 said:

    In my books 87% = giddy

    In any case, it shows the majority of fans polled support getting him back on the team. I don't believe in karma but I sure hope it has something in store for Cox. He's a piece of garbage.

    45 minutes ago, Mike said:

    hehe I tricked you

    Doesn't take much with a greenie. ;)

    11 minutes ago, tracker said:

    I think the knock on Durant in the last couple of years with the Riders was his brittleness and poor supporting cast. It seemed to me that during that same stretch, Durant got really beaten up, mentally and physically and lost a good deal of his competitive fire. It was probably time for him to move on, but I have my doubts that Glenn or Bennett are going to lead the team to the Promised Land. Glenn needs an extra count or two plus darned good receivers but if he gets hit, he gets rattled. Bennett- who knows?

    Can't expect solid QBing when the O-line meant to protect him and give him time to make his reads is a disaster. Look at the Bombers before last season to see what I mean: lousy O-lines and unproven/inexperienced QBs.

    A solid O-line with depth goes such a long way in having success on offense. That's only exacerbated when the QBing isn't up to par. But even the top QBs in the game can't do their jobs without having a competent group of hogs in front on them.

  10. http://www.tsn.ca/cheveldayoff-willing-to-move-jets-first-round-pick-1.765209


    "In this situation here and moving forward, we’re open to anything and if the right situation’s there, we’ll look at it," Cheveldayoff told TSN Hockey Insider Pierre LeBrun. "We’ve drafted four players in the first round in the last two years, so we had [Logan] Stanley and Laine and [Kyle] Connor and [Jack] Roslovic. So if there is the right situation that can help us, whether it’s a piece or pieces, we’ll certainly look at it.”

    "If there’s the right mix, then yes – certainly not ones outside of situations that stare you right in the face," Cheveldayoff said. "You’re not getting [Nikolaj] Ehlers, you’re not getting Laine, those type of players that are contributing and still very young on their entry-level deals."

    "You want to make sure that the pipeline that you have of young players does keep coming," Cheveldayoff explained. "You don’t ever want that pipeline to run dry. You look at, for example, what Pittsburgh’s doing, what Chicago’s doing. You have to have it. But the other side of it is, that second side of it, is that you’ve got to get there. It is that balance and if you have the assets to use them, then you certainly can see if there’s a fit. But there truly has to be a fit."

    I think management has done a solid job filling the cupboards. If the return is right for the team, this move would make sense.

    It's nice to see him answer some questions for a change, too.

  11. 20 minutes ago, Atomic said:

    That would be a valid point if most refugees lives were in danger (some are, the vast majority are not).  There is a big difference between importing 20-35 year old men en masse to our country and defending the rights of an unborn child who cannot defend itself.


  12. 2 hours ago, Mike said:

    Wow BG84 jumping in with the pairings. Nice!

    I love beer and I love this thread! Beer on its own is great - obviously. Beer with a good meal just elevates the greatness of both items. :)

    1 hour ago, 17to85 said:

    I like Yukon Brewing, they had an ESB in their mixer pack a while ago (which I think they have since replaced with a brown ale) that I always quite liked, and the red was a solid option too.

    It's always nice to see YBC beers at the LCs back in Winnipeg, even if only from time to time. I do wish some of their more common offerings could be found back home, though. The Deadman's Creek just blew me away the first time I had it.

    PS - does anyone here have the Untappd app? It's a fun way to keep track of the beers you've tried.

  13. Being up north at present (Inuvik NT, to be exact), the beer selection is obviously limited to most of the more readily available stuff (Bud, Coors, Kokanee, and the like). However, the liquor store here in Inuvik gets a fair amount of beers from Yukon Brewing Co., and they're quite good. I particularly enjoy the Ice Fog IPA, Yukon Red amber ale (pairs great with BBQ chicken), Yukon Gold English pale ale (good with a decked out burger), and when it's available here, Deadman's Creek cranberry wheat ale (which pairs incredibly well with salmon and arctic char).

    On a side note, I am beyond choked I'm going to miss Flatlanders this year. I specifically booked my flight home in time for the weekend it happened last year, but for whatever reason, it was bumped up two weeks and now I'll miss it. And that makes me sad.

  14. 1 hour ago, iHeart said:

    And for the record I am not ignorant, I just got my facts mixed up

    Which demonstrates a lack of knowledge... Otherwise known as ignorance. ;)

    46 minutes ago, sweep the leg said:

    I'm very much a centrist and I don't like how our parties are all moving away from the centre. That should be the space the Liberals fill, but I agree they've moved further left than they used to be.

    Seems like a sign of the times, as much as it pains me to say it. It's a vicious circle.

  15. 7 minutes ago, iHeart said:

    oh he wasn't? did it ever occur to you that maybe I was double checking? *goes to google?* oh he was a conservative, my mistake, but we didn't learn everything in school, it's not like I have everything memorized, heck I was three when he left office

    Okay, and...?

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