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Everything posted by blue_gold_84

  1. What a piece of ****. Seriously, what an absolute ******* loser.
  2. Boy, did Rutherford ever get zuckered in to that one-sided trade. ...I'll see myself out.
  3. I guess it's time for a Jefferson home jersey...
  4. "Look at that blocking!" "No holding at all!" "Fajardo for MOP!"
  5. Those stubble-munchin' clowns can spin all the way to the barn. How has their off-season gone, you ask? *see below*
  6. Get you some smoke!!! This is the best Monday ever. Well, almost ever... (Nov. 25th, 2019) Kyle Walters is absolutely killing it this off-season.
  7. Willie bringin' that smoke back to The Peg! Great ******* news!!
  8. Who is, then? Wheeler's done a good job but he's a natural winger. If Little doesn't take that puck to the head, he's still playing at 2C right now. Nobody else has stepped up to take that 2C spot.
  9. Seriously, though... Babij-Gesell hasn't been a part of the organization for over two years. How would she has some sort of inside track with players' significant others who weren't even part of the team back then?
  10. I'd add Kulikov* and Perreault to that list. Not that there's any benefit with him being injured again. Speaking of injuries, Little's contract costs the team nothing right now, so they don't "desperately" need to get rid of it. And FWIW, he played well earlier this season prior to this injury. * 50/50 depending on where the Jets sit near or at the deadline
  11. It sounds like overall, it was a successful opening weekend for XFL 2.0 and that's gotta be a good thing - at least for now. I tuned in a bit between Jets games, RDR2, and some Netflix, and I have to admit what I did watch was pretty entertaining. https://www.sbnation.com/2020/2/10/21130973/xfl-impressions-week-1 Good write-up covering the good, the bad, and the "what remains to be seen" for this second iteration of the XFL. At the very least, it gives football fans something to watch during the "traditional" off-season.
  12. Copp is such an underrated player and a huge depth asset to this team.
  13. What an embarrassment of riches on that O-line. The NAT depth is impressive, not just there but across the board.
  14. Connor is not leaving. He's a huge part of this team and an equally huge part of its future. Amazing comeback win tonight. Copp is such a stud.
  15. Good news. All the best in TO, Matty!
  16. I think it has to do with the salary recapture penalty if a player chooses to retire while still under contract. By mutually agreeing to terminate his contract, the Jets would avoid that penalty and not have it count against their cap for the. I'm not sure what Byfuglien gets out of it, though. I don't know what effect his suspended status has on that.
  17. Clearly, you didn't read it. Had you done so, you wouldn't have made such outlandish remarks followed up with such ignorant questions. None of that **** in bold is even remotely accurate. The government doesn't get to decide who "gets to be the media" or what can or cannot be reported. The government also didn't just cut a cheque for $600M and give to the media outlets of their choice. It's a tax relief and incentive-based package spread out over six years to support journalism in Canada - an industry that's struggled in recent years. Seriously, what's the point of chiming in if you can't even be bothered to present actual evidence or credible sources to support your claims and hyperbole? And then you go edit your entire reply after putting your foot in your mouth. Well done.
  18. https://www.livescience.com/arctic-permafrost-rapid-thaw.html
  19. Yeah, that's really shown to have worked out well for the Argonauts in recent years...
  20. Seems like quite the reach to me. And a pretty absurd one at that. Did you actually bother to look into the report? Where in those proposals does it call for state-controlled media akin to the USSR, North Korea, or China? Or is this just more whiny hyperbole like we've become accustomed to seeing from Rempel, Scheer, and their ilk? Here's the news release: https://www.canada.ca/en/innovation-science-economic-development/news/2020/01/broadcasting--telecommunications-panel-releases-canadas-communications-future-time-to-act.html Here's the actual report: https://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/110.nsf/eng/00012.html Nothing in there about state-controlled media. But sure, the 1984 comments and comparisons to Fidel Castro are totally justified. Canada's worldwide freedom of the press ranking must be just bull turds, then. (https://rsf.org/en/ranking/2019)
  21. Even when stats fly in the face of all your abjectly ignorant statements, you choose to double down with more mouth-breathing commentary. Your "different opinion" is based on nothing more than your bitter dislike for him, as evidenced by the vitriolic tone of your posts any time you chime. It shows an inability to be reasonable or objective, much less respectful, regarding a former player.
  22. He's a work in progress, IMO. I'm willing to give him a pass as he develops at the NHL level.
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