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Everything posted by blue_gold_84

  1. Stay edgy, piggy. As usual, just more hyperbole followed up by idiotic comments. Feel free to pat yourself on the back with a chair. I won't expect any sources to back up your garbage claims.
  2. Says the guy who sources NoTricksZone on the regular to peddle bullshit denialist rhetoric. LOL
  3. Nah. What policies of his have benefitted the average American? And try and avoid places like NoTricksZone for source material. He's currently mulling a bailout for the shale oil industry hit by this week's market slump. Remind me again how corporate socialism is helpful.
  4. https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/its-just-everywhere-already-how-delays-in-testing-set-back-the-u-s-coronavirus-response/
  5. Eh, it's not even about the money. It's about the simple fact karma decided to bite Rider Nation in the ass - hard. The realization IGF West is like most other manmade structures and far from perfect. Those stubble-jumpers made it a point to **** on IGF for its issues, even going so far as to take jabs at the WFC and the City of Winnipeg over it. So, I'll gladly gorge on the schadenfreude to see workmanship issues cast a shadow on their precious stadium. It couldn't happen to a more deserving "nation" as far as I'm concerned. Best of all? We get to celebrate our team's championship while pointing and laughing at the misfortunes of IGF West. Maybe SK should change its area code to 413. But it belongs to the state of Massachusetts.
  6. I have to say, that's some impressive foresight:
  7. Incredible how the bullshit you spew gets proven wrong and you still manage to find a way to shove your foot deeper into your mouth. That's an impressive level of cognitive dissonance.
  8. Meanwhile, in news that actually matters: https://globalnews.ca/news/6656231/winnipeg-blue-bombers-grey-cup-afterglow/ The rest of the league can eat ****, but especially that rectangle province next door. Losers.
  9. But you're so proficient at it. Get well soon.
  10. Needless to say, it's a pretty sad reality that the 2020 presidential race is likely going to come down to two geriatric clowns who should be out of politics.
  11. These are the games they can't afford to lose. Despite basically owning that first 20, a couple of ugly lapses wind up in the back of the net. No bueno.
  12. Since when do Duthie and Hodge do play-by-play?
  13. Which is exactly why nobody here takes you or your comments seriously. You're pathetically biased and most importantly, you can't substantiate any of your shitty opinions rationally or objectively. You suffer from a seriously severe case of the Dunning-Kruger Effect. It's ******* embarrassing reading some of the crap you post and realizing you're a fellow Canadian. It's sickening.
  14. I've played the demo five times now. And it's amazing each and every time. When the full game drops next month, it is going to be nothing short of epic, much like the original game was at the time.
  15. Good Christ, the richness of this comment coming from you. Every attack you've launched against the "evil progressive leftists" has been backed up by literally nothing. Maybe the worst case of Dunning-Kruger I've ever seen.
  16. But hey, remember the time ol' Zonty made a coherent, rational, objective point here? Yeah, neither do I.
  17. People fighting for gender and racial equality is a fad now...? Cool. Feel free to go play in traffic.
  18. Best of all is that mouth-breathing dingbat doesn't even know what the term Orwellian means. Destruction of an open and free society. Draconian policy. Use of propaganda. Disinformation. Denial of facts. I think I've stated it before in this thread but hope ol' Con-troll Zonty never gets to see his CFL team win a championship again. Talking about gender and race as though it applies to Orwellian condition is the most asinine thing he's posted in this thread - and that's saying something considering the track record of stupidity.
  19. FTFY. Seriously, that is some next level Orwellian **** going on down there right now. And I'm not sure what's worse, the administration itself or the cult of followers eating it all up thinking it's "great" for the nation.
  20. I tend to agree with this. The idea of being rewarded for failing makes little sense. If you miss a FG, you shouldn't get a damn thing.
  21. Hamonic is a no brainer and I hope the Jets can land him. Vatanen could be a nice acquisition for the right price and term. The blue line is the primary focus in the off-season, IMO.
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