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Everything posted by blue_gold_84

  1. You can't be serious. He's been slimy and uncouth his entire life. No argument there. This isn't about his habits, though. It's about his inability to articulate himself, pronounce words, and otherwise express himself in a way that's either stately or sophisticated. Go back 15, 20, 25 years. He was capable of speaking like functional human being back then. His age and perhaps his genetics have caught up with him. If you can't see the deterioration of his mental health over the last five or so years, you're either wilfully ignorant or flat out delusional. Perhaps both.
  2. Spare the lame-ass excuses; there's no difference between them. The two are all of four years apart (Trump is 73 and Biden is 77). Trump is just as senile and demented if you could manage to look at things objectively. Neither of these geriatric assclowns should be in politics.
  3. Hamberders, covfefe, smocking, Tim Apple, infantroopen... Just a handful of the top of my head. Trump berating others for misspeaking is like Mr. Magoo taking shots at the blind.
  4. No kidding. Does Lamont just think money can be printed out of thin air in Ottawa? I was admittedly hoping for more laugh reacts...
  5. So, the FFVII remake demo dropped earlier this morning on PS4. 😄 https://www.polygon.com/2020/3/2/21161098/final-fantasy-7-remake-demo-release-date-ps4 I can't wait for this workday to be over. LOL
  6. https://newsinteractives.cbc.ca/longform/the-golden-goal-an-oral-history I'll never forget where I was watching this game and going absolutely bonkers when Crosby potted this goal on a beautiful feed from Iginla. I can't believe it's been a decade.
  7. How utterly abhorrent. It takes a real mouth-breathing piece of **** to sink so low. And then there's this poor, misguided soul, a self-proclaimed libertarian and climate realist*: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/feb/28/naomi-seibt-anti-greta-activist-white-nationalist-inspiration So, let me get this straight: ignorant, uneducated denialists took a dump on "climate alarmists" for parading a teenager around to further their cause, accusing her of being a "puppet of the progressive left" and just a "dumb kid who should stay in school", going so far as to claim she has FASD and Down Syndrome... And in response, they're now parading around a teenager to further their "cause," led by the likes of none other than The Heartland Institute...? What even. * I can only surmise she has no clue what the word realist actually means
  8. https://www.sciencealert.com/these-astounding-images-of-antarctica-s-ice-drenched-blood-red-are-an-ominous-sign
  9. Premature Power Rankings are here: https://www.cfl.ca/2020/02/27/way-early-power-rankings/ 1. HAM 2. WPG 3. SSK 4. CGY 5. EDM 6. MTL 7. BC 8. TOR 9. OTT These do seem to check out, even if only on paper. There could be some variability from 3 through 6, IMO.
  10. And now Betelgeuse is starting to brighten: https://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/betelgeuse-brightening-1.5476647 Amazed at the size of this star, too:
  11. He only played last night because Niku got hurt. Your assertion Maurice loves him or that he's a character guy is nonsense (what "character" does he possess?). Bitetto is nothing more than an inexpensive, subpar stopgap on a depleted blue line. He's basically an inferior Adam Pardy with no cool helmet story.
  12. Well, this is absolutely pathetic and disgusting: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/winnipeg-graffiti-rcmp-cmhr-dan-vandal-1.5476535 Not a good way to get the public on your side. At all. For shame.
  13. And maybe eventually you'll come up with a rational thought to share with the rest of us sometime. Maybe. Going strictly by the general vibe in this thread any time you chime in with your woefully ignorant views, I'm pretty sure nobody here gives a **** what you think.
  14. What are you "defending" exactly? Maybe read the content in the link and then formulate a coherent reply, lest we all have to read another comment of yours rife with useless deflection and whataboutism. Man, it's like trying to have a discussion with a houseplant. Only the houseplant doesn't sap oxygen from the room.
  15. Yes, Zonty… The coronavirus was artificially manufactured in a Chinese lab, more than three years after the fact, to undermine Donald Trump's presidency. You're supposed to wear the tinfoil, not eat it. And Limbaugh has credibility like he has good health. But feel free to cry about the "evil Murican MSM" and their pushing of conspiracy theories.
  16. If a player were to have the choice for what team he should play, it essentially eliminates the purpose of a draft, IMO. And as mentioned above, it's a privilege to play in the top sports leagues in the world. As such, there are rules to follow and rules related to the draft are there for a reason.
  17. https://www.cnn.com/2020/02/25/politics/donald-trump-ruth-bader-ginsburg-sonia-sotomayor-recusal/index.html It's CNN, though... Must be just fake news.
  18. He's not crazy; that'd be an insult to crazies. He's just a vile piece of **** blinded by his own irrational hatred, which perfectly exemplifies what's wrong with the most delusional and insecure fanbase in Canadian sports. He and Pederson are the epitomic mouthpieces of Rider Nation. The CFL would better off without either of them.
  19. More like the buffalo defecation. This RedNexit garbage needs to end. It's always the losers who whine about the system being broken. Weird how everything seemed fine prior to Oct. 2015... And no, Michelle, what's irresponsible is to make up a narrative that doesn't exist it and then pass it off as fact in some attempt to bolster your blind, delusional supporters who lack not only the ability to think rationally but to look inward and see what needs to change. This claim Ottawa is responsible for the west's hardships is utter bullshit. Not surprising to see she's no better than her scummy counterpart currently running Alberta, pointing fingers and lying through teeth while conveniently ignoring facts. Her track record speaks for itself. At least she's got "good" hair, though.
  20. Fun as hell, too! Especially when there's cold beers involved. Seriously, though... I want Walker in Winnipeg.
  21. There's nothing ironic about your posts. They're just depressing. It must've been fun to watch the GC around you. "Sure, they won... But they didn't even score 40 points and allowed the Ti-Cats to score a TD."
  22. Some champion calibre angling on Lake Winnipeg.
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