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Everything posted by blue_gold_84

  1. Eh, not a chance he'll ever resign. That'd require holding himself accountable. And if his presidency thus far has taught us anything, he'll never do that. His speech the other night summed it up well: blame others, use hyperbole and misinformation, make errors, offer no viable solutions, and not allay worry. All the opposite of what the so-called leader of the free world should do at such a trying time. If he wanted a challenge as POTUS, he got it. https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/trump-defining-crisis-1.5496203
  2. Outstanding! Nicely put on explaining burden of proof as well. The amount of logical fallacies committed by those two "yings" is priceless.
  3. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/world/iran-coronavirus-outbreak-graves/ Well, this is absolutely horrifying if accurate. Imagine what China's not telling the world... Christ.
  4. https://www.gamesradar.com/new-witcher-4-ps5-xbox-series-x-cyberpunk-2077/ This is pretty exciting. Another Witcher game would be epic.
  5. And that's the expertise of the regime currently occupying White House. Throw logic and decency out the window and point fingers at others (the libtards, the fake news media, foreign countries hellbent on destroying Murica, the former president, etc.) when the **** hits the fan. Zero accountability. Blame everyone else.
  6. Good thing I'm not as stupid as you are, then. Get well soon, boomer *****.
  7. Does the same echo chamber count?
  8. This is awesome. He's taking the bait hook, line, and sinker. Absolutely comical!
  9. Here's some advice you should be able to appreciate, poor punctuation and all:
  10. Here's how the sports world is being affected: https://www.tsn.ca/latest-updates-on-covid-19-and-the-sports-calendar-1.1456526
  11. Just ignore him. Let him whine and cry like the baby boomer ***** that he is.
  12. All morning skates cancelled: https://www.tsn.ca/all-nhl-morning-skates-cancelled-1.1456526 Don't be shocked if the season gets postponed within the next day or two.
  13. Don't forgot how he chose to blame Europe for this pandemic.
  14. The difference being Bo Levi Mitchell has actually accomplished something. Pedersen's just a turd.
  15. Another post with info from NoTricksZone? Just ignore that worthless, mouth-breathing loser.
  16. https://www.npr.org/2020/03/11/814412314/here-we-go-again-dow-drops-700-points-as-stock-market-turmoil-continues
  17. While I agree SaskTel Centre is a nice facility, it's not really new at all. The original structure is over 30 years old and while the renovations/upgrades for the 2010 WJHC helped a fair amount, I have to think it's nearing the end of its life as a venue. IIRC, the City of Saskatoon discussed a potential replacement nearer to downtown a couple years ago.
  18. Okay, Boomer. Go activate that ignore feature now. ******* Trump Pawn.
  19. Go ahead and ignore me. Unlike you, I actually prefer to debate topics and substantiate my claims with factual evidence. I posted a source to refute your claims about MAGA45 and you simply ignored it. See below: And you are like crack, in that you're destructive and gross. So, sure... I'll agree with you on that.
  20. 0/10 for language ability again, piggy. Is a coherent response too much to ask? Is a modicum of effort too much to ask? Or am I setting the bar unreasonably high for you? I mean, the wittiest thing you've managed is to call someone Greta. I guess I answered my own questions.
  21. If by ying you mean completely ignorant, wilfully disruptive, needlessly contrarian, totally disingenuous, and utterly incapable of substantiating any of your claims from a basis of objectivity or reason... then I agree. The reality is this, though: you're not to here to foster anything of value and that's evidenced by the content you both continue to post in this sub-forum. Don't claim to be some moderate voice of reason here when all you've done flies right in the very face of that claim. It takes some next level arrogance and delusion to think you're fooling anybody here. Taking a legitimate contrarian approach actually requires effort, BTW.
  22. Lame excuse. Get well soon, *****.
  23. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/trump-didnt-transform-the-economy-its-mostly-the-same-as-it-was-under-obama-2019-11-12 Remember that time Trump made Murica great again? Yeah... Me, neither. Because that didn't happen. It takes a special kind of stupid to lap up the kind of garbage Trump spews.
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