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Posts posted by sportmentary2012

  1. I want to believe they can beat Calgary but they are the class of the league and the Bombers, while on a remarkable win streak, are bound for a let down game where the breaks don't go their way. Nicolls has been solid and a key cog to their success but he has had a couple balls dropped that could have been critical turnovers and a couple of penalties that erased turnovers. I don't want to dwell on 'colda, shoulda and wouldas' but even Walby said the Bombers have had luck on their side during this streak. This doesn't diminish the streak but things are never as good or as bad as they look and their is a fine line between winning specifically in football where 3 or 4 plays can change the outcome of the game.

    So can the Blue beat them; yes but   I doubt they will .

  2. It is not often that a kicker can change the complexion of a team but the addition of Medlcok combined with his stellar play is one of if not the major reason for the Bombers turn around.  For example, Hallalarhu misses a make able field goal late just before the Bombers surge whereas Medlock boots a 51 yarder to pull the Bombers within 7. Points taken off the board by a missed kick vs. points obtained = Bomber win.  the Bombers don't extend their win streak without him. Walters deserves GM of the year just for signing him.

    Agree or disagree??

  3. I am enjoying the 5 game win streak but fear messing with the chemistry  could have unfavorable results, specifically if Denmark is the odd man out on Saturday in favor of Ryan Smith. I know that Denny was let go and there were reasons for that but he has shown he is a gamer and has chemistry with Nicolls plus is reliable.

    Is anyone else concerned that this sends the wrong message to the team?




  4. 10 hours ago, Taynted_Fayth said:

    I think nichols just has to play turnover free ball like hes been doing and we should be fine.  3 game win streak here we come!

    You are wise. Nichols did that but the Argos didn't and the Blue capatized on it, which was nice too see for a change. I want to believe this is real and not a dream!

  5. Just when it's becoming fun to watch this team along comes the bye week to take away the momentum. The good news is the next 3 games are very winnable but are definite trap games with Montreal and Sask reeling. I'm enjoying the win streak that the team and all fans deserve after the past few seasons. My concern is that they can't keep up this pace and that one the defences figure out Nicols there will be trouble. I want to believe but they have to beat the likes of Hamilton with Collaros. Calgary and Ottawa before the rebuild is over. Agree or disagree??

  6. After hearing the coach state that  he didn't think the Bombers got blown out in Calgary and that they played a good 4th quarter i have to question if he is fit to coach this team. I know he admitted the 2nd and 3rd were garbage but to take anything positive from the 4th quarter when Calgary rushed 3 men on defence and looked totally disinterested until they realized they took the pedal off the gas too quickly  is ridiculous and patronizing to fans. The fact is Calgary's  defence had no problem stopping Willy and Co. late in the 4th when it kinds/sorta mattered.

    He may have been using this as a way to boost his teams confidence but if they are that fragile then the problems run deeper than  what has been uncovered during the first two games. He may turn this around and make this post seem foolish but I doubt it at this point. Moreover, it may not all be his fault as there are many problems from poor o-line play, Willy having happy feet, the secondary and d-line looking weaker American beer!

    I was a huge fan of his play calling when he was special teams coach for the Argos but he has not been able to translate that to his management of this team as head coach and unfortunately it may be time to put an end to this experiment that is becoming more and more similar to the Tim Burke, Jim Daley and dare i say Reinebold eras( he only has 6 more wins than Reinebold did in 4 more games!!)

    I believe some coaches are made for the top job whereas some are better suited to be assistants and  Coach Mike 'Everything is ' O'Shea may be better suited to be an assistant.



  7. http://winnipeg.ctvnews.ca/video?clipId=732253


    Video is there - guy says that he tried giving away tickets last time and people laughed at him and said they couldn't pay them to go to the game. The guy said he can't make the game (not that he didn't want to go to the game).


    I take back some of my criticisim of the guy because he has renewed his tickets for next season. However, he didn't have to embarass the club by posting this on Kijiji. I guess some might say they embarass themselves enough with their play!

  8. I am a little surprised that a season ticket holder would offer someone money to take his/her tickets off his/her hands. I understand this was a statement/protest/interesting way to vent but what happens when the Blue start winning? You cannot call yourself a 'fan' one minute and pull a stunt like this the next and then go back to being a fan when they win. The Bombers aren't trying to lose games and I am sure none of the coaches or managers are looking forward to the prospect of having to look for new jobs next season.


    I will conceed thatthis has been a frustrating season much like the several previous seasons but all things considered the Blue have been playing better as of late.  If this defence can stay somewhat intact and Willy healthy next season I can see the Bomber's making the playoffs. I know that those are a lot of 'ifs' and the Blue's track record would give even a die hard little confidence that things will get better but I think this management team is learning from its mistakes  and things WILL get better from here on in.



    What irkes me are fans that bail on their team during the down times for example, Blue Jay fans that were no where to be found until this playoff run that will likely see them get to the World Series this if not next year. it won't be long before the Bombers go on a string of successful seasons and playoff runs too!!

  9. The Bombes may have been 0 for Alberta but they showed that they are building momentum and I have hope that next year will be much better than this cursed season. It sometimes takes this type of adversity for a team to turn the corner.They could have and should have won both  these games. The defence is improving every game and the special teams are better with Ian Wild while the offence has it's issues Matt Nicols is providing the Blue with a chance to win despite one of the worst running games in history and an o-line that is to say the least  a work in progress.

    This has been a trying season but the last 2 games give me hope that the Bombers are ready to have break out season.

    Am I crazy for being so optimistic??




    Yup. O'Shea and Bellefeuille have been thoroughly discredited and we need experience- Trestman or Higgins, and I'm not sure if Trestman will be available any time soon.


    I doubt Trestman ever comes back to the CFL... the main reason he came here was to pad his resume with HC credentials to get an NFL HC gig... unfortunately that gig didn't go so well so his best chance at getting another shot is probably as an NFL OC...  


    Trestman is the OC for the Baltimore Ravens. I would think he makes around 500K but I could be way off.  It would be in the Bombers best interest to match that salary and give him GM duties. I think he is a great coach although he did have AC driving the truck during his time in Montreal unless they can somehow get Hufnagle to venture over here?? if those guys could not turn the team around then I would ask the CFL to treat the Blue like an expansion team and allow them to participate in a dispersal draft.  this gong show is now taking on the same stench as the Kelly/Mack and Burke/Mack era's.


    Any thoughts on whether the Blue should look at bringing back Taman??



    yes, I know that, thanks... that's why I'm saying he won't be back in the CFL... why would he leave a better paying gig with higher chance at getting an NFL HC shot?


    I misread your coment sorry. I think he is damaged goods as an NFL head coach thanks to having to deal with Ciutler and if you give him full control coach and G.M. it may be a big enough carrot to get him back in the CFL. I know it is a pipe dream but the Bombers needto do something to give the fans hope.


    Yup. O'Shea and Bellefeuille have been thoroughly discredited and we need experience- Trestman or Higgins, and I'm not sure if Trestman will be available any time soon.


    I doubt Trestman ever comes back to the CFL... the main reason he came here was to pad his resume with HC credentials to get an NFL HC gig... unfortunately that gig didn't go so well so his best chance at getting another shot is probably as an NFL OC...  


    Trestman is the OC for the Baltimore Ravens. I would think he makes around 500K but I could be way off.  It would be in the Bombers best interest to match that salary and give him GM duties. I think he is a great coach although he did have AC driving the truck during his time in Montreal unless they can somehow get Hufnagle to venture over here?? if those guys could not turn the team around then I would ask the CFL to treat the Blue like an expansion team and allow them to participate in a dispersal draft.  this gong show is now taking on the same stench as the Kelly/Mack and Burke/Mack era's.


    Any thoughts on whether the Blue should look at bringing back Taman??

  12. It's been a long, long wait but I think Nichols is the reliable backup QB the Bombers have been waiting for.  His game was far from perfect but he showed enough intelligence and understanding of the system in one short week than any other QB has shown in many years.


    I called this win after last game. I knew Nicols would give the team the lift they needed. He made plays in the second half that were 'Willy-esque' and his enthusiasim was contagious. However, it was only one game and against a SASK team that finds ways to lose. The good news is he came to play in the second half and  will only get more comfortable with the system and is able t oexecute Bell-fails game plan. The bad news is that without a monster effort from the 'd' and the Riders failing to take advanatge of all but one turnover this game is over in the first half.

  13. I am jumping in late here but the Bombers have lost sight of how to build a winner. The last 10 years is proof that this team cannot stand the smell of success. I will use the Lapo and Glenn situations as examples of when adversity hit those guys were shown the door. However, in both cases they failed to hire a coach and find a player of equal or better caliber to take their spots. Therefore, no one should be quick to give the hook to the current gm or coach or barfoil unless there are suitable replacements,which there are not at this juncture.

    This crew will turn things around once they can acquire some talent. The Matt Nichols trade will prove to be wise and I believe oshea will learn from this season and be better for it. He basically said on the coaches show that they don't have the players on offence to make marcel 's offensive plan work and that several teams are running the same style of 'o' with varying degrees of success.

    I hope that next year will be the turning point and for that to happen the main players must remain intact.



    It's not a scheme problem when the punter puts the ball between the hashmarks. Make one guy miss and it's a TD.

    Agreed, that's the first thing I noticed on the play... not only was the punt right down the middle it also had no hang time ... the ST unit was basically SOL right from the beginning... Lirim shoulders most of the blame for that particular punt return...



    Yep great point. I was against the wind and LH was just trying to kick it as far as he could, instead of concentrating on putting it to a corner (which he is usually good at). We say someone 'vacated' a lane but the punt cover team in the huddle knows where the ball (as in what side) is being kicked too - and it's never kicked 'in the middle'. There's just so many things going on during a punting play that we really don't know. 


    But that being said - 3 TD returns from punts and it's only the halfway mark is unacceptable, but so is our crappy defense (if you bothered watching the Eskie/Cal game - lots of two and outs there but didn't see a D get 'tired' - that "our D got tired in the second half" excuse a lot of you use around here is pure BS) and pathetic offense. At least we're consistent all across the board. Except for the fans - fans are still the best IMO. 


    For the record Troy Westwood said that LH followed Bob Cameron's golden rule when kicking into the wind by hitying it low and as far as he could. The TD return is on the players and/or scheme set up for that type of punt. Having said that giving up 3 punt returns for td's in 10 games is not very good.


    I don't know how firing Tracy and MOS now having to take on ST duties will help this team but  the yhad to do something and firing Bell-fail is not an option at this point in the season. He is here to stay at least this year and for all we know they love his scheme and are blaming the woes on offence on lack of execution by the players.

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