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Posts posted by sportmentary2012

  1. I think yesterday's game must be put out to pasturer with the rest of the manure filled games we have seen since Willy went down. This was nothing but a trap game disguised as a bridge gap game until the Matt Nichols era begins, which should happen in the Banjo Bowl. If he doesn't start then there should be mass firings. I believe the Bombers will win next week but that will be putting the proverbial lipstick on a pig as this team was not going to make the playoffs this year but is posied to be competitive over the next few years if they stick to their plan, which appears to be backfiring at the moment but thing are never as bad as they look or as good as they looks.

    Therefore, I am not a fan of cleaning house for a few reasons:

    i. Willy appears to be legitimate;

    ii. The defence is getting better it is not great yet as in it won't win games for the team but with a little more discipline it can be  good;

    iii. The Canadian talent should only get better next year; and

    iv. Hopefully there will be some good free agent additons.


    I believe Walters has this and next season before he is out but MOS is on thin ice. He is consistiently saying he has to find a better way to coach/prepare them. Some say he is takling the heat for lack of talent on the club.  I disagree. I think he is in over his head and has not figured out how to get the most out of a young team with  less than aberage talent. If he doesn't figure that out he will never be a good head coach. if he does this team will flourish under him. He may have to take off the kids gloves in public once in a while to get this process started.


    The bottom line is they had no chance of winning yesterday for several reasons but there is no excuse for thwm to lose next week.



    BOD replaced, Wade Miller fired, Walters fired, MOS fired. Rest of coaching staff gone. The only one who has done anything is Richie Hall. He has taken a defense that started slow and was inept and has molded a above average d, still a work in progress but a least  there's progress. Have a feeling none of this will happened till after the season unless there's some token sacrifice, Pat Tracey i'm looking at you. No I think it will be statue quo for the rest of the season. I hope i'm wrong but this horror movie is far from over. And by the way i don't want to hear we would have won if Willy would have played, they would have killed us if Durant would of played.





    You need to start right at the very top to clean house this time, or else the result will be just the same...


    What will cleaning house now do?

    It won't salvage the season;

    It won't bring back Willy;

    It won't change the fact the Blue lack Canadian talent.


    This is a process these guys aside from Bel-FAIL deserve another year wit ha healthy Willy and solid qb and some Canadians maturing specificlly Gossen on the o-line.

    This seaon was over after last weeks game now it will be a string of blow outs wit ha win or two sprinkled in to give us fans the faint hope that things will get better but there is no quick fix and that is sad but true. Don't forget these guys are cleaning up Mack's mess, which is akin to cleaning up a nasty oil spill!

  3. I know I started this thread shortly after attending Saturday's debacle and since then Sask has fired their coach while the Blue have added a Chevy to thge mix and not  the one who has drafted the likes of troubs. Scheiffle, Ehlers and Morrissy.

    I thought time would heal the wounds of what appear to be another lost season. I don't think the Blue have a legitimate shot at the crossover because Montreal and OTT will likely finish ahead of them but if B.C. continues their struggles the Blue could squeak in.

    My concern is twofold:

    1. If Lulay finds his 'mojo' again BC will leave teh Blue in its dust; and

    2. If the Blue were to get in they would likely face Edmonton at Commonwealth where Bomber playoff teams go to die.


    I did not think they would contend for the cup this season but I did think with teh changes to the 'o-line' and bringing in Ritchie Hall they would havea shot at 2nd or 3rd. It is dissapointing to see that this team cannot get out of the rut it is in.

  4. It is next year ville in 'Peg city. I will still watch hoping they can pull off a miracle but I am losing faith by the moment.Help me I have fallen off teh band wagon and can't get up!!


    Marve throwing that pick six to start the 3rd quarter was in my opinion the end of the 2015 season and O'Shea closed the casket when he lifted Marve in favor of Bouncer I mean Brohm who would make a good 3rd baseman or basketball player as he has the bounce throw/pass perfected. The defence gave up on the offence yesterday after the pick six and I think there is no turning back or righting this ship.  Time for management to state this is a rebuilding process, hold a town hall with the fans to explain this and offer the season ticket holder's an apology. Naturally, you can't predict your qb of the future will be out 6 to 8 weeks  BUT you could have planned for it by ensuring there was a veteran back up waiting in the wings not another couple of rookies as has beeen the case for far too many years.


    It is all over but for the crying!

  5. BC losing him (SE) is big but the fact Lulay appears to be a shell of his former self is more concerning for BC and works in the Bomber's favor.  However, Montreal and Ottawa both get the edge over the Bombers while Willy is out and as mentioned above while the special teams is looking anything but special! I have always been told playing special teams is about paying attention to detail. Unfortunately, this group does not do that as evidenced by Stoudimire's blunders, missed blocks causing blocked punts, missed tackles on returns leading to TD's and the brain cramps LH has when punting. I think it will be a battle and I am confident the Blue will be in the playoff racecome the last few weeks of the season.  they may not make it but will make thing interesting for the fans.

  6. I was plesantly surprised to see Montreal beat B.C. at home.  It gives me some hope that if the Bombers 'd' continues to improve and if Marve even marginally improves his game the Bombers will be in decent shape once Willy returns.

    Did B.C. play poorly or did Montreal play that well or was it a bit of both??

  7. two games under. 500 and writing off season..

    man i love this place.


    i am not writing off the season nor am I am troll as someone suggested. However, I am concerned about where this team and this season is heading. The purpose of this post was more of a 'what if' scenario because the Grey Cup is in our back yard and I belieleve tha twhile they made big moves (picking up Stanley Bryant, Picard and re-upping Willy) that was done with a 'rebuild' in mind. How much different would this team had looked if they had gone into the offseason with a 'let's get a cup this season' and rebuild after. I know people on here like to be pragmatic and are very rational but on this bye-week with no game to talk about I thought why not pose this question. Thanks to those who have taken this post it in the good nature it was intended.

  8. For the record I am not calling for any firings although I have seen mr. Miller and he could use  a salad or twenty in his diet.

    I just wish, in hind sight, that instead of going with a rebuild they would have made some big moves and gone for the cup.

    many teams have done it when hosting the cup.

    I also agree TO would be crazy to give up RR and his injured shoulder is a concern but if he was available he would give the BB instant credibility and veteran leadership.

  9. Have gone for broke this season and instructed Walters to put the rebuild on hold for a season to focus on winning a Grey Cup by pulling a Taman and doing everything in his power to land a  veteran starting qb such as Ricky Ray and  trading for veterans or signing as many veteran free agents as possible. The fact they stayed the course and are now likely to finish under .500 and out of the playoffs again does not bode well for Grey Cup ticket sales or the psyche of this fan base that will hve every reason to lose it should they miss the post season again.


    I like what Marve brings to the table but can't help and wonder how nice it would be to have Ricky Ray in the line up after labour day for the run to the playoffs. It may not be too late if the Blue can eek out a couple wins against SASK plus RR would fit well into an offensive system that lacksa deep threat.


    Thoughts? Opinions??



    ....that this place is less active after.a win.


    It is harder to get angry at a win than a loss.  However, there is plenty to discuss about this game namely:

    1. The fake punt when it was 3rd and 12;

    2. the lack of pressure by the d-line;

    3. O'Shea's lack of judgment when he challanged the pass to Denmark; 

    4.The lack of babes in the beer snake section; and

    5. Poor pass protection/Willy holding onto the ball too long.


    I thought the game was done after the Lions started with the 9 minute td drive but full creit to Willy for inspiring this club to victory.  The defence also got their act together and  hopefully they can build on it and have gained some confidence.


    The fact is this is only one win but it is a significant win because it was at home, it wasa short week or prep, the team showed character and their qb showed the kind of tougness you don't see much these days in pro sports. If this was an NFL Monday night football game his 'heroics' would be discussed ad nasuem togetehr with a 30 minute NFL Films tribute.


    I feel like this sums you up pretty well...



    Thanks for taking the time to comment . I appreciate the feedback.

  11. ....that this place is less active after.a win.


    It is harder to get angry at a win than a loss.  However, there is plenty to discuss about this game namely:

    1. The fake punt when it was 3rd and 12;

    2. the lack of pressure by the d-line;

    3. O'Shea's lack of judgment when he challanged the pass to Denmark; 

    4.The lack of babes in the beer snake section; and

    5. Poor pass protection/Willy holding onto the ball too long.


    I thought the game was done after the Lions started with the 9 minute td drive but full creit to Willy for inspiring this club to victory.  The defence also got their act together and  hopefully they can build on it and have gained some confidence.


    The fact is this is only one win but it is a significant win because it was at home, it wasa short week or prep, the team showed character and their qb showed the kind of tougness you don't see much these days in pro sports. If this was an NFL Monday night football game his 'heroics' would be discussed ad nasuem togetehr with a 30 minute NFL Films tribute.

  12. They had the lead all game. Anyone saying it was lucky. Nope. Can't be when you are winning start to finish. They passed 20 times and ran 20 times again today. It was 50 50 run pass. The smaller cotton struggled tonight.

    I would not say it was a lucky win as all phases of the game pitched in.It was a real team effort. This is how they will have to win games.  They will not blow anyone out but they

    can play competitive football. I was worried with less than 3 minutes to go and the offence went 2 and out. I hope they have learned not to use Cotton when trying to close out a game. They also need a middle line backer where is Muamba when you need him. He woould really solidify this defence.

  13. It seems like the biggest freak out posts are from posters I don't recognize (new people) so I do t trust a lot of what I'm seeing...

    I have been bleeding blue and gold for 20 years. I can tell when a team has it or not. It starts with the head coach and his attituide. O'Shea exhibitied à stubborness/over confidence last year and it has carried into this season. I am not foolish enough to think this season is done after 2 games but I don't like the signs I am seeing be it at middle line backer, the d line or the special teams that all are in need of upgrading. I am most concerned that O'Shea Will rush Willy back into action rather than let Brohm and/or Marve develope beacuse of his stubborness. If you don't trust me because I don't have à thousand Posts under my belt that is your problem.



    I'm afraid we have almost no chance of beating anybody sans Ottawa without Willy in the lineup.

    Kevin Glenn would sure look good in Blue and Gold right about now.

    Hamilton is coming on and Collaros is proving to be more effective than Willy.


    I think we've had enough "what if" threads.


    It is not a what if.  These are cold hard facts. Glenn despite the hiccup against Toronto (no shame in losing to Ricky Ray) is more than a servicable back up who was available and Collaros is looking good since his return.  Don't get me wrong I think Willy could be a star once he gets more experience  but the fact is we are facing a hot qb on Saturday and before his injury Willy was cooling off.

  15. I think it was more that the Bombers were in the right place at the right time  for the wrong reason(not having a qb able to play at the CFL level) to even be in the market for Burris/Collaros/Willy.


    I feel the comparison to Reily is warranted seeing as they are 2 emerging starting qb' but bringing up the fact that Mack missed out on Reily is a red hering.


    I think luck is a part of any successful franchise but it plays a small part the rest is hard work, perserverance and a plan for success not leaving it to chance.

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