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Posts posted by BomberBall

  1. 3 hours ago, Ducky said:

    Hahaha, Buff telling Doan, "quit running our goalies you POS or I'll fu#$%ng kill you!" when he ran into Helle is exactly what these young guys need to see/hear. Buff ALWAYS sticks up for his team mates. You have to. He is the first one in here when Scheifele needs it...



    I loved that hit.... Jumped out of my seat when it happened.

  2. 45 minutes ago, Stickem said:

    I hope this is not another  'we liked your offer but'  something along the lines of Stubler, who was all set to come here till Huffer gave him a call and we bid him adios...I hope the hell we're not getting played.

    Whatever.  If that's how it goes, then that's how it goes.  Sometimes things are out of your control.  I'd like to get Dressler, but if he chooses to go elsewhere, there are other options.

  3. 2 hours ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

    Except that it's a personal foul for spearing and targeting.  You can't lead with the crown of your helmet as a tackler and particularly when you are hitting high.  Rule exists on both sides of the border but is not applied often enough.  Really it's to protect everyone because the tackler is putting himself in danger of neck, headand spinal injuries too.



    ARTICLE 8. INITIATING CONTACT WITH THE CROWN OF THE HELMET. It is a foul if a runner or tackler initiates forcible contact by delivering a blow with the top/crown of his helmet against an opponent when both players are clearly outside the tackle box (an area extending from tackle to tackle and from three yards beyond the line of scrimmage to the offensive team’s end line).


    I don't believe he did lead with the crown of his helmet.  Did he make helmet to helmet contact?  Yes, but there is no way it was targeting, when Bernard was turning and lowering his head as Shazier is committing to the hit.

    Former head of officials and other officials agree, there was no foul on the play.

  4. 20 hours ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

    The NFL (and CFL) really need to add the ability to review personal fouls and unsportsmanlike penalties in-game.  


    They handle the Shazier spear correctly and keep the Steelers coaches off the field and they avoid that embarrassing mess that reflects poorly on the entire sport.

    The Shazier hit was handled correctly; except for the part where they whistled the play dead.  The ball came out and should have been a TD for the Steelers.



    Man, I wish the bombers were doing these screw ups on purpose. At least they'd be sly and coniving. .....instead of inept and idiotic.

    We truly have become the joke of the CFL. And there is not reason to be excited for next year

    Whaaaaaahhhh! :(

    Soooo......we're NOT a joke?

    I guess getting a 'participant' trophy is good enough for you, because the team tried their best? Or maybe you can comment on the awesome handling of the new stadium was , or maybe how we have one winning season since 2008?



    Oh brother... I stand by my original statement.  Take your ball and go home.




    Peluso sending an early message.

    Best Jets fight Ive seen in a long time.


    Can't get to a TV.... Did Peluso kick some ass?


    Im at work listening.  Sounds like the Wild player scored a few shots and Peluso turned the switch and whooped him.  Announcers said Wild player had his hand up to protect his head waiting for the linesmen to break it up.


    Nice.  I'll have to look that one up later.

  7. Possibly. Canucks have as many ROW's as Edmonton so the Jets, if on their  game should probably stomp them. 


    Regulation/Overtime Wins aka non shootout wins. 


    Not sure i like the roster decisions tho going by what i've seen on the twitter machine


    Ladd,Little,Wheeler  <-- that's Maurice relying too much on the vets


    Perreault,Scheif,Stafford <--- really you demote Ehlers? Brutal


    Check  this out... brutal


    Ehlers,Burmi,Thorburn <--- WTF really


    Lowry,Copp,Thorburn <--- Maurices BF lowry bumped to the 4th line. 

    My buddy just emailed me that line and my response was exactly what you wrote.


    I can't see anyway that line works.  I just don't get it....

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