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Posts posted by BomberBall

  1. 7 hours ago, ediger said:

    considering we love to crap all over the refs 'round here I feel like to be fair I should compliment something I noticed tonight. It seems like some of that training they were doing with the NFL refs has paid off in one regard. You can debate the quality of the calls, but all night the penalty announcements were clear and consistent. It was a pet peeve of mine to hear refs stammering over the mic and making up the format of the announcement on the spot. Tonight it was infraction, team, player, penalty, result. A small thing but it helps the league look more professional.

    Pretty sure the ref pointed to the wrong team when announcing a penalty... at least 3 times actually.

  2. 21 hours ago, Goalie said:

    So you want them to be like the oilers and have a culture of losing and be ok with it? These wins are huge for the young guys... Where they end up is irrelevant in the big picture, I know people get all caught up with the Matthews hype but reality is he'd be our 3rd line center next season behind Scheif and Little, we are stacked at forward prospects, we really don't need another one lol, it doesn't hurt but it's not a priority, what we really need are D prospects and more specific, LHD prospects. 


    Jets will end up picking where they do, who knows, maybe it's first, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th,9th... There is really nothing anyone can do about where they finish, I'll take the team who doesn't stop trying because they are eliminated over teams who do. 




    Helle, their best goalie, sent to the AHL

    Myers and Enstrom shut down and having surgery

    Little out,Perreault out... 


    Yet this team isn't giving up. I'm sorry but haven't they already won 2 games in a row? They beat Minny in our last home game and now beat Anaheim, That's 2 in a row. 3 would be SJ which seems doubtful, i think they lose to SJ and beat LA tho. 



    Chill.  It was kind of a tongue in cheek comment,  based on the majority of fans wanting the Jets to tank the season and improve their odds in the draft lottery.  I actually appreciate the effort the team is showing most nights.

    And yes, I'm aware they have won 2 in a row... That's why I made the comment about potentially winning 3 in a row, for the first time this season.



  3. 12 hours ago, Goalie said:

    Jets are apparently front runners on Drouin 


    Myers to tbay for Drouin is my guess and maybe we take back matt carle and they add their first Trouba signs. 

    Ladd to Chicago for Pokka and a 1st 

    Another trade involving one of Burmi or Chiarot or Postma for picks 

    Buff Trouba Pokka RHD next year 

    Where did you hear/see that the Jets are front runners for Drouin?  Would love to get him on board.

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