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Posts posted by BomberBall




    Next week we'll be reading: the club has signed INT RB Nobody Special and INT REC Nobody Who Will Last a Week and the club released INTs DL Ethan Farmer, RB B.J. Catalon, REC Spencer Davis.

    The revolving door continues....

    Nothing wrong with that.



    Except that it shows how utterly pathetic our scouting and GM are.


    The opposite...means they are going to keep looking and trying until they find what they want. You really think you can pick the best player first time every time?


    Seriously....  If we don't make moves, people *****... If we do?  Yep, people *****.



    Or maybe an NFL team come calling ?

    Stranger things have happened. If so, good for him. This just shows again why American players, especially QB's, should give the CFL a try. They are far more marketable playing up here and getting experience than sitting at home eating Doritos. I couldn't believe that Delvin Breaux was playing for New Orleans last night. I honestly didn't think he was that great with Hamilton. So shows what I know.



    He's already putting up highlight reel material down there with his ball tracking ability... or is it lowlight?




    Holy crap, that's funny!  I got it... I got it.... Oh.

  3. Chiming in to voice support for the selling of local beers. It would be awesome if we could get Half Pints at Bomber games! Drinking Little Scrapper at games would make the losses hurt... slightly less.

    Totally agree.  Little Scrapper is a nice IPA.  An option that is not currently available at the stadium.

  4. Never to early to start this thread.


    Puck drop 6 local.


    The game story so far...


    -Win and you're in. Lose and you're fired.

    -Jets play back to back games back to back to start season :blink::wacko:

    Have to admit I was pretty pissed when I first noticed that on the schedule.  Brutal at any point in the season, but starting off with that?  On the road?  Not easy.


    No idea why he was signed in the first place?


    No idea why he was signed. No idea why he got as many carries as he did. No idea why he was constantly ran up the middle. A series of puzzling moves.


    This is the biggest problem I had... I wasn't a fan of Walkers to begin with, but if he's going to be getting touches, at least try to get him into some space... Don't just continually ram him up the middle.


    Anyway, I'm glad he's gone... Now, about that play calling....

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