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The Classic

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  1. Like
    The Classic reacted to Floyd in GREY CUP - GAME DAY THREAD - Ticats @Bombers!   
    Nice first half...  now second half adjustment jitters for all of us
  2. Like
    The Classic reacted to Super Duper Negatron in GREY CUP - GAME DAY THREAD - Ticats @Bombers!   
    Just say no to second half Lapo.
  3. Like
    The Classic reacted to Tiny759 in GREY CUP - GAME DAY THREAD - Ticats @Bombers!   
    Well listening to the player introduction... I think we know who Calgary wants to win 😏
  4. Like
    The Classic reacted to bustamente in GREY CUP - GAME DAY THREAD - Ticats @Bombers!   
    Hardrick with the gold flag, Harris with the Blue
  5. Like
    The Classic reacted to the watcher in GREY CUP - GAME DAY THREAD - Ticats @Bombers!   
    Oh, we got the crowd alright.👍
  6. Haha
    The Classic reacted to Bomber_fanaddict in Riders Suck!   
    "We didn't cause...not a turnover"
    Well said Gainey....well said
  7. Haha
    The Classic reacted to Zontar in Riders Suck!   
    "Rest of the league hates us because we win too much like the EDM dynasty".
    "Rest of the league hates us because too many of our fans are insufferable, self absorbed dickbags."
    Answers need to be submitted by Fri. Noon ET.
  8. Agree
    The Classic reacted to blue_or_die in Riders Suck!   
    Just quoting this for fun. 
    Excellent, well put together video. Deserves an academy award 👌
  9. Agree
    The Classic reacted to TrueBlue75 in Riders Suck!   
    Oh how sweet it is! Lol at the tears from the players. Dudes chirping and constantly doing after the whistle stuff... you got what you deserved!
  10. Like
    The Classic reacted to BaconNBigBlue in Riders Suck!   
    They are fairly backwards, so it's probably more like Yore stupid, no yore stupid.
    My god it was hard to type like a Rider's fan!
  11. Haha
    The Classic reacted to The Zipp in Riders Suck!   
    We beat them at home two years in a row to end their season...I could watch this all day long...
    Should have played harder I guess...if these guys weren't such poor sports on the field I would have some respect for them 
  12. Haha
    The Classic reacted to Wanna-B-Fanboy in Riders Suck!   
    Imploring "nothing but positive and confidence building posts the entire week....   " in a thread entitled ""riders Suck!" is a very bold ask.
  13. Like
    The Classic reacted to Zontar in Riders Suck!   
    Angry mob seems to have settled on McAdoo as designated scapegoat.Dickenson is getting a mulligan. Deciders quiet. Remember this because next failure it'll be Dickenson.  Guaran freaking teed.
  14. Haha
    The Classic reacted to Deiter Fan in Riders Suck!   
    Since everyone in Sask is missing at least one finger or toe they had to keep it under 20 so they don't run out of digits when they take their socks off (for those that wear any)
  15. Haha
    The Classic reacted to bluebeliever in Riders Suck!   
    they are right we are colder, average high in F and C, Dec, Jan, Feb, but yes same climate.
    Winnipeg, Manitoba 15 -9.3 Saguenay, Quebec 18 -7.7 Regina, Saskatchewan 18 -7.6  
    Winnipeg, Manitoba -2 -19.2 Saguenay, Quebec -1 -18.3 Regina, Saskatchewan -1 -18.2
  16. Like
    The Classic reacted to Zontar in Riders Suck!   
    Doubt has nestled in quite nicely over there. "The season was successful no matter what happens" got a test flight from one of the deciders yesterday.
  17. Like
    The Classic reacted to NorthernSkunk in Riders Suck!   
    The melon heads are losing it.....they finish first... and are now regulated to underdog status for the western final... and they are totally dismissing the " Collaros karma " that is coming for them....  this game can't get here quick enough lol
  18. Haha
    The Classic reacted to Zontar in Riders Suck!   
    We've all done it.
  19. Like
    The Classic reacted to Wanna-B-Fanboy in Riders Suck!   
    Sadly, they keep omitting the fact that it was a person from Saskatchewan that was doing the dumping. 
  20. Like
    The Classic reacted to blue_or_die in Riders Suck!   
    Is it, though? These are the same people who think that Winnipeg is the only place where a homeless person has taken a dump in public.
    They're not a bright fan base. They just toe the line. It's all they have.
  21. Haha
    The Classic reacted to JCon in Riders Suck!   
    More like "Your stupid", "No your stupid". 
  22. Like
    The Classic reacted to Booch in Riders Suck!   
    yup...they don't like me one bit..and I couldn't have it any other way truth be told...truth breeds hate...as shown there...and they must dislike the rest of you that post there because you are all apparent nut lickers...hahahahahaa
  23. Thanks
    The Classic reacted to GCn20 in Riders Suck!   
    I wear their disdain like a badge of honor. In order to be liked there a CFL fan would have to kiss the ass of some incredibly huge blowhards and no nothings. I can't imagine a fate worse than being a popular poster on that forum, one would have to sell their soul or be an ass kisser...even other Rider fans have to bow to the knowledge of the pretend experts or be shunned over there. Truly amazing how many sheep toe the line there.
    It's no wonder that Stronson and a few others have such an inflated sense of ego when they can attract such a loyal following of sheep. If you don't toe the line, or question them in anyway, it's considered a breach of conduct and you receive a ban. How crazy is that? Believe what I say, although I offer no proof and have consistently been wrong in the past, or you get banned for not being a believer. Wait a minute....isn't that how a cult works? I hope they don't decide to monetize or anyone going their may be forced to buy Amway.
  24. Like
    The Classic reacted to Dr Zaius in Riders Suck!   
    Spent time in that hole because it was the only veterinarian school in the west at the time. Not a single out of province person stayed. 

    It was truly remarkable how not a single person the Mrs and I went to school with there could be retained to live in that boring dump of a province. It's just so unsophisticated. 

    I legitimately am unsure if there's a 30 story building in the whole province.

    Edit: a-ha! there are a couple of 20 story ones. Congratulations Regina.
  25. Like
    The Classic reacted to NorthernSkunk in Riders Suck!   
    There is trashy/funny and there is trashy/stupid...... and there is a LOT of stupid over there for sure....  it's no wonder they kick everyone out,  they can't handle trashy/funny/smart
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