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  2. It’s either a real good thing that our rookie camp cuts are being picked up or real bad that this is the best the rbs can do. Our camp talent level is extremely good, maybe it’s lazy or maybe they really liked him in scouting previously.
  3. SIGNAGE SIGHTING! https://accesswinnipeg.com/2024/05/krispy-kreme-winnipeg-construction-update-may-2024/
  4. I fear I might be getting "darned with faint praise" here....lol....jk...
  5. Ronnie Brown? I've heard numerous people say that he's the quickest and most agile running back currently playing in the game! Not as fast as your response, apparently. Hahaha! I appreciate a person with equally sharp wit to I.
  6. kind of like Mark Messier - in those last two years of his career he was skating around looking like he had a piano tied to his butt. He didn't seem to get it that his days were over, and so finally it had to come to no one wanting to sign him for him to realize it was over. Too bad. And too bad that teams like Vancouver and New York were still enabling his delusions. I heard that he's pretty fast.
  7. Today
  8. Looks like Ottawa signed the cut RB Ronnie Brown
  9. Yeah...but some people around here like to spin things to fit their sad narrative and uninformed view....it's expected
  10. Not to speak for him...but I haven't seen him say they shouldn't wear them. Just that they don't stop a huge aspect of the problem.
  11. Now your just being a fool...bordering on a jackass....like really?
  12. I know a couple folks connected to the jets (they just know people) and they are saying it wouldn’t surprise them at all if Todd Nelson is the guy here. Coached under Bones. Chevy is a fan. Oilers kinda screwed him when he was there. Going for b2b ahl titles. Willing to integrate the youth. Jets job is actually quite inviting for coaching guys. They don’t suck. They ain’t rebuilding. Think it’s prob one of the top openings available honestly. It is actually. Don’t get the insane media like Toronto does either. Not to often an opening for a team with 110 points opens up.
  13. Last thing I’ll say about biggie. some guys know when it’s time. others need to be told. biggie needs to be told. I’ll say this. I don’t want to see his career ended on the field getting carted off. Just like I don’t want to see Ric Flair die in a wrestling ring.
  14. True. Hard to get and keep a spot if you keep going to IL. Opens the door for other guys to win the job.
  15. Day one of rookie camp. WRs/DBs waiting for physicals.
  16. I want to see Collaros out there wearing a super-sized Guardian!
  17. I thought Clements signed with the argos and was moved to the retired list. Argos known to make clerical errors tho. Yes Bryant was just an example of another guy getting up there in age who will have to be replaced sooner rather than later. He might play another year and I hope he does, thought he looked more off last year personally but that could have been any number of things causing that. Just an example of guys who we need to have a succession plan for. I’m a big bighill fan. He was very nice to me and my daughter at a signing a while ago and every time I’ve seen him he’s said hi. It’s just time. Injuries catch up quick on some of these guys. 36 isn’t young for a football player.
  18. Clements or Wilson yes, Cole no, he doesn't have the size, knowledge or the experience to play MLB, he said yesterday in an interview he's just a bigger DB, which is where he played throughout college.
  19. Imagine the spearing penalties! Jokes on you Booch, with the size of the Guardian every hit is now automatically a headshot!
  20. Don't wear a helmet because it won't protect you from hits below the shoulders. Don't wear shoulder pads because it won't protect your knees.
  21. The guardian design will be replaced. Something more aerodynamic to allow for quicker acceleration, sensor rings to collapse during contact, and advantage to defenders during a field goal and punts. This French prototype could be popular.
  22. If It's not hurting, and even remotely helping... then... what's the concern?
  23. They can walk out hand in hand with the 94 WRs we brought in that have no chance of seeing a snap.
  24. Derived from the Latin word concusses, concussion means to shake violently. A concussion happens when a force causes the brain to rapidly move back and forth inside the skull. This may be caused by either a direct blow or by a blow to the body that forces the head to quickly rotate. Although some sports have higher instances of concussion — such as football, ice hockey, and soccer — concussions can happen in any sport or recreational activity. Other than a direct shot to the head....where the brain will still do what is described above....the Guardian won't prevent anything from the shoulders down, and even a violent shot to the head with one on...will still cause the brain to move BTW....Thats from the American Academy of Orthapedic Surgeons which is included in the health and safety documents we get while running training and combie prep camps....I will go with what they said before the Minister of Sport up in Winnipeg
  25. It's simply physics, even when the impact is to the head the brain collides with the impacted side of the skull due to the sudden loss of momentum, bounces off then slams into the otherside of the skull.
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