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  2. It’s not just 1 game now tho. It’s 2 years. That’s what I was told.
  3. I’d suspect depending on what they want to do, prob draft picks. Multiple. Like a dude from Manitoba wouldn’t waive. But why do ppl think isles would move pulock out. Why do ppl think Ehlers the playoff no show is gonna get some return like he’s a superstar draft picks my guess. A bunch of em.
  4. and who would we get back in return? Some draft picks? Scott Mayfield? Samuel Bolduc?
  5. Drug company Moderna says its combined flu and Covid vaccine, which targets the two diseases in a single shot, has passed a vital part of final-stage scientific checks. Would you like to know more?
  6. Humans May Be Able to Grow New Teeth Within Just 6 Years.
  7. Since some on here (after one game) think our dominant period is over, it’s the end of an era etc. 😉, here’s an oldie but goodie about the past …
  8. I excited for Wheatfall...passes the eye test and skill package Love Bonds too....defense as a whole I like...well liked more last game...but will really love if we go back to more of what we had in week 1 with a few minor tweaks and an add or 2 I more concerned with...and have been for a while with how we have no forward plan in place...heck no real short term plan for in season issues and a heavy reliance on older players...tenured players and a perceived coaches vendetta against certain things...that compound it...and been on going It's an easy fix...but the next 6 weeks or so will be very telling on how the season goes...and ends Gonna be a dog fight this yr for sure...but younger...hungrier dogs generally win....
  9. Nope. Maybe if he coughs up 30k, with interest though… lol
  10. Today
  11. I’m thinking around there. Silver lining, 11-7 might still be good enough to win the division this year. Every team has at least one glaring weakness, I don’t see a lot of pack separation tbh
  12. Excellent point! I thought we would be 11-7 plus 2 or minus 1. At this point I think it’s 11-7 +1 or minus 2. Agree with both of those. Adam’s and fox as well.
  13. Ok, to appease a few on here.. I’m really pumped to see what Wheatfall can bring. I like Bonds, think he can be a legit star. After seeing how bad BC’s offensive linemen sucked last game, I’d rather our problems than theirs at the moment.
  14. I felt like this was an 11-7 kind of year with the injuries we had to start and some concerns about the roster. We may be that, we may be better, we may be worse. Right now, lots of concerning things. Brady being hurt and already missing time is a huge one for me.
  15. Darren Cameron too. That guy does a lot to bring players in. Unsung hero.
  16. Comparing knowledgeable, passionate and yes, frustrated, Bomber fans to RF is gross.
  17. Says the guy who was totally off the deep end of negativity during the game.
  18. Guy is a douchebag but his actions lead to us getting Streveler and Biggie and that helped us win the cup in 2019 so I can't totally hate him.
  19. Yesterday
  20. He's been fighting for at least 5 years out in BC. Watched his last fight on UFC Fight Pass and it won KO of the night... Too bad for him he was on the wrong end of the KO! 100% sure there are a few people on this board that could take that fight!
  21. https://3downnation.com/2024/06/12/darian-durant-regrets-not-taking-pay-cut-to-finish-cfl-career-with-saskatchewan-roughriders/ No mention of his bonus stealing.
  22. No ****- I used to laugh at riderfans when they would implode after a loss- but we have completely outdone anything I have seen on RF in the past few years... It is amazing that 5-6 posters can out do RF like that.
  23. Seconded. Not saying anybody is flat out wrong but holy **** this place is depressing. It's like the polar opposite of TEP where the bombers have never once ever done anything wrong. Where's my happy medium?
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