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  2. I'd take Titus Walll before any of them actually...see what he has to offer in our system...still so young too
  3. There was a time where only the head coach was allowed to talk to the media. I don't remember when or who the head coach was, but I have a vague memory that there was some incident that caused the policy to be created. Wish I could remember more.
  4. I think The tragically hip was as perfect as it will ever be. For today, I think the weekend would be as good as it gets. Would you take sayles over Mcfadden, wall, or carnell? I'd take the first 2 for sure, carnell Idk if he is 100% or will be again. If he's close I take him too. I loved sayles when he was here, but he has an awful lot of miles on him for his age. It's probably an upgrade for them, but If I'm them us or any one else I go with the younger guys.
  5. They could very easily start widening Route 90 between Grant and Taylor at least. The other construction that isnt talked about enough is extending Moray Street to the Perimeter. This would remove a tonne of the traffic that ends up going down Grant then onto Shafsbury or Route 90. This has been on the city planning maps for 50 years but nothing has been done. At this point, I dont think people want to get rid of the dog park.
  6. Looks very much like it via practices/camp/pre-season
  7. Vaj went into a very established offence, this will be the first big turn over he sees. He's also 31 years old. Does he really have another gear in his career that he can reach? Guys also been hit a LOT in his career up here, and had some really ugly games just last year.
  8. I think it'd be fantastic, could have mos talk more about things going on league wide, and stuff like proposed rule changes etc. I think he'd be a lot more interesting and affable in that range of topics. The big thing for him is will they stick to running it, can they run against starting Ds, and how quick/hard is he hitting the hole. Also, can he stay healthy. I wouldn't want to be betting on him, but really it isn't a big risk for them.
  9. Keon Hatcher, Dominique Rhymes and Lucky Whitehead will not be there for Vernon Adams to throw to. Will Justin McInnis, Ayden Eberhardt and hopeful Travis Fulgham, a Philadelphia Eagles castoff, be enough to at least equal or upgrade the receiving core? Will these players even get enough balls thrown their way as the BC defence undergoes massive rebuilding. We will see if the scouting and drafting is enough to keep the Lions in the hunt. I am very much looking forward to playing them.
  10. he the clear cut defacto starter there?...
  11. Yep. Virtually all cfl QBS are mobile enough to over come an asymmetrical overload, unless the guy you rush is super fast and or the qb fails to read it he will escape the open side. Like fajardo has soo often. Blitzing/Pressures are a funny thing. The most effective action a D can take is to create a pressure. But all pressures aren't the same. Just being able to push the ol back into the pocket and shrink it can be very effective. Using your arms and positioning to limit throwing lanes can help even more if you can continually push the pocket. As valuable as pressures are, Blitzing actually devalues pressure (qb reads blitz and gets rid of the ball faster) and is proportionally worse than sending just the DL, while opening up big gaps in coverage. A few very specific blitzes are situationally more efficient and effective. But really require a lot of set up. Sending a single LBer with regularity into an OL, like we have gotten into is about the worst use of players as you can have. The OL take their man, spreads and creates a wide arching pocket. The pass rushers have to get around their man and come up the back of the play. By which time the ball should be out already. Plus, A lot of teams chip with Wrs, and play block and release with rbs. Which slows down the rush, makes the angle less of an advantage and creates an easy outlet for the qb. A lot of times people are surprised by pressures from 3 man rushes. But in the CFL, teams seldom rush out of 30 fronts, and it's alignments are more difficult for ol. It also allows more disguise in your rush lanes vs a 40 front. We've had tons of success putting 3-4 guys on the line who are all pass rushing. From all DE alignments to willy on the nose in a 30 OLs are the weak spot of most every team. I think running various alignments like a 30 front, and 30 over with a jack lber where you have 2-3 tweener DT/DEs who can pass rush and a nose with a good rotation of guys can give you a whole lot more than sending 5 guys with a lber running into a linemen. Or even 6 guys and getting a guy chipped/ forcing the pocket to move.
  12. Today
  13. I don't disagree....but for the GC game it really is an advertisement to the world of what they have. Not only to gain eyes but also ad revenue. Local bands aren't going to intrigue nonlocals.... nevermind international viewers. CFL wants $$ and in order to charge it they need someone who will put eyes on the screen.
  14. DB's are so plentiful they have a hard time cashing in on past performances, signing a contract for $120k+ it's almost assured they will eventually be replaced by a cheaper model. DB motto has to be "grab it while you can".
  15. I was at Times Changed a couple of months ago, to hear 2 local groups. The joint was packed (including the dance floor). Don't know how this would translate to the larger venue, but definitely worth a crack.
  16. And these football fans you speak of all listen to the same type of music? And that happens to be the music you listen to?
  17. I struggle to think of what the perfect GC halftime show would be that ticks all of the boxes. Seriously, I'd hate to be in charge of the selection because I just don't think you could make everyone happy (absent a huge injection of sponsor money that signs a big act, or acts as was the case at the 100th).
  18. Sayles signed in the NFL after playing for us and was a league All-Star for BC in 2022. I'm not sure him leaving the Bombers is a great example of a player going down hill on a new team, even if he's not the player he once was. Some guys (like Stove) have been unfortunate but others (Casey Sayles for example) have done just fine.
  19. I listen to the show and often tweet and text into the show (that was me asking about the possibility of bringing Chris Smith back when healthy). Since the team is winning I have come to accept that O'Shea isnt forthcoming on alot of topics. It's just part of the package. I do find it tough at times to think of questions though, when O'Shea doesnt talk about; Injuries, schemes, who is going to play, who is playing what position etc He does like to talk about CFL rules, the nuances of the game, and its history.....
  20. Let me guess on the title of 3dn article… ”Former Rider restructures contract with current team”
  21. This is the problem that we find when players leave for an extra 10 or $15,000. If they're not fantastic that year of their switch, their overall value goes down so much with missed games and teams trying to re-sign them on the cheap after they have been cut. They also lose the team chemistry that might've made them above average players. Player agents are so often self-serving and urge their clients to make these kinds of switches. Just stop and think about what fate has been for veteran players that have left the bombers for other teams.
  22. You can drop the guys with absolutely no chance and still have new faces in the mix for work you know...
  23. Wasn’t good last year but I know secondary was an area of concern so should hopefully be serviceable.
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