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  2. His finger hooked a bit of the mask on the way down. So technically you can call it a face mask but it was a 10 ply soft call
  3. At most it was a brush, not a grasp, it would have taken command center 3 seconds to correct that call. They'll never get where they need to be, if they don't know how to get there.
  4. Not lot of penalties called but several were bad timing. That face mask call, looked made up by the ref but I haven’t seen the replay. I think the rule says, “grasping the face mask”. Rule 7;art 4 e). https://cfldb.ca/rulebook/fouls-and-penalties/major-fouls/ It was quick and I doubted there was a legit grasp. It almost seemed that because it was a decent hit, the ref threw the flag and decided later what to call it. The penalty gave the visitors some momentum.
  5. Today
  6. Was wondering if Legghio was the one that voted to keep them for that very reason.
  7. One of the interesting things about our D vs mtl, is we used a 30 front about as much as a 40. We blended using a 30 over set with the ends as a jack. With that we may well have spent more time in a 30 than a 40 alignment. But we didn’t drop from the 3-4 over with that end. I wouldn’t be surprised to see that wrinkle in the future. I also wouldn’t be surprised to see more 30 front on run downs when either ayers earns significant reps or biggie comes back.
  8. Maybe the Als kicker missed both kicks but the microchip corrected the kick.
  9. I've cut cable (well satellite in my case since I live in the bush) about a year ago and stream only. So I only get sports on TSN when I sign up for the CFL season.
  10. It’s true but the als were also very smart with when to let go. When you grab push/pull and let go / change hands you get away with it a lot more. They walked the line really well for the most part. Or disguised it masterfully any way.
  11. The Als kicker hit 2 for 2, yes, but his longest was 22 yards. Castillo made his short one too, from 17. There would be a more noticeable impact the further back you go.
  12. Refs sucked. Just awful. Also Jefferson getting held = legit pass protection.
  13. Als have had the stupid signs to hide their signals for a long time now. It's stupid.
  14. It was certainly a distraction. Peculiar that the sign was held on the field.
  15. He does have to walk to line carefully to keep him healthy and not make it so that every time he goes in he is just running. I believe he is working on that as well especially with the 2 QB jet sweep we saw a glimpse of. Lamar jackson and the ravens have done it as well as any team at any level while keeping him reasonably healthy. (86 games over 6 years) The keys to keeping him healthy are 1, strevy needs to know when to stop fighting for yards, and 2, we need to have him throw hand it off and run it so teams can't just run down field every time he comes on. Also, you need to stretch the field in other directions and keep the D honest. To run QB power you have to be spreading the field sideline to sideline, and even more so down field. That way you create big running lanes and leave strevy on DBs not mainly on big body positions.
  16. Are there really that many people who don’t have access to tsn? I dunno. Maybe in the 80s but in 2024? I dunno. Now my cabin has a satellite dish and there’s cell phones. If ppl wanted to watch they would find a way. I’m not sure ctv changes the overall numbers that much anymore.
  17. Dru never came in to games very often. He started or didn’t play. Maybe in a blowout with 4 minutes left. But rarely to never did they take Zach out and put Dru in. For dru to play Zach was hurt or took a headshot. They never take Zach out even when he sucks. https://www.cfl.ca/players/dru-brown/164252/ Basically all his reps came last year when Zach was hurt. First 2 seasons he didn’t play much at all.
  18. The D isn’t concerning. The O is extremely concerning tho.
  19. Well if Buck intends to utilise him as a one-trick-pony, he won't stay healthy long and it will be a wasted year of QB development. Consider it took Dru Brown 3 years to emerge as a viable replacement.
  20. Agree just trying to lighten the mood a bit. 🙂
  21. Or as Calgary has demonstrated with some success, going for the 2 point convert more often.
  22. They stopped the als for the most part, but o and teams were determined to give it all away
  23. 2-2 on field goals but also missed a convert. Castillo also mentioned his average in practice is way down too so the game is just one example. If 10 of 11 kickers in the league voted against it, they aren't doing just because. I'd like to know who the one kicker was though.
  24. Yup. No hesitation no fear, catch every ball, run down field. He didn't by any means run the same stuff. PA power option, option toss, qb sweep, none of that stuff is what we've seen before. He also nearly broke a short yardage play for a long score. They didn't let him throw the ball so we didn't really see any thing, but what he did was a LOT better than what poopkup did here. Yup. Go back to the grey cup and we have no wins, and 1 TD pass which was in the pre season, combined.
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