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Do You Get The Feeling...


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Didn't say that, Jacquie.  As usual you jump to conclusions with your one or 2 sentence responses. You do that a lot. See my answer to Mr Dee above.


I have three things to say,iso:


And fourth... I mean four things, I have four things to say:

I didn't realize there was a minimum sentence rule at these forums.


Why Jacquie, I've not known you to be so …fourthright.


I'm a little disappointed. I had you all set up for a Spanish Inquisition comment.  ;)

In the words of Speedy Gonzalez, "Si, senior, I theenk she mad." :) Hey Jacquie, didn't mean to offend you if I did, sorry.

Trust me I wouldn't be making Monty Python references if I were mad. ;)

Damn even I missed that one until you mentioned the Spanish Inquisition. Awesome skit.

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Where are you getting the $350k number for Collaros? Everywhere I've heard it has been in the $275k range. And I also heard that Willy got virtually the same money as Collaros, maybe a little less because there was no one else bidding against us to drive up the price.

The $350 number was the first one I saw on a twitter search and I went with it.  A further search shows everything between $250-350K.  I DM'd Drew Edwards and asked him but he didn't get back to me.  I wish they'd publish the real numbers so we wouldn't have to guess or choose the number we think it might be.

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Didn't say that, Jacquie.  As usual you jump to conclusions with your one or 2 sentence responses. You do that a lot. See my answer to Mr Dee above.



I have three things to say,iso:


And fourth... I mean four things, I have four things to say:

I didn't realize there was a minimum sentence rule at these forums.



Why Jacquie, I've not known you to be so …fourthright.


I'm a little disappointed. I had you all set up for a Spanish Inquisition comment.  ;)


But nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.

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Didn't say that, Jacquie.  As usual you jump to conclusions with your one or 2 sentence responses. You do that a lot. See my answer to Mr Dee above.


I have three things to say,iso:


And fourth... I mean four things, I have four things to say:

I didn't realize there was a minimum sentence rule at these forums.


Why Jacquie, I've not known you to be so …fourthright.


I'm a little disappointed. I had you all set up for a Spanish Inquisition comment.  ;)

In the words of Speedy Gonzalez, "Si, senior, I theenk she mad." :) Hey Jacquie, didn't mean to offend you if I did, sorry.
Trust me I wouldn't be making Monty Python references if I were mad. ;)

Damn even I missed that one until you mentioned the Spanish Inquisition. Awesome skit.



Awesome skit, awesome reference.


My awesome-reference-recognition hardware needs an adjustment.

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I get the feeling that the Winnipeg media doesn't even try to be informative. 

When O'Shea was hired, Pention of all people, tried to sneak in a question about Collaros even though he was under contract to the Argos at that time.

The news has become TMZ style news, unless it's considered "juicy" they really don't care. Sad really when you think about it.

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I get the feeling that the Winnipeg media doesn't even try to be informative.

When O'Shea was hired, Pention of all people, tried to sneak in a question about Collaros even though he was under contract to the Argos at that time.

The news has become TMZ style news, unless it's considered "juicy" they really don't care. Sad really when you think about it.

Except TMZ is right a lot more often than the Winnipeg media.

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Then did he raise on high the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch, saying, "Bless this, O Lord, that with it thou mayst blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy." And the people did rejoice and did feast upon the lambs and toads and tree-sloths and fruit-bats and orangutans and breakfast cereals ... Now did the Lord say, "First thou pullest the Holy Pin. Then thou must count to three. Three shall be the number of the counting and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither shalt thou count two, excepting that thou then proceedeth to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the number of the counting, be reached, then lobbest thou the Holy Hand Grenade in the direction of thine foe, who, being

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Some of you sure have some bizarre expectations. This was a press conference to introduce our new starting QB and you want them to provide an honest answer on whether or not he was their first choice or not?


"We'd like to introduce our new STARTING quarterback, Drew Willy! He wasn't our first or second choice but hey, he was available!"


And suggesting that because they're interested in upgrading the QB stable, they don't feel confident in Willy?


Very interesting reaches by some of you.




I think that Walters should have nipped the questions in the bud when the first one came up about Burris/Collaros/"Plan C" though.  A simple "This is Drew's presser as our new starting QB... not questions for me regarding free agency" would have sufficed.  Willy doesn't deserve a feeding frenzy of comparison to a CFL HOFer like Burris in his first presser.  He has not so much as thrown a pass in practice yet.

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Wiecek is lucky he's covering the Bombers in 2014 and not 1994 with his attitude.  He'd have been long frozen out by the Bombers staff and players, even in 2014 he deserves to be.  Should be interesting to see him spar with a guy like Korey Banks, Wiecek hasn't really dealt with a strong veteran player who will tell him where to go the way a guy like Stegall would.


Even had the nerve to comment negatively on Willy's suit in his article.  


Wiecek is a total piece of garbage.  Can't wait til Banks sets him in his place.  To be honest, I think it's a matter of time before O'Shea does it.  He's probably trying to keep things positive to help change the culture of Bomberland, but good leaders usually have a way of respectably putting detractors in their place. 


O'Shea and Banks are cut from the same cloth though.  I can't think of a Bomber the past 3 years that is a similar leader type. 

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