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Everything posted by ddanger

  1. There's no doubt we all need the league to be competitive and balanced ( with the last few extra grains of sand for the Bombers ). Riders, Elks, Redblacks all have significant issues that need to be resolved. And resolved for next year post-haste. I'm expecting Riders & Redblacks to be firing their coaching staffs, and they better not try to steal Buck!
  2. Was wondering about the two long-range field goals. I know he has made one big one ( game winner I think ) and has badly gassed one as well. Given that the game was a write-off for us, why not let the kid try a couple of big ones and learn how to kick them, without over kicking and gassing them? Kinda like standing on the T box and hitting the ball over a pond. Hit it hard, but hit it square.
  3. So many negative comments about TSN....all of which I agree with BTW. 1. Brown. First pro start in a game that's meaningless for us ( except maybe evaluation of new guys ) and meant a lot to BC. 2. Bailey 3. BA keeping them honest out there.
  4. Returning to the 3 stars and HH.... Collaros...took a few hits ( at least one shoulda been a penalty ) and was just tremendous. Schoen/Demski Biggie and Brady Really just a full-scale team domination.....oh and how many teams can say that all 3 of their quarterbacks completed a touchdown pass in the same game. Imma bettin none!
  5. Was at the stadium last night watching MMFA Crunchers " Practice with the Pro's". There was a Wolitarski sighting, and a Houston sighting. There were 7 other players there as well. Big props to the guys for giving some of their time to our community. Grandson was thrilled!
  6. These continued reports from the NFL look very bad. Winning at all costs. Brutal.
  7. First home game I've watched at home in years...thanks covid. I gotta say the camera angles in our stadium are fantastic. That overhead angle is fantastic. I'm sure it's been mentioned, but that 3rd quarter was horrible. No offence, and the play-calling seemed very soft to me. Yes we won, and the 4th quarter was what we expect from our team, but man, we gotta be better. And what's with Willie trying to jump on the back of the qb? Just tackle him man, and not in the head.
  8. 1. Schoen. Bomber record. 1000 yards. Rookie of the year. 2. Oliveira. Just keeps getting better. 3. O'line keeping Zack nice and clean. HH. Leggs for a great game and a sweet tackle. Crunch: Biggie for that early hit.
  9. Not disagreeing with you, but if we did have Gray play the whole game at tackle ( where he might be arguably better than guard ), that would free us up to have an American playing somewhere else.
  10. The injury report didn't even mention Houston. Or is the injury report from after the Hamilton game?
  11. Big Boom looked pretty good on his U tube video. I assume he's given up, for now anyways, on his NFL dream. If we're down Jeffcoat and Hansen this week we will need someone for sure. Our defensive rotations save Willy for when we really need him, and having a guy to take a few reps can't hurt. But we still really need someone in the middle who's closer to 300 to plug the hole
  12. I'm expecting Walters and the boys to go get Drew back....bring in a LB...a couple of DB's, and a bib d lineman
  13. Will BC run the table?? Unlikely.... Will Edmonton or Sask beat us at home?? Unlikely. We're gonna be fine and I'm gonna freeze my keester off at a home playoff game!
  14. I agree we can't make wholesale changes in the secondary, but we've had some injuries and I do feel we need to at least explore the possibility of a change. Also agree that we didn't have much ( if any ) of a pass rush. It's been a long time since I saw such a technical post here, and I appreciate it!
  15. I never want to see my team lose like that. I hope it serves as a wake-up call to the entire organization. I think we need some changes, specifically on the interior of our D line and in our secondary. I'd also not mind giving a chance to someone else to play left guard. Grey gives up so many "look out" blocks I just don't get why he's still in there. Also I thought Collaros did not have a very good game. That fumble, and the late pick into triple coverage are plays he just can't make. I don't remember which game it was, but I've seen him fumble like that before. A bye week couldn't come at a better time. Let's bring in some new guys and rest up our beat up guys.
  16. I'd like to see more 2 point plays for sure You musta been talking to my wife....she can't stand the huge cushion!
  17. I agree our run D has been soft...at times. Generally early in the game, make some adjustments and we settle in.
  18. I think the issue is more about the capabilities of the other 2 guys playing linebacker. They're getting pushed around.
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