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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. He didn't. Not once, not even a single word. You asked why? He gave the correct answer.
  2. "The Lions, The Eskimos and My Wardrobe" by Mike Reilly; uncomfortable foreword by Rod Black.
  3. Hurl has better citizenship than Bass every year...also just saying...
  4. I came here to get riled up, and riled up I will get! Now the jomment* has root in a point - that it's the old-school types who will be outraged by this. So far that point seems pretty spot on. *Joking comment - trademark pending
  5. Put out the pot of honey, Pooh Bear is bound to show up. That's right, it's time for another round of Simpson's quotes.
  6. So......what you're saying is.......wait for it.......maybe we should bring him in for a cup of Tyms?
  7. I can try to be upset about this, but I forgot where I left my cranky old-man pants. Once I find them I'll hitch them up to my nipples and talk about the good old days when you could get a car for a nickel.
  8. I'm going to go out on a limb here, and say the odds of a mid-season coordinator change on ANY team with an 8-3 record are poor. Due to dumbness.
  9. Winnipeg Thunder delayed two games last year, and they haven't been around since the 80's!
  10. The kick wasn't exactly a shank. It didn't have much arc but at least medium distance. It looked like he got more toe than he was trying. It was the play immediately after he took a delay penalty - only 11 on the field - so he might have been a bit unsettled. If you change what Fogg does - goes to his right and fields the punt like normal, he's probably pinned on the sidelines and Bartel is getting praised for his accuracy.
  11. 36 yards before he started the return. Lined up at the 48. Picked up the ball at the 12. That is such amazing athleticism. I'm going to watch that play a dozen more times tonight.
  12. http://www.tsn.ca/cfl/video/leggett-returns-punt-97-yards-as-bombers-re-take-the-lead~1205164
  13. I feel like people don't fully understand and appreciate what happened on Leggett's punt return TD. That OShea called that trick return. Leggett was lined up 5 yards off the line of scrimmage across from the gunner when the ball was snapped. Fogg sprinted to the far sideline and took 8 Riders with him. In the meantime Leggett was tracking the ball over his shoulder while sprinting back to our end. On that 97 yard return of his he ran 45 yards before he even started the return. So much luck involved as well. First, the ball went to the opposite sideline of Fogg rather than just the hashmarks, which completely eliminated 8 possible tacklers. Second, the ball almost bounced out of bounds before Leggett was able to pick it up, but didn't. Everything about that play had me geeking out.
  14. It's only a prediction if it happens. Otherwise it's just talking out of your ass. Predicted 11-7 last year. Opined our record this year will be better. Will know in 2 months whether that was a prediction or ass gas.
  15. Same here. If Noeller's coming back I have to make sure I'm nowhere near this city.
  16. It would be nice if something like this could make Toronto care. Too many massive tools there for that to happen any time soon.
  17. Call Nichols a ham and egger. That's the easiest way to fit in round here.
  18. Nye's prediction list features Reilly, Harris, Bryant, etc... Nye's voting list features Rider player, Rider player, Rider player, etc...
  19. I'm a pretty big proponent of giving people second chances and opportunities. I have very little patience for the manufactured indignity social media provides on a daily basis. And even with that as my baseline, everything about this felt wrong. Some second chances need to be earned. No penance, no contrition, seemingly no acknowledgement that this was a thing that happened and a mistake needs to be owned. Nothing other than avoiding the spotlight for a relatively short period of time. A wrongful dismissal suit? As in, he feels he is partly a victim in all of this? Sometimes a person has to step up and admit that of the many ways a terrible situation could be handled, he picked a bad one motivated solely out of self-interest, and made that terrible situation even worse. The bigger the stage, the more necessary it is to step up. He hasn't, even though all he'd be doing is admitting he is human and flawed like the rest of us. I hope he finds a path to walk where he has the opportunity to earn his second chance. The first step on that path isn't going to be having an old friend gift you a job in the CFL.
  20. All 3 stars go to Matt Nichols for his remarkable ability to throw the ball accurately to Clarence Denmark, despite Denmark being an invisible receiver. Honourable mention to the Als secondary, who somehow managed to be near Denmark constantly despite his invisibility. Remarkable fortune on their part. And the Happy Honky goes to Denmark himself, who according to some had discovered an invisibility formula, which is a really big deal. I'm surprised the media hasn't mentioned it. Maybe it'll be on Shark Tank next season. Sorry, Dragon's Den.
  21. Oh good, another potashhole found his way here! Yippee! Keep your (You're?) LDC game, we don't want it, and go away. This has become the Friday sadness thread...
  22. That was the first time I've muted a Bomber game.
  23. Now now, the only reason the CFL has survived the last 100 years is because gappers finally started giving a **** about their team in 1989. So much so that they had enough **** to share with Paul McCallum's lawn.
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