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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. My urge to double check any of my on-3-hours-sleep ramblings was admittedly very low. That Jacquie's job.
  2. Considering where they were at the start of the year compared to where they are now, combined with what seems to be a generally weak field outside of Dickenson and OShea, I'd have no problems with giving Jones that third spot for Coach of the Year nominations. We're talking about June Jones, right?
  3. No one needed to chant Riders Suck because it was self-evident. For real. No one cared about them. They weren't our rivals, they were insignificant. They went something like 20 years without hosting a playoff game. Prior to '88, they had won two Grey Cups in their history. Averaged around 18,000 fans for most of those years. They were the most sad-sack team imaginable. Edmonton and BC were the teams that stood in the Bombers way on the road out of the West. That's why they got the business. Why people didn't sling grief at the Riders? Maybe that's like asking why people don't critique Dancing Gabe's dance moves. Who is the shine coming off of when that happens?
  4. Hmmm. I agree with this: But I disagree with this: So...bacon is yummy. Consensus should be possible.
  5. He was re-signed this last offseason. I don't recall if it was for one year or two, but I'd lean heavily towards two. Leaning and breathing heavily are my specialties. I'd say he'd get signed by someone if he hits free agency, but I don't believe he's scheduled to become a free agent, and if he was, I suspect the Bombers would attempt to extend him.
  6. Andrew Harris is already the focus of this offence. They already look his way most of the time. It won't be substantially increased. If they wanted him to have even more touches, Flanders would not be playing.
  7. Welcome to MBB, Mr. and Mrs. Straughan.
  8. That's who Masoli is! The love child of Nealon Greene and Tim Tebow! Jokes aside, Masoli playing QB is the byproduct of coaches sticking their best athletes at the most important position. It makes sense until you get to the professional level, where everyone on the field is a great athlete. If he'd spent the last 4 years playing receiver he might be in the NFL right now. He's a great athlete, not a great QB.
  9. I think he is a NI who went undrafted, yet somehow got on the NFL radar and ended up with Detroit for a while. The Bombers put him on their neg list and got him signed after the Lions released him. That's the backstory I remember hearing from the usual suspects here who pay attention to all that stuff. And of course, the signing of a NI player who was in the NFL brings the usual blip of hype here, even if it was only for a cup of coffee. He may be less talented than Derek Jones. He may be more. Potential future ratio-breaker? Potentially. He's a project for now, earning his stripes on teams duty.
  10. Annual event. Practise roster gets expanded. Expect half of these guys to be back for mini-camp next year. Perhaps one or two will get a look late in the season, but not likely since we're having a season where those late games will still matter. Dom Davis' job is not in any jeopardy.
  11. We're playing one tomorrow. I doubt that he'll ever be successful, but he's won a few games.
  12. Ehlers is the most highly skilled player on the Jets roster. He has a 60 point season under his belt and in my opinion hasn't even come close to putting it all together yet. To lock up a key piece at a price this cap-friendly is great news for this franchise.
  13. He has a broken hand, so if he thinks he's only a few weeks away from healed up then getting in some cardio is a sound idea.
  14. Fun with google: So big Nate was in 2007, and he lost that job to the previously mentioned by atomic Jerome Haywood. Also would have lost it to a well-positioned Gatorade cooler. http://www.cbc.ca/sports/football/blue-bombers-release-nate-davis-1.655494 Yeah, he was a good one. But none of them had any longevity lining up beside Brown. One or two seasons, then replaced.
  15. Nate Davis was a failed experiment, sometime around 2006.
  16. There was a stretch of time where we kept cycling thru DT's to play next to Doug Brown. No one ever stuck. I think Denny Fortney might have been the best of the bunch, but he only got two seasons with the club before he was replaced.
  17. Every time Tanev steps on the ice, he is the hardest working player on the ice, for either team. He is 100% maximum effort, every second of every shift. That's why Maurice likes him. The Jets were 6th best in goals scored last year. They were 4th worst in goals against. Whomever ends up on the bottom two lines, they first and foremost cannot be a defensive liability.
  18. Bran flakes, lime jello and mutton? I'm going to say something I've never said before and may never say again - good job Bo!
  19. For some reason I remember him averaging 1.8 yards per carry that game...which is an oddly specific number for my brain to spit out at me. Meth. Go figure. Edit - see above for non-meth numbers. Double edit - apparently that is 1.75 yards per carry. Keep using meth kids! Williams was a decent enough back, it's more that his run straight ahead battering-ram style didn't take advantage of how much space there is on a CFL field. He could have done more up here if he had waited on his blocks once in a while, and maybe don't go A gap every time. I expect very little from Richardson. It's not like he washed out of the NFL because his skill set wasn't suited to their big game and he's a tweener who's better suited here. He was physically well-suited for the NFL and just plain sucked, which points to not getting the mental side of it. What will a big guy with bad study habits and/or a poor understanding of the X's and O's accomplish in the CFL? Probably a lot less than Williams.
  20. Like my lovemaking, puns should elicit a chuckle of pity and a slight groan of displeasure.
  21. That's Dee's fault. Puns are one thing, constantly adding layers of complexity to the delivery is just unnecessary. We need low hanging fruit. Not onions that need layers peeled back. Onions are disgusting. LOW FRUIT!!! Edit: Look at this: That is one laaaaaazy pun. No effort required on the reader's part. Or the writer's. That is embarrassingly bad, the way a pun should be.
  22. During the years they were both on the team, Sellers was used as the receiving back more often than Roberts. I'm a Willard fan, so Harris is my kind of RB. Comparing Harris to Roberts is like comparing apples to a Mardi Gras float. Those 8-1/2 seasons of Roberts were special. There was no one like him and probably never will be. We were lucky to get to experience that. That said, Harris is the kind of back who can put this team on his shoulders and win us a championship. Roberts was never that. Harris all the way.
  23. Byfuglien will get 10 penalties per season essentially for being really big.
  24. I'm going to say it was gbill, for no other reason than gbill demands credit for all FIRSTs. This should get him thru till spring.
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